Come Play At Your Local Pokémon League


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Professor Sycamore

Active Member
When it comes to decks, my mind keeps on ticking. I'm always thinking about my next deck idea and I'm not sure what's missing.

4-2-4 Empolean DP
4-4 Octillery MT
2x Castaway
3x Cessation Crystal
4x Rare Candy
4x Celio's Network
2x Holon Mentor
2x Steven's Advice
1x Scott
1x Battle Frontier
1x Strength Charm
2x Team Galactic's Wager
2x TV Reporter
4x Double Rainbow
2x Scramble
11x :water:

Strategy: This deck is meant to go JFK on my opponents.... Snipe.(If you don't get this joke, you need to pick up a history book). I also put in some disruption w/ c. crystal. I feel i need something else (or overlooked something) I appreciate any feedback.
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- 1 cessation crystal
- 1 castaway
- 2 tv reporter
- 2 windstorm

+ 2 galactic bet
+ 2 stevens advice
+ 2 of your choice unless windstorm has a purpose but not much should hurt you
thanks for the sugesstion i may have been going overkill on the crystals I'll give it shot
I'm thinking about a 1-1 or 2-2 of a :fire: or :fighting: pokemon to cover my Weaknesses :grass: and :lightning. any more suggestions?
You should use Scramble energy since your strat is to snipe. Replace 3 of the DRE with Scramble, and take out a water for a second DRE

12 Water
3 Scramble

more fixes

- 2 Windstorm - really no point in here
+ 1 Galactics
+ 1 Castaway

- 1 Scott
- 1 Strength Charm

+ 2 TVR

you need more than just 2 draw

other than that, looks decent without making any major changes.
I really like Rayquaza d and Holon WP in empoleon decks. And Mantine from Mysterious Treasures is great too. Have you tried those out?
Also consider another Prinplup. He's a very good sniper, and can put 10 damage on each of your opponent's pokemon, which is very good in this type of deck. He's better than just a stage 1 to evolve into a stage 2.
Glacia's Stadium can cover your weakness, as can Ray d (HP) with a Holon WP on him. As mentioned above Mantine gives you more options during the match, even if you are playing Cess. Crystal and gives you another decent starter.
Ive taken all the opinions into account. thanks every1. Any more suggestions will be highly appreciated.

And also, Where online can i see the cards from Secret Wonders now?
I would play
3-3-3 Empoleon
4-4 Octillery
4 Cessation Crystal
4 Battle Frontier

Basically you lock the opponent in w/ Cessation or BF, use TGW, pray that you win or your opponent gets a crap hand, and snipe their field like there's no tomorrow.
The Empoleon and Octillery lines are that way cause it really makes it more consistent. Depending on which one you start with, you REALLY REALLY want that T2 Octillery or Prinplup to begin sniping.

Overall, I think 4 BF and 4 Cess. Crystal are NEEDED to beat the Blissey powerhouse deck, cause without Catty's, Happiny's, Blisseys, or Electivire's powers the deck is overall utterly screwed.
You should use Scramble energy since your strat is to snipe. Replace 3 of the DRE with Scramble, and take out a water for a second DRE

Yes true but if he plays Octillery, most likey he will be winning early in the game because most basic Pokemon can't withstand two hits from Octillery. Dre instead?
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