Pokémon TCG: Sword and Shield—Brilliant Stars

French National - Paris


New Member
The French National has been run June 20 in Paris.

The players were all qualified at regionals, and the level was very good.
I've finished third, losing only against my friend Fred Entenmann who finished second. The winner, Cyrille Buono, lost only once too, against me :D
But he took the first place because of a draw I've made against the champion of the reflexion. 3 minutes to think about what he's gonna do during his turn is quite long, especially when there are 5 minutes remaining and that I only have 1 prize to take to win. But that poor guy thinks maybe very slow. :p

Nevermind, the winner deserved to win. Very good player and very cool guy. I'm happy for him and I wish him good luck, and a lot of fun in Orlando

That tournament, run by the French distributor Asmodee, was perfectly run. And it was not always easy because most of the players played with cards in French, which are not always the same as the English ones (different translations for Rare Candy, Gardevoir or Gardevoir EX for example).

Thse guys have offered to their players a great National ... and they have accepted foreign players, which is not the case everywhere ;)

Congrats, and thanks to them. I hope it will be the beginning of a new successfull era for our game in France. :clap:
I do hope so too... Congrats to Cyrille, I did not play against him, but he seemed nice. I also had a draw owing to a slow-thinker, as you had, Michel. I'm sad you're not (and I'm not) the great winner, but we had a lot of fun. I hope to see you again, maybe next year? I may go to Belgium too, why not?

Otherwise my report is on this board!
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how are those cards different in french than in english? GJ on your 3rd place, sounds like the event was fun
It's just that the cards are bad-translated... Like Psy Burst : "Does 10 damage times the number of energy CARDS attached to Gardevoir and the Defending Pokémon", and there are other things like that...
In Italy too we have same troubles with translations.. Hopefully this will end cause I'm checking every new translation before printing the cards... but R/S and SS have errors and now need an errata :\
congrats to you french people...maybe you can help me speak your language when you come to Worlds. Anyways yet again congrats to all of you and i look forward to seeing you all at Worlds
Marcello-Milord said:
In Italy too we have same troubles with translations.. Hopefully this will end cause I'm checking every new translation before printing the cards...

You are??? That's great! NOW THAT is progress. Not to hijack this thread (Congratulations to Cyrille and consolations to Michel & Lev & the rest) but wow! We've needed 'player review' of the cards before printing going back to WoTC days. I'd love to know how this change happened and congratulations on getting it accomplished.