Pokémon TCG: Sword and Shield—Brilliant Stars

Getting rid of an LD


New Member
I’ve grown increasingly dissatisfied with the UK’s local distributor, the place for games LTD.

Having made a fudge of points and prizes for Cities and Regionals, left their website to rot for 6 months, and then fail to respond to anyone’s e-mails and telephone calls - I seriously question their desire to run the game and mine to play it.

So I want to know how do we go about changing our LD, if it is at all possible.
High Wycombe Regionals and Nationals featured 90 minute+ delays while yu-gi-oh and MtG players enjoyed a cramped tourney. What did you think Kempley?
To be fair to them, Nationals was only delayed cos of Nigels unfortunate trip over the laptop lead. Unforeseeable really.
But to more abstractly pose the question- is there actually a way to remove an LD?
Perhaps not officially, but someone could make a new, far better one that goes on to replace the old one, if you get what I'm saying...
Okay guys and gals, I am as much a critic of TPfG as anyone and there is no doubt that this season; 2006-2007, things have been the worse we have seen since WotC lost the contract for OP.

However we do need to make sure we talk some sense on the boards and make sure we get our facts right.

With that in mind please remember:

1. Thats Pokemon forGotten are not the Local Distributor for the UK, that job is down to Esdevium Games at the moment and as far as any of us TOs can tell Esdevium then contract TPfG to run OP for them in the UK.

2. We all have no idea of why this season has been such a disaster in the UK and we can speculate, blame accuse and moan - heck I have done enough of that too. But I would still like to know why TPfG have sunk so low on delivery. There maybe problems we know nothing about?

That said communication is so bad that TPfG don't manage our expectations or take help from TOs when it is on offer. If they have a problem with delivery there are many of us who would help if only they would let us! And always blaming POP and the US for what seem to be their own shortcomings does not do TPfG any favours.

3. Nationals 2007 was already delayed because of other problems before Nigel pulled out the power lead. But even so players should have been pre-registered and then ticked off the player list as present and then any players not turning up could have been removed from the rosters prior to the tournament starting!

Like London TPfG could have had three laptops with three seperate stations for players to register, one for each age group and if High Wycombe is taken as a warning of what is to come at Nationals then TOs need to take their laptops because at High Wycombe had Ian F not turned up with his laptop TPfG would have been left with no working version of TOM - WHY? Because they had not tested their equipment beforehand!

4. LDs have been removed in the past and POP are bound to be taking an interest in what has happened here in the UK and especially this season where so much has not worked as it should have.

5. Your complaints would be best sent to POP they do listen even if they don't always answer - sometimes that is because they cannot tell you what is going on.

6. There are bound to be things happening that most of us do not yet know about that may impact on UK OP.

7. Keep playing, keep smiling and keep the faith! Your TOs have invested time and money into the game in the UK we are not going to walk away even if the going gets tough!

In the past we have run events without any Official Support - indeed we kept OP in the UK alive for over a year due to help from our friends in the US and donations from players and collectors - plus our own energies and eBay!

We would and will do so again if needed.

8. All of us TOs want to work with our distributors and Local OP Management - They have often refused to work with us, talk to us and especially communicate with us. Even so we still want to make UK OP work!

That's it for now guys and gals but I do think we should maybe put the firebrands and pitchforks away for a bit and concentrate on playing the game, enjoying the game and badgering TPfG for details of Battle Road! LOL
I think its impossible to change a LD without POP having to change it them selfs. So we maybe stuck with TPFG, but in all businesses there is a bleep but rare so i think i will get better next season, so i wouldn't panic to much. However there has been a problem with TPFG through all season but not as bad as this year.
ben said:
Nationals 2007 was already delayed because of other problems before Nigel pulled out the power lead. But even so players should have been pre-registered and then ticked off the player list as present and then any players not turning up could have been removed from the rosters prior to the tournament starting!

Like London TPfG could have had three laptops with three seperate stations for players to register, one for each age group and if High Wycombe is taken as a warning of what is to come at Nationals then TOs need to take their laptops because at High Wycombe had Ian F not turned up with his laptop TPfG would have been left with no working version of TOM - WHY? Because they had not tested their equipment beforehand!

Fair enuff, point taken!! Just out of interest- so if Ian hadnt brought his laptop, might it be possible that we wudnt have *had* a tournament? THAT would have been embarassing!

I think the problem is funding. Carl's comments at HW seem to suggest a lack of available cash in Pokemon OP. I don't know *shrug*

The important thing is we keep turning up to tournaments and keep making them a success. That way no one can argue "why pay attention to pokemon, when nobody is going to events". I personally try to go to as many tournies as possible, and will not be put off by "no prizes".
Fair enuff, point taken!! Just out of interest- so if Ian hadnt brought his laptop, might it be possible that we wudnt have *had* a tournament? THAT would have been embarassing!

Worse still running without TOM or on another OP Programs software would have invalidated the tournament

I think the problem is funding. Carl's comments at HW seem to suggest a lack of available cash in Pokemon OP. I don't know *shrug*

Funding is an issue but giving details to TOs on time, getting info to POP on time is not about funding its about attitude and commitment.

The important thing is we keep turning up to tournaments and keep making them a success. That way no one can argue "why pay attention to pokemon, when nobody is going to events". I personally try to go to as many tournies as possible, and will not be put off by "no prizes".

Good for you :D Keep playing and watch the skies!
7. Keep playing, keep smiling and keep the faith! Your TOs have invested time and money into the game in the UK we are not going to walk away even if the going gets tough!

In the past we have run events without any Official Support - indeed we kept OP in the UK alive for over a year due to help from our friends in the US and donations from players and collectors - plus our own energies and eBay!

We would and will do so again if needed.

Very valid comment. I doubt I would stop playing, but the continued lack of communication and what real gets to me - respect, is starting to get on my nerve.
I only joined last October, so I've only seen bad whereTPFG is concerned. And naturally, I never liked them. Who runs TPFG anyway?
I only joined last October, so I've only seen bad whereTPFG is concerned. And naturally, I never liked them. Who runs TPFG anyway?

Esdevium Games, funnily enough whenever I have tried to contact them for info they seem just in the dark as us...
Just a slight correction there, Esdevium do NOT run Tpfg. The two are seperate entities, it is just that Esdevium contract out the OP part of it to Tpfg. Whether that contract will be renewed is another question............
Just a slight correction there, Esdevium do NOT run Tpfg. The two are seperate entities, it is just that Esdevium contract out the OP part of it to Tpfg. Whether that contract will be renewed is another question............

We have been told TPfG are a seperate entity but that does not mean that Esdevium do not have a financial finger in TPfG as it were. Right back at the start of POP in the UK Esdevium and Hobby Games the UKs two big Distributors were going to share OP costs but Hobby pulled out because at that time TPfG were a subsiduary of Esdevium!

They didn't see any early delivery and were not going to cough up money to a competitor for nothing

The financial interdependance of Esdevium and TPfG has never been clarified since..

ANd it isn't our business but we do need to be aware that there maybe more strings here than we see at first.
And neither will the financial independance EVER be clarified I suspect! It is true that Esdevium very well might pull a few strings but for business purposes they are registered as seperate and I suspect that if we asked we'd be told where to get off!!
You'd be good at that job of LD ukpokemonpro. Can't you apply somehow?

Now what is it politicians say, I have not been asked but were my country to want me .. LOL

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Mmmm maybe Steve would be a better choice.. after all ...
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Mmmm maybe Steve would be a better choice.. after all ...

Wo wo wo, thats pushing the boat out a bit to far. (well most people would be better then carl anyway). You would be much better then me, just wouldn't think that you would be up to it. Would u?
I don't mind who controls pokemon in the uk, as long as the do a good job at it then im ok.
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