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HGSS-on Top decks

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We actually have been playing more with catcher and the new cards proxied than anything else. I'll post something sometime this week with catcher. But I must say emboar loses saot of power with catcher. Running multiple Typhlosions allows you to retreat them if they are not OHKOd (only 2 retreat). Also catcher is a great defensive tool to bring something without energy up to stall if needed.

Also I'm not sure if you guys read on the Japanese sites often but Magnezone doesn't exist in their meta game, it's just too slow.
Really just Zekrom, Reshiram with Emboar or Typhlosion, Donohan with Yanmega or Machamp, Beartic with multiple techs, and Gothetelle are tier 1. But that's slot more variety than before.

Obviously we cannot base out meta on what they have done, but it would be foolish to not at least take note of their meta.
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That doesn't make sense to me honestly. Gothetelle, Machamp, Typhlosion and Emboar are all stage 2's. So I don't understand how Magnezone is too slow. Maybe they just don't play him because they feel 2 stage 2's is too slow (magneboar), but other than that Magnezone would be just fine. Maybe they haven't made a good deck with just him in it yet?
Just curious, has anyone actually seen a good list for MagneBoar? I haven't seen an explanation on why it will be BDIF, either. Most people just say that a Pokemon that can OHKO anything with arguably the best draw in the format, adding in a "broken" Stage 2 that can attach :fire: at will can dominate. In reality, it's too slow and too easy to tech against.
Most of the people saying it's BDIF have either built & tested their own lists quite a bit ... or they've been testing against it like mad and failing to get a high enough win percentage.

And for the record I've "seen" several really good lists ... but I like my own the best of course. :p

Oh, and I will not be playing MagneBoar any time soon. Not going to Nats ... and have two other decks I like better. But I still think that MagneBoar is BDIF among well known decks at the moment. Even after Nats I expect that it will be a top 3 deck if it doesn't win.
That doesn't make sense to me honestly. Gothetelle, Machamp, Typhlosion and Emboar are all stage 2's. So I don't understand how Magnezone is too slow. Maybe they just don't play him because they feel 2 stage 2's is too slow (magneboar), but other than that Magnezone would be just fine. Maybe they haven't made a good deck with just him in it yet?

The answer is simple, they have Catcher in their current format. This might give ROTW a huge advantage over japanese players, since they won`t rely in a stage 2 draw engine.

Emboar is not an easy prey for catcher since it can load itself and attack or retreat, adding the fact that water pokemon are not popular enough to be an exploitable weakness, Zekrom can`t 1HKO it, and abiliboar doesn`t 1HKO`s itself against foul play, also special conditions wont prevent the ability.

In the other hand Magnezone cant self charge, keeps a heavy retreat cost, common fighting weakness, foul play can 1HKO it, and it`s poke power gets blocked by special conditions.
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