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Help me with fake cards!

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New Member
Ok so i've been going around various threads with cool fake cards and asking for some advice and tips and all that, but, i guess it'd be faster and less annoying to just make a thread about it instead.

That said, if someone would rather make a sticky or something with good links, instructions, and resources for fake cards, that'd be a wonderful idea as well.

Basically, i'm asking for just that. Links, instructions, tips, resources, everything that anyone would need to make fake cards. Fake cards are a cool concept, And I think the reason people have trouble getting into them is cuz they don't know how. I've been dying to break into this and i've finally found a place where such a thing flourishes, awesome!

So, that's it, i'm askin for some help, i've got a boatload of awesome ideas and new pokemon (nothing TOO crazy) so I can't wait to get some cards made!

ALSO! If anyone would like to volunteer their time and expertise at making cards, that'd be wonderful too! Don't worry, I can provide the art and info, if you're a whiz at designing these sweet fake cards, lend me a hand or something!:clap: :lol: :clap:
that site runs really slow, it's a real pain trying to get anything done on there, still, they got what i need, so, that'll have to do. i kinda need to get 2 cards done immedietly so if anyone would like to help that'd be great.
Once don't need help.
Besides, how exactly can someone "help" you?
Grammar, that's about it.
You can get the blank yourself.
You can place the text, energy, etc yourself with the help of a tutorial.
You can find the art on google.
My Guide is your final step, though consult your physician or CaCer about your grammar before making the card. *nod*
by "help" i mean "do them for me since I don't have much time before worlds."

Burninating_torchic, I can tell by your name that you're not exatly the sharpest knife in the kitchen, but, whatever. Don't be a jerk without having a decent reason, besides, you don't even know who you're talking to, so smarten up that mouth of yours, kiddo.

In the meantime, i'll check out some of the guides i've been lead to, and, of course, my first card will be ABSOLUTELY perfect without any trouble, according to burninating_torchic, because it's not hard at all and there's absolutely no need for help, right? Right!

But, if anyone would like to speed up the progress and simply volunteer to do 2 cards for me real quick, dont even worry about the art, that'd be grand, even though, I should be able to whip them together in a few seconds without any trouble whatsoever because it's just that easy, according to burninating_torchic.

Perhaps, since it's just THAT easy, burninating_torchic will volunteer to show me just how easy it is, and do the two cards for me, right? Or, do you not ever put your money where your mouth is?
[sarcasm] Sarcasm clearly is a tool to get people to help you. [/sarcasm] Oh wait, the 'gym doesn't have sarcasm tags... Come on, people, let's try to get along...
Well, there's no need to have people getting flamed for asking for advice. I mean, honestly, a line should be drawn somewhere. Around that area, i'd say, would be nice.
B_T's point is simple. You _don't_ need help. :/ Sounds like you're just being stubborn for the sake of it now, tbh...

And it IS easy. :/
The only dull knife in this topic is you, [R]Visitor.
Where, exactly, did I try to flame you? I didn't.
I'm just trying to help.
The rest of us all have stuff to do. You can't expect to get someone else to do your cards for you.
As forte said, you're just being stubborn.
And yes, if you follow the guides exactly, your first card WILL be perfect, because it really is that easy.
I know, "you don't have the time". But guess what; neither do we. If you can't do it yourself, don't expect to get it done.
I'd prefer not to get the mods involved in this, so I suggest you do not reply to this message.
EDIT: Actually, feel free to reply to this message, just do it over AIM.
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EDIT: Some more advice, don't confirm yourself. It just makes you look like an arrogent Jack***.
by "help" i mean "do them for me since I don't have much time before worlds."
Why do we care about you being in worlds?
Burninating_torchic, I can tell by your name that you're not exatly the sharpest knife in the kitchen, but, whatever. Don't be a jerk without having a decent reason, besides, you don't even know who you're talking to, so smarten up that mouth of yours, kiddo.
Since when does a name imply intelligence? Also, burninating torchic has been a strong member of this forum as well as one of the remaining members of Cacti who has created entire blocks worth of cards. You have only signed up in the past month and know absolutely nothing of card making. I would watch my words if I were you...
In the meantime, i'll check out some of the guides i've been lead to, and, of course, my first card will be ABSOLUTELY perfect without any trouble, according to burninating_torchic, because it's not hard at all and there's absolutely no need for help, right? Right!
Nobody can create the "Perfect" card on their first try, in fact nobody can make a perfect card period. Define perfection before you try to reach it and then we'll talk.
But, if anyone would like to speed up the progress and simply volunteer to do 2 cards for me real quick, dont even worry about the art, that'd be grand, even though, I should be able to whip them together in a few seconds without any trouble whatsoever because it's just that easy, according to burninating_torchic.
Why ask people to do cards for you? It only proves that you're too lazy to make your own cards and that you won't dedicate any time to your work. Making a good image fake can take over an hour if you take the time to make your cards original, make your own pictures, and put some actual effort into it. I dont believe Burninating_Torchic said it would take "just a few seconds".
Perhaps, since it's just THAT easy, burninating_torchic will volunteer to show me just how easy it is, and do the two cards for me, right? Or, do you not ever put your money where your mouth is?
Why should we waste our own card making time on "your" cards when we can do our own?
Well, there's no need to have people getting flamed for asking for advice. I mean, honestly, a line should be drawn somewhere. Around that area, i'd say, would be nice.
And nor should you flame somebody's advice to you. although I can't exactly see this as a flaming:
Once don't need help.
Besides, how exactly can someone "help" you?
Grammar, that's about it.
You can get the blank yourself.
You can place the text, energy, etc yourself with the help of a tutorial.
You can find the art on google.
Yknow what ensign, I didn't realize the
Perhaps, since it's just THAT easy, burninating_torchic will volunteer to show me just how easy it is, and do the two cards for me, right? Or, do you not ever put your money where your mouth is?
Part until you commented.

You want to see how easy it is? May I direct your attention to a little topic called EX: Delta Legends, hmm?
Well, thanks to the people who were actually helpful. As for the rest of you, you do quite the awful job making someone new feel welcome. Not that I really care, but, if you expect this board to NOT become a rotting cesspool of hatred, loathing, and flaming (see: boards) then I'd suggest changing your attitudes. Especially in an area like create-a-cards where new people are vital to sustaining such a fragile and small community. But hey, what do I know?

Also, im guessing mr. torchic is declining my offer to allow him to show me just how great a card maker he is, well, that's fne, but, I officially have no reason to beleive anything you say until you do so. Too bad.

Off to make some perfect cards because its so easy and fast and simple, see ya'll later.
Oh, THAT? Pfft. That has nothing to do with it. I wanna see him make a card, and prove that he made it, and have it be fast, easy, and near perfect.
How does that have nothing to do with it? He made the cards. He used the site that I posted in the first reply to this topic. You're complaining that the site takes so long to load, yet you've deliberately avoided using that site despite the fact that you "kinda need to get 2 cards done immedietly".

...Yeah. That makes sense.
lorak, bass forte, he knows that I gave an entire thread of cards that proves him wrong. He still just wants to get someone to do his work for him.
[R]Visitor, you are truly pathetic. I have absolutely no need to prove myself to you.
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