Pokémon TCG: Sword and Shield—Brilliant Stars

En nomine patris, et filii...et spiritus sancti (2 gc reports)


New Member
ok i just got back from 2 GCs, and i am wiped so im gonna get to the report, BTW the title doesnt mean 2 gc reports ; D

we arrive to the tournament like 45 minutes early, andi get a deck list and filil my deck out from memory ; p

round 1

im not sure what this deck was cuz it had rockets scyther,meditites and golems, but i started with lugia ; (.i manually build it twice and take 3 prizes , flipping heads on every silver sparkle ;P...finally i get mentor setup and i think lugia dies eventually and i promote blastoise kill the golem, then kill the last scyther to end it.


round 2
umm yeah so he starts with a fossil i attach an energy wishing star and pass,flip tails on sleep check.he DOESNT bench a pokemon ; (im so sad..so of course i flip tails again..i mentor setup and passthe he tvrs and benches 2 koffings from TR and passes , i wake up ; D um i attach to onix and evolve to pidgeot and ko the fossil, he sends up koffing and passes, i ko that, he sends up the other one and i switch/ retreat pidgeot and ko it to win ; D.


round 3 miss nancy with jynxfett
yeah i start with onix which is extremely GOOD against jynx and T3 steelix with a mentor setup...and after that she is behind on energy , because she had to manually build jynx without DRE..so i start mudslideing the wobbs so i can pull of a switch retreat combo with pidgeot if need be...her desert ruins and cursed stones are peckin at me, she gets a good TMR to ko my onix and devo my pidgeot, but she didnt know ihad RC for the pidgeot again, so i do that QS RC to steelix then rain rain attach andko her jynx, shes got nothin left so its over.


i must give props to nancy for an awesome comeback, its just her only being able to attach one aturn and do small status conditions that i easily get out of with switch/island cave did her in ; (

round 4 brother with mirror ; (
i start with jirachi and so does he only difference is i have 2 RCs in my hand, so T2 i candy pidgeot .... but he does the same on his turn and i am struggling to get steelix powered up but he gets one before me, so he mudslides it, and i drop lugia and KO steelix, he sends out blasty KOs me, i retreiver KO him, i think he did the same (retreiver RC blastoise KO) then i belive i retreiver again and ko blasty ; D.


round 5 steve with his dsl
i dont know how much info is out on this deck so ill just say he started with like a latias and i start with jirachi mentor, i take 3 prizes before he koes something, so i win a little while later...sorry steve


oh NO! curse of first again...

T8 diana s with mirror/latias *
uh game one is over fast cuz i jirachi mentor setup and she is stuck with like squirtle or pidgey i get steelix out ASAP and mudslide her lugia..next is squirtle then pidgey then i think she scoops.

game two she starts with lugia but goes second so she draws and switchs to jirachi, attachs to lugia, i setup and pass, flip heads on sleep check... i think T3 i get blastoise/pidgeot/ steelix mudslide on the lugia, she surprises me and retrievers it then benches it with an energy, so i mudslide it again, and she is stuck with like pidgeotto jirachi and squirtle so she draws flips tails on sleep check and pass, i mudslide squirtle, next turn win.


trent c with a intresting version of the deck
he runs like alot of attacking basics and he goes elms RC pidgeot T2 anext turn elms rare candy pidgeot so he is totally setup i mentor and see latias star and lugias on the bench with my setup just crippled, there is no way i can even up the prize trade off to win so i scoop.

game 2
is opposite i get setup fast and mudslide his squirtles away... he tries staging a comeback with latias, but i RC an extra pidgeot and clutch it with the other after that t steelix taking 1 to 2 prizes a turn is to much...

game 3
yeah so its more or less like game 2 he makes a crucial missplay and PK reversals up lugia instead of blastoise, KOs it then realizes what hes done, i retreiver retreat pidgeot and ko his blastoise leaving me with 2 prizes i believe...on his turn he sees the steelix fully powered on the bench and benches a mew, regirock and a lugia and is like "take your pick " lol and shakes my hand.

gg dude

T2 heather with lunasol ; ( i think this matchup is slightly in lunasols favor but i dont test it alot soo i could be wrong

game one i get steelix out and mudslide every lunatone that hits the bored and she misses the T1 energy drop btw, so she is a turn behind to attack every turn...

game 2 she gets T2 60,60,60,60, i try to make a comeback making it 2 all in prize count but its not eneough desert ruins and cursed stone eat my guys ; (

game 3 is more or less the same, at one point i can win it with a INSANE draw of switch steelix/ giant stump/ wartortle ; p, but that would be crazy and i try to counter her stadium, time is called and i take a lunatone, she sends up a basic drops cursed stone and thats game.

btw this report doesnt give heather credit, she played well all day ,taking out steve s , my brother and me, in the top cut games, and i really didnt see any misplays, so yeah she deserved the win...

so even though we are friends im a little disapointed that i lost, and prepare for day 2.

rick lets us stay the night at his house, which is incredible btw...and we getup eat at mcdonalds and head off to the tournament.

round 1 trent c
i kinda go for the same strat(prize rush) which works very well againsthis deck, seeing as he has latias to even it out late game if i dont kill enough early..i get setup , his jirachi hangs for like 5 sleep checks and i win.


game 2mirror
both mentors prized GG.i try for the comback which almost happens, at one point i can win next turn but a killer admin hits me and i wiff on a holons pokemon to win.


game 3 brother with mirror
zomg its a conspiracy he is the 2-0 to get paired down and i am the 1-1 to get paired up ; p..yeah i get setup quicker than him and i win ; D


game 4 pidgeot d vileplume ex.
are you CEREAL! anti lbs deck? i was fearing this matchup because i have no mew ; (. but ya i get T2 bird, turtle , and snake and ko something and after that steelix is on a roll ; D.he confueses me with vex, i rain rain and RETREAT THE STEELIX EX thats right i said it RETREAT THE STEELIX EX
to do 200 to vex for the win ; D.


game 5 steve s mirror with latias tech
i T1 blastoise 80,80,80 then mentor and setup steelix and he scoops.


T8, nido queen..yay
i am fearing this matchup as well , no mew, no blissey...

first game his deck just goes OFF, i scoop like 8 turns in, flip my prizes revealing both mentor are prized again ; p

second game, reverse my deck goes off and i win.

game 3 same for me, i go turbo blastoise and set 2 up holding the island cave for when he toxics, i ko his guys fast, and win ; D.

T4 salazzar
lol he doesnt even care if he wins at this point he is like insanely tired, he quick searchs for steelix thinking it was lugia and he has no onix ;p...

game 2 is the same, every time he benchs a lugia it gets mudslided and j win about 8 turns in ; D

T2 vs my brother
game 1 he gets a castform start and draw passes till i win ; (

game 2 a onix start and i get a T 3 kill with wartortle.sorry bro ; (

lol he conceded

umm yeah so i WON A TRIP!!yayyyyyayawootfordfocus 111!!

in retrospect a latias * would have made every game easier but i couldnt find one....soo lol

clay for letting us go with him
heather for winning day one
nick for winning day one
benney for winning day one!
rick for letting us stay at his UBER house
me and brother for being on opposite sides of the brackets till the end ;D
not having 1 single game of mine being decided on time ; D
bro for conceding

chris for making me put set number on stuff ;P
me playing up against my brother ; P
steven for kicking me in the butt ; (
air matresses for deflating in my sleep ; p
hulk hogans son nick for being annoying lol
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Adam - or is it Carlos- j/k

You worked hard for that win. You and your brother did it 2 days in a row
2 Top Cuts and on different sides of the bracket :eek:

Congrats to you both :clap: -
Carlos will get his

cya at Nats? If not, then in Cali
congrats i'm happy you won since me,both schells,and heather already had trips. plus all my guys were eliminated by then. good job i know you wanted it so bad so congrats and see ya at nats? worlds fo sho.
spartan-104 said:
game 3 brother with mirror
zomg its a conspiracy he is the 2-0 to get paired down and i am the 1-1 to get paired up ; p..yeah i get setup quicker than him and i win ; D

Ya, the conspiracy didn't work! Pairing us in the Swiss both days in a row merely placed us at opposite ends of the T8 brackets!
GG bro
Team M. ftw
Yay for trips... I wish I had one. (maybe if I got to go to more than 2 GCs?) Have fun losing to my lunasol list? I bet you did.
Very nicely done, *Slice*! It was fantastic to hear you and your bro in the top together, but only one could win.. Nicely done though =)
lol ryan i meant lunasol ; P OOPs

yayay colin, sorry you played venucenter ; (

thanks kettz i almost had to *slice* but i won on sunday so i didnt ; D

EDIT:if anybody is interested, i just played my brother to see who would win, and i won it ;D
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You and your bro are great players and people! u r welcome at my digs anytime, I'm glad u won after that intense t-2 with heather sat. Your bro is my hero and wins the sport of the gym award...........ya have to collect it at nats! ( it is a signed card by yours truly!)
gj, Adam, keep training bro!
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hey thanks rocketman for the kind words ; D

lol yeah it is ttar

heather- i hope it didnt seem as if i was angry , its just i dont talk alot whenever its a high stakes game : P.i am glad you also have your trip after coming so close all year last year.