Pokémon TCG: Sword and Shield—Brilliant Stars

Gust of Wind

They brought back DCE and I'd thought they'd never reprint that!
They pretty much just reprinted Item Finder.
You never know.
^ 4 poketurn, 4 ssu, 4 seeker.

if they do reprint it i think i'd be like a 'behind in prizes' type of card like twins/black belt.
it'd also have to be a supporter
It was good but the best and most broken trainer ever made was Professor Oak. You'll never see it again (in trainer form).
It was good but the best and most broken trainer ever made was Professor Oak. You'll never see it again (in trainer form).

However, they have printed "Professor Araragi" in the Black and White sets in Japan, which is the exact same thing bar the fact that it's a Supporter. (If translations are accurate)
In my opinion Lass is more broken than Oak. After your setup play a lass and then your opponent doesn´t have a lot options to make his setup.
Energy Removal might be the best.

While Energy Removal (and Gust) removed Evolution lines from decks, once everyone started playing Pokemon that had one energy attacks (or two at the most), Energy Removal pretty much vanished from deck builds.
Though, I have to say, when I started up Pokemon again this summer and played against my friend who had metagame competitive experience, Energy and Super Energy Removal was one my most infuriating tactics. :p (I just started, didn't have many cards, so I played Unlimited). Sure, he had ways of searching out his energies and attaching them, but waiting for a full set-up then running in with Super Energy Removal to destroy his Energies really threw him off and gave me turns of stalling, especially after he had used all his search engines.

tl;dr Super Energy Removal was kick-butt. Fun times with that card.
In my opinion Lass is more broken than Oak. After your setup play a lass and then your opponent doesn´t have a lot options to make his setup.
This was true in the past, but it's meaningless now unfortunately. Unlimited is broken to the extent that if you are allowed to play Trainers, you should win immediately. The fact that you're allowed to play a Lass means the game should be over. Instant Win Combo of your choice + Prof Oak + Erika + Item Finder + Junk Arm + Computer Search + PokeDrawer+ + Uxie + Azelf + Scoop Up etc. Game over.

I wonder however, what would be the most broken Trainer, if we thought about the effect it would singularly have on Modified were it made legal.

Energy Removal would break Gyarados :p
Gust of Wind would screw up the entire format and take the Lux out of Luxchomp simply because it would be unnecessary. It would also make SP decks and Gyarados leaps and bounds more powerful because they rely the least on board position.
Prof. Oak would also screw up the entire format. Between that and Junk Arm, it would make decks that are already too fast absurdly faster.
Lass would be some pretty sweet disruption, as it would shuffle all Trainers/Supporters/Stadiums back in because that's how pre-DP wording is interpreted. It might actually make some heavily lock-based decks really doable (I know there are already Sablelock and variants thereof, but that relies on a lot more options than just hand denial. Lass, coupled with things like Weavile and Chatot G, would make straight hand denial incredibly powerful.)

Though not broken in the least, I think they should bring back Clefairy Doll :) I miss my no-prize Fossils.
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