Come Play At Your Local Pokémon League

Electrode-Trollboxing the Meta: a T16 Canadian Nationals Report


New Member
The List:

4 Terrakion NV
2 Zekrom BW
2 Voltorb UD
2 Electrode Prime UD
1 Shaymin UL
1 Smeargle UD

Pokemon total: 12

5 Fighting Energy
4 Prism Energy
3 Lightning Energy
2 Rainbow Energy

Energy total: 14

4 Junk Arm
4 Dual Ball
3 Pokemon Catcher
3 Switch
2 Eviolite
2 Pluspower
2 Exp. Share
2 Level Ball
1 Super Rod
1 Random Receiver

4 Professor Oak’s New Theory
3 Professor Juniper
3 N

I/S/S total: 34

The Strategy:

During testing, I found that this list could get T2 Electrode at least 60% of the time. With 14 energies, the average Energymite returns approximately 1.6+ energies, not counting for the deck thinning if one uses a shuffle-draw supporter in the first few turns which increases this number. In any case, a single energy is all one needs to get the T2 Land Crush, which devastates all Darkrai/Zekeel variants. Against Zekeel and Darkrai decks, getting 2 or more energies on Energymite usually automatically wins the game (barring Tornadus EX) since from that point forward, I can easily stream Land Crush.

Nonetheless, during early testing, most of my games went something like this: Land Crush almost the entire meta for weakness, get down to 2-4 prizes, then get walled by an Eviolited Tornadus EX, at which point I had a near auto-loss. Some fighting variants teched Ruins of Alph, but this is really a sub-standard strategy: Land Crush is still only a 3HKO on an Eviolited Tornadus EX. Although this seems like a "favourable" prize trade, this does not take into account that the Terrakion player has to commit 5 energies (4 with Exp. Share) to the cause (since you must Land Crush at least once) while the Tornadus EX player usually only has to commit 2. This loss of tempo usually leads to a Mewtwo EX being built up to sweep the remaining Terrakions.

Although I had made top 2 at a Battle Road with this deck without Zekrom and with 14 fighting energies (I didn't have enough time to play in the final because I wanted to go to a second Battle Road later in the day), I felt uncomfortable with a poor matchup against such a widely played card.

The Zekrom/Shaymin/Special Energies combo was my solution, which completely reverses the situation and punishes careless Tornadus EX drops. This was particularly effective against people who I had not previously played against. I would hold back on attaching electric energies in my early game while using solely Terrakions - this would usually cause an Eviolited Tornadus EX (or even better, two of them) to be played. At this point, I drop an Eviolited Zekrom, Celebration Wind a couple Prisms and Rainbows over, switch, and Bolt Strike for 2 (sometimes 4) quick prizes.

If Shaymin was not available, I would drop a Zekrom with an energy and an Exp. Share attached, to threaten a retaliatory Bolt Strike if a Terrakion was knocked out, and Outrage if Zekrom was catchered - both of which are serious issues for Tornadus EX.

Freed from the shackles of Exp. Share (seriously, look at the card & tell me that thing looks comfortable), I could use Eviolite (usually meant for Zekrom) on Terrakion as well, making the big guy safe from Pluspower Bolt Strikes and X-Balls - a luxury not available in typical Quad Terrakion lists.

Sone Exp. Shares were still necessary to keep the energies from Energymite on the board. Shaymin was also sometimes used for this purpose, moving energies from a damaged Terrakion to a fresh one, followed by Switch.

Although I don’t run Skyarrow Bridge, I found that others ran it enough to add in a Smeargle of my own - I almost always only used it when the Bridge was out. In any case, I ran 3 switches.

I will post my Swiss, T32, and T16 match reviews later today.
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Ahaha comeing from you that made me laugh pretty hard.

Does he at least deserve such short remarks?

^ Yes.

As much as top 16 is a good accomplishment, I know of a lot of players who were very displeased with your SOTG. Like when you had a close game with Jacob and rubbed it into his face, or just the way you walked around flaunting your wins, it just wasn't needed. Hopefully you will learn and become a tad more modest (I have been there too, just try). Thanks

I'm sorry, I thought that rubbing wins in was proper behaviour based on Jacob's actions after our games at Battle Roads. I think someone is just a bit bitter about having revenge served at Nationals.

In any case, if celebrating wins (in any competitive endeavour) is wrong, then I don't want to be right. For I expect exactly the same from those who beat me - I congratulate them and let them bask in their earned glory.
I'm sorry, I thought that rubbing wins in was proper behaviour based on Jacob's actions after our games at Battle Roads. I think someone is just a bit bitter about having revenge served at Nationals.

In any case, if celebrating wins (in any competitive endeavour) is wrong, then I don't want to be right. For I expect exactly the same from those who beat me - I congratulate them and let them bask in their earned glory.

Seriously? 'Bask in their earned glory?' We're playing Pokemon; you don't need to tell everybody how great your deck is when you win or rather how lucky they are when you lose. Whether or not Jacob rubbed in his wins against you at battle roads isn't the issue, but rather how little self confidence you have that you would remember it for so long and even consider it an issue where you must take revenge for the humiliation he caused you. Grow up.
Apparently, you remembering things from a week ago is okay, but remembering things for a month is an example of little self-confidence. Please inform me of appropriate amount of time after an event for which it is okay to recall things so that I do not go around humiliating myself in the future. Is 8 days okay? How about the 9th? Certainly not the 10th!

You know what's worse than being a sore winner? A sore loser.

---------- Post added 07/07/2012 at 10:37 PM ----------

BTW trolling you guys online is almost as fun as trolling at tournaments!
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Bud, right after you beat me , you jumped around , saying "I WON!!!" , shook my hand , then proceeded to heavy breth, for the next 5 minutes in front of Marvin our PTO... your classy. I even told you "Hey, you really know how to take a win". Then you had the audacity to tell me "Good luck, TROLL DECKS FTW'!!" ? Like man, don't quit your day job for Pokemon here... I'm 16, your like 20 something? Don't even know your age . But I don't recall being unspirited at a BR.,, sorry man, I don't have mad dance moves like you do :p oh well !
Apparently, you remembering things from a week ago is okay, but remembering things for a month is an example of little self-confidence. Please inform me of appropriate amount of time after an event for which it is okay to recall things so that I do not go around humiliating myself in the future. Is 8 days okay? How about the 9th? Certainly not the 10th!

You know what's worse than being a sore winner? A sore loser.

---------- Post added 07/07/2012 at 10:37 PM ----------

BTW trolling you guys online is almost as fun as trolling at tournaments!

the only one who really got trolled here is you. you got eliminated in t16 by someone with half a deck

one person's idiotic actions doesn't represent an entire nation.

he will never represent canada at worlds...ever
So this nationals, we decided to test in our secret testing area where Bidier kept checking into on facebook =.=. We tested pretty much all night and I was pretty secure with my list until 4 am the morning of. I quickly changed to a makeshift CMT list with potions and left it at that. Got to nationals with my list written on a piece of paper and looked around for some Mewtwos for the team. Met up with some friends there, and picked up some Lucario Sleeves from my friend Chris V. Started unsleeving them during my Bye with Simon. Rest of the team won their first match I believe and were off to a good start... now onto the report.

Round 2: Vs. ????
oh boy, I forgot. I just know that I won this match.

Round 3: Vs. Bryan C.
He started oddish, and I got the turn 1 Tornadus Donk on him. Always a good time playing against you though. Half the time was spent laughing at that oddish =) Sorry bud.

Round 4: Vs. Emp. Terrak
I had a faint idea of what to do here, I mean I knew his deck didn't run Mewtwo.. and I knew if I set it up I would have a good chance of winning. Yet.... I didn't set it up? I kept trying to look for my maxpotion and potions to keep Tornadus alive. In the end he just killed all my celebis and terrakions and by the time he had 1 prize left he still had 3 Junk Arms left in his deck =.=. I threw this game pretty badly, but it was a pleasure to play against you man =)

Round 5: Vs. Skylar, CMT
I whiffed on the Turn 1 Tornadus, but he didn't have a good set up at all. He played mostly the regular tornadus and he opted to attack with them instead with the EX. I kept my potions and max potions steady with my EX and swept his field pretty easily. Good game man.

Round 6: Vs. Klingklang Vileplume
I got the turn 1 Tornadus EX in this matchup, but he still managed to get a klingklang up. However, I shaymined 3 energies onto my terrakion to OHKO his Darkrai and leave his board with no energies. I won shortly after. It was a pleasure to play against you though.

Round 7: Vs. Zekeels
He went first and got set up with a lot of tynamos around. I tried to outspeed him by going aggro with my Tornadus EX. I whiffed on everything possible. At one point he left my Tornadus with 10 HP left after a miscalculation on his attack (he used blow through instead of the other attack thinking he could save an energy). I max potioned the Tornadus and began to turn the game around. I eventually shaymined all my energies onto my mewtwo, catchered up his and Ned him for 3. I drew a juniper off my prizes =.= (the only one left in my deck) and he was able to portrati for it and JUniper himself into his last mewtwo and take 2 prizes. He still had 1 prize left, and I had 2. All I needed was my last mewtwo and I had 4 cards left in my deck for the last 2 energies needed to win. Alas, my mewtwo is my last prize and I flipped it over. GG man.

Round 8: Vs. Geneses P. Klingklang
Joked around a lot, caused Judge Paul to come our way a lot and give us warnings lol for being too excited about the game. Sigh =P. I kept the pressure on his Ex's. He managed to keep max potionined and spreading with Kyogre. I potion and eviolite my celebi's to stop that nonsense and shaymined 9 energies onto my active Mewtwo to KO his kyogre and sweep his energies. GG Shoulda played Vileplume

Round 9: Vs. Alexander S. Darkrai Terrak
FIRST OF THE DAY! Finally a Darkrai matchup. And Alex is a pretty chill guy, so it was nice to play him in the final match. I just met him that day, and it was unfortunate that we had to play for top cut, but it was a really good game nonetheless. It came down to him having to portrait me for a trainer. He had used Juniper that turn and he needed the N. I had an Oak's in my hand, and the Shaymin Mewtwo for the final KO on prizes. GG man.

Top 32, Top 16, and Top 8 matches.... too tired. Will update later. Thanks for reading guys!

Thanks to the team for always being supportive, and for the community for making the newer players feel welcomed. Congrats to Zach for making it so far from 32nd seed and Curtis for taking it all with our secret Troll deck that we built at our secret location that Bidier checked into. It all worked out man... they fell for it, We needed those extra energies to gain the advantage. Those junkarms just got in our way.
So this nationals, I was really worried and couldn't decide what to play for Nationals. Darkrai was the consensus #1 deck but I was certain everybody else knew this and would be preparing hard-counter decks. Despite all of this I went with Darkrai/Terrakion.

So tournament comes and I get my 2 byes for winning regionals so I was off to a good start 2-0

Round 3: Durant

He unfortunately had a durant prized and couldn't dig it out with his rotom. I eventually set up and take my 6 prizes. I think I was really fortunate because if that Durant wasn't prized, chances are I lose. 3-0

Round 4: Darkrai/Terrakion

I went first this match which is huge in the mirror. We both had bad hands and were portraiting each other for nothing. I managed to draw the first supporter and set up while getting rid of my supporters with junk arms. I took a huge lead and he just wasn't able to make the comeback. 4-0

Round 5: Zekeel

Before this match up, everybody was joking around about the battle between Eastern Canada regional champ and Western Canada regional champ. I had to represent my region and take out the victory which is what I did in the end. I had a slow start to his relatively decent start. He had control of the match up until he made a mathematical error and outraged my eviolited darkrai for only 60 damage, making it highly unlikely for a bolt strike knock out. I eventually set up and take the close victory. 5-0

Round 6: Troll Deck

I'm facing my good buddy and previous national champion. The match was quite relaxed and even though I lost, it was fun. He managed to get a T2 Landorus set up. In the end I came up short mainly because my last 3 remaining prizes were junk arms which would've been nice earlier. 5-1

Round 7: Quad Entei

I somehow managed to get intel on what she was playing earlier and was prepared for a tough match up. Unfortunately, she drew absolutely dead. I think she drew maximum 2 energies, no supporters a bunch of catchers, junk arms, and switches so I was able to take the win. I learned I had to take these kinds of wins because as easily as it happened to her, it could happen to me. 6-1

Round 8: Darkrai/Terrakion

Last round, both of us are in top cut so tensions are at an all time low. The mirror progresses and eventually I take the victory. After the match he flips over his prizes and shows me both terrakions prizes so I dodged a close one.

T32: Darkrai/Terrakion

I met aaron couple nights before and he was a cool guy so the match up was chill. I always enjoy these matches against people who aren't uptight. Unfortunately I drew dead game 1 and lost within 3 turns to a manually charged up darkrai..

Game 2 came down to a play that I think was considered a misplay. It's 2-2 in prizes we both have darkrais on the bench. I have a junk arm 2 energies in hand and a terrakion with a fighting energy. I need to catcher up the darkrai and attach for a retaliate K.O but I don't have enough cards to do it. I decided to take the risky play and attach the energy and portrait hoping for a supporter. I obviously whiff and he top decks into a catcher and land crushes my benched darkrai. The better move would be to portrait first and then junk arm into a random receiver hoping not to draw into my last copy of N.

I came 18th overall and got 4 CP out of it and whiffed on my ratings invite coming in at 42nd in North America.

Congrats to everybody who showed up and I'm extremely pleased to see the growth in this game ever since I started playing 2 years ago. Good luck to all the Canadians that will e at worlds and hope you guys can manage to show Canadians can keep up with the rest of the world.