Pokémon TCG: Sword and Shield—Brilliant Stars

Event Promotion Tips


Active Member
Hello, with another season of OP coming up, I'd like to list some ways to promote your tournaments.

1. Community Calenders are your friend

Contact every TV station, radio station, and newspaper in your area-online and by mail. Here's a sample letter I use for prereleases:

Your Address (minus name)​
Their Address

Dear Sir or Madam:

I wish to inform you that on (date), (Location) in (City) will hold a Pokémon Trading Card Game (type of tournament) tournament. The event will cost players (Price) to enter. Registration starts at (registration time) , and the tournament starts at (start time) .

(explain tournament format - if limited, state cards will be provided)

The event is a single tournament divided into three age groups (ten and under, eleven to fourteen, and fifteen and up). (Prizes) .

First released in the US in 1998, the Pokémon Trading Card Game continues to be one of the best-selling trading card games, with over 200 leagues in the United States alone, and a World Championship in Orlando, FL in August 2004 featuring players from over 20 countries. (Update as neccesary)

For more info on this event, you can go to pokemon-tcg.com, (your contact info). I would appreciate any coverage you could give (community calendar, news stories, etc.).



2. Use the flyers, Luke!

Distribute flyers wherever possible- stores, libraries, you name it. Get these things out! Any civically minded establishment is a good place to start.

3. Contact nearby leagues

Some people don't read the listings outside their own area. Contact them.

Any others
I'm actually thinking of posting some stuff in my HS of 4000 population, you never know who/what might show up from there. Also, try places where lots of people tend to gather: I personally like the grocery store (doesn't really check their billboards regularly, easy to sneak something on there) and a family restaraunt in the area that nearly everybody goes to at least once a week.
If you're gunna hang fliers, make sure you have permission from whoever owns the places that you choose to hang them. If you hang them somewhere you shouldn't, they'll probably be taken down, and all you'll have accomplished is a waste of paper.