Come Play At Your Local Pokémon League

Gliscor's fakes: Fourteen cards added (6/25)

I had an idea for a mechanic: Evolving basics and stage 1s that can be played as a Trainer Card. The card would count as both a Pokemon and an Item, Stadium, or Supporter when not in play, and whatever it was played as when in play.

In deck building, the card would count as 1 card toward the 60 total, but would count toward the total 4 for both the Trainer and the Pokemon. (So a Snivy/Potion would count as both Snivy and Potion when deck building.)

A card format would be like
Evolution Stage - Pokemon Name - HP - Type

Single Attack

Weakness, Resistance, and Retreat

Illustration containing both the Pokemon and the Item/Supporter/Stadium

Trainer (Type of Trainer)



(The rule for whatever kind of Trainer this is.)

Of course, you would have to keep the effects simple to even fit everything on the card.
They are all well designed with great artwork! Just a few nitpicks/ questions.
- Why does Celebi's ability require you to show the card to your opponent?
- Cresselia-EX's ability in my opinion should work by first knocking Cresslia out (then no extra prize when the pokemon it's attached to is knocked out). I have more to expand on this too.
- Darkrai, 3 cards for a colorless from a Basic seems really cheep...
- Beedrill I think it would be better wording by saying "neither play can retreat his or her active Pokemon."
- Ilex Forest, I really don't like when players can just discard a Pokemon from play preventing their opponent from taking a Prize card(s), especially as easy as this can be used, it just seems THAT cheap to me.
- Swalot, 3 energy for 120 damage with no drawbacks??
- Porygon-z, pretty cool I think the first attack could only use 1 energy though, and Cyber Beam do 80+20 times the number of cards discarded with the effect.
- Absol, really love this one :D
They are all well designed with great artwork! Just a few nitpicks/ questions.
- Why does Celebi's ability require you to show the card to your opponent? No real reason in particular, I just didn't it to be too cheap.
- Cresselia-EX's ability in my opinion should work by first knocking Cresslia out (then no extra prize when the pokemon it's attached to is knocked out). I have more to expand on this too. I like this idea. Helps underpower Cresselia while still making it playable.
- Darkrai, 3 cards for a colorless from a Basic seems really cheep... I wanted Darkrai to be a Pokemon that can be put into any deck while serving as a solid starter. While three cards for a single Energy and doing 10 damage is good, Darkrai seems more of a free prize after the first few turns, really limiting its use. So it is cheap, but has its drawbacks.
- Beedrill I think it would be better wording by saying "neither play can retreat his or her active Pokemon." Nope, I intended the wording the way it is. By using "switch" instead of "Retreat", the opponent can't Catcher around Beedrill, and the player running Beedrill can't play Switch to bring Beedrill to the Bench.
- Ilex Forest, I really don't like when players can just discard a Pokemon from play preventing their opponent from taking a Prize card(s), especially as easy as this can be used, it just seems THAT cheap to me. I understand your point. The original intention for Ilex Forest was to get rid of some useless Pokemon that isn't needed on the Bench anymore (like a bad starter, and something like an Azelf if it was still playable). I'll add something else to tone it down a bit, though. Thanks for pointing that out!
- Porygon-z, pretty cool I think the first attack could only use 1 energy though, and Cyber Beam do 80+20 times the number of cards discarded with the effect. Eh, that will probably be for the better. I'll consider the change.
- Absol, really love this one :D Thanks!

@Anyone else who commented with ideas: Thanks for the ideas. I was eventually able to think of something.

Anyways, four card update. Enjoy your EX's.


And with this update, the Porygon-Z line is now complete. I didn't want the Stage 1 and Stage 2 line to be a complete waste, so I gave this semi-useful Abilities.

Magnemite is kind of reminiscent of the DP Magnemite, and somewhat reminiscent of the Metal SF Magnemite.

Rayquaza-EX, (un)fortunately, isn't anywhere near as good as the official one. It's more of a spreader/sniper, and pairs well with Latias. But the other Rayquaza is still better due to its damage output.
Celebi. + porygon 2 = broken.
Just pick up porygon 2 and repeat, then kill their active.
Maybe say porygon 2s ability can't be used on either porygon 2s or Pokemon with porygon in their name.
Other than that how do you make the cards look so real.
Posted with Mobile style...
Celebi. + porygon 2 = broken.
Just pick up porygon 2 and repeat, then kill their active.
Maybe say porygon 2s ability can't be used on either porygon 2s or Pokemon with porygon in their name.
Other than that how do you make the cards look so real.
Posted with Mobile style...

Very nice find, and thanks for pointing this out! I'll be fixing Porygon2.
As for how I make the fakes look real, it really comes down to practicing. I've been doing this stuff for a while now, so I know the placements of the symbols, text, etc.

Anyways, three card update. None of them are in the fake set or intended to be playable; it's just me experimenting with different stuff.


As I said earlier, I was just doing these to mess around with different effects. Houndoom was to play with HGSS blanks, Yanmega with ex, and Emboar was to mess with someone's new BW blanks. Even though the new BW blanks are higher quality with higher quality symbols, I'll still be sticking to what I've been using for the fake set for the sake of consistency.
Emboar's ability should say "show THEM" because you get 2 fire Pokemon. I like Emboar and Yanmega is just a better Yanmega Prime, but i feel like Houdnoom is held back by not being a Dark type with its discard effect. Amazing artwork though.
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Emboar's ability should say "show THEM" because you get 2 fire Pokemon. I like Emboar and Yanmega is just a better Yanmega Prime, but i feel like Houdnoom is held back by not being a Dark type with its discard effect. Amazing artwork though.

Yeah, I'm aware of Emboar's mistake, but thanks for pointing it out. Yanmega is really intended to be what I wish Yanmega Prime was (and thus the similarities). For Houndoom, I wasn't really making it with the metagame or any cards released in mind. It was really try out the HGSS blanks and the symbols.
Great! That Emboar would revive Reshiboar, and because you have invented something that would bring Reshiboar back, I love you forever.
I agree with Vablakes. The Yanmega and Houndoom are pretty cool and I love Houndoom's artwork. Great job.
Crustle would be evil against Zekeels, Masquerain would be the new Chandelure, and Substitute Energy would make Durant even more dead. You did a great job yet again!
Shouldn't Masquerain be "for each damage counter moved" not each placed?

Also, the Crustles attack name seems kinda weird. Maybe "Reforge Granite"? Iunno

Also, Durant is not dead.
Shouldn't Masquerain be "for each damage counter moved" not each placed?

Also, the Crustles attack name seems kinda weird. Maybe "Reforge Granite"? Iunno

Also, Durant is not dead.

I don't know where you got Masquerain moving the damage counters. Masquerain places damage counters, much like Chandelure (Masquerain is just a much more powerful Chandelure, although it does have a damage drawback).

I like the name "Reforge Granite" a lot more. Thanks!

Speaking of Durant:


I don't think Durant is "dead" by any means. However, I do believe that it will see a sharp decrease in play with the release of Dark Explorers. It has some Eel/Darkness problems, and there is Heatmor in decks that absolutely need a way to deal with Durant, but there should be some Durant players prepared for this. Only time will tell, I guess.

Oh and Manectric is a fun anti-Eel deck.