Pokémon TCG: Sword and Shield—Brilliant Stars

How did you get into pokemon and what was your first card?

The Phenom1993

Active Member
The title explains it.

i began pokemon when the animie was released on TV on an italian channel and i began watching it.i liked it a lot. Then we went to a trade fair and i bought a pokemon tcg pack(it was base set).I got a holo forgot which, but i remember i got a poneyta from that pack.

How did you begin?
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Not sure how I began, I just watched the shows when I was younger. Then my cousin gave me my first card, a 1st edition Jungle Cubone which I have sitting in front of me now.
I went to school and a lot of different kids had Pokemon cards and I felt left out. Then some kid gave me a weedle and a ratatta and then I got started. I got cards from kids at school that others didnt want and eventually got both the starter decks at a league that had just opened.
I went to a friend's birthday party. He gave everybody a Pokemon theme deck as a "goodie bag". I ended up with the Power Reserve deck, and Kangaskhan as my first Holo. I started going to League within about 3 weeks of getting the cards (about the time of Fossil Release), and I've been hooked ever since.
My parents bought me a huge binder full of cards (I believe the newest set at the time was Team Rocket, not too sure). I've been playing for a loooooooooooooooooooooooooooong time.
I remember seeing/reading news about this phenomenom in Japan called Pocket Monsters, I was very interested since and extremely excited when years later it was planned to come to the US.

My first card/found out about it with a Charmeleon card on Nintendo Power, It looked to be heavly inspired by the game and wanted to check it out.
I got a 1st edition base set fighting energy. That night baught the starter deck and then playing this ever since.
one of my cousin got me into it by telling me about the show. I've been hooked ever since. I started collecting at base set. And then stopped for sometime because my stepdad didn't like me collecting the cards, so my mom threw out a binder I had. I remember I had a base or fossil set Nidoking.Then one day I was looking at Initial D trading cards on Ebay and some pokemon cards came up and then I start to play this time.

You have a typo on AND on the title.
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I saw one of the episodes about eight years ago (Pikachu's Goodbye) and then started collecting the cards later. The first pack I got was a first edition Jungle pack, had an Eevee, Poke Ball, Dodrio, and a holo Pinsir. I even remember that the booster pack had Flareon on it. After I got one of the decks (Overgrowth), I got a whole bunch of packs and was confused because there was no energy, then I finally got a Base Set pack, and, hooray, Basic Energy!
I remember buying the original Base Set starter deck, the one with the foil Machamp. From there, I think I branched out into making a (really bad) Haymaker deck, and then an equally bad Rain Dance deck.

Ah, to be 12 again.
The first time? It was forever ago. I was huge into the video game, and I heard about the TCG through a school friend. He and I started hanging out building crappy decks and playing each other. I absolutely loved my Snorlax cards. I saved them through to this day. That was the extent of it originally, though.

RyanVergel re-introduced me to the game my senior year of highschool. We had economics class first semester, and he missed 2 days of school really early in the year. I asked him where he had been for 2 days, and he said "the world championships of pokemon." I thought he was kidding, but he produced a backpack and some random other worlds gear. I started playing a week later. I played Healix my first tourney (Jacksonville FL CC) and donked my way into 3rd.

Thats how I got into pokemon, both times.
The kid my mom was babysitting played it, the I wanted to play it so I went and got a jungle pack and my first card was Mankey.

Then, because I was like 4, I traded a Holo Flareon for a Lickitung. -_-
I began Pokemon when it first came here to the U.S. and it was on at 6:30 a.m. and I got my first pack right after that it was a PIKACHU! (I wanted Eevee)
But I just started playing alittle over a month ago.
The Video Game is what I rule at.
I went to a Soccer clinic my town rec center was hosting, and afterwards, every kid brought out his/her cards to trade and stuff, so I was like "cool, what's that?" So, they gave me a few freebies and I was hooked. Meowth(Jungle) was my first card ever, followed by a Sandshrew as No. 2.
Me and my brother got our friend's down the street into it, and we played the game throughout the years.
We went to the Fossil Prerelease tourny (i.e. See how many packs you can grab as they dump them out of the shipping box on the day they came in from the distributers) That place was mobbed, but we got the limit of 5 packs each.
when I first started I had 2 1st edition Charizard, I had every card in the game in up to the neo series and all of my cards got stolen from me. After my cards got stolen from me I my friend rold me that Charizard 1st edition was worth over 200$. I was crying for the longest time, lol, what do you expect I was like 10 or 11 lol. I wrote all of my cards down a long time before I got my cards stolen from me and i was setting on 600$. Funny thing is is that I did not buy a single pack, the vending machines in my area carried the "good" stuff which is how I got my Charizards. 2 years later I heard of a game called Yugioh. This game was huge. In my area I bought a box of LOB and got Mirror Force. I thought the card sucked and I didnt know how to play so I sold it for 2 bucks thinging I just ripped someone but it was me that got ripped. 2 weeks later I go to my 1st tourney. I go 0-4 lol in a 75 plus people event. IN my area we had to register for a tournament 2 weeks in advance or you wouldnt be able to play. for 3 straight weeks I got steadily better. about 11/2 months later I make the final 4. Next week I take second. The next week is the last week for the season and I get second again. A kid named Jeff Lynn eneded up being the #3 player in the world because he won every tournament in the season without a single loss. the next season I take over. I win every game except for 3 tourneys and end up being #101 in world. #2 in state. This happened again in my next season. Then players started to quit because I got so good not many people could beat me. So I decided that I should quit because there were no challenges and they kept reprinting the sets. This game died quickly. By the way my last tournament was in 2004 and I am still ranked 101 in the state. That doesnt sound to good but when you think about it. I havent played in a tourney in 3 years lol. But then I was introduced to the pokemon TCG. I was just a collector and now I decided that I should play. SO I started playing about 1 month before the 2006 Regional tournament. I get top 16 in that and I was amazed because it was my 1st tourney. So yeah thats how I got started on the pokemon TCG.
I started out by first hearing about from my friends when I was in forth grade. Then my sister forced me to watch an episode of Pokemon with her. The first episode I saw was "Bye Bye Butterfree" so I didn't think much of the show at first. Next, I went to a card shop and bought a 2 player starter set. My dad couldn't understand the rules of the game, so I never learned how to play the card game by the rule book in that starter set. I'd just make up new rules and battled my siblings and cousins by our fake rules. Finally, in Christmas of '98 I got a Gameboy Color with both Pokemon Red and Blue versions but I was never good at link cable battling. Honestly, I was never really good at pokemon so I just collected as many pokemon cards as I could for 6 years while still playing the gameboy games as they came out (Red, Gold, Ruby, and so on). I've only been doing League and OP events for almost 2 years now.
i thought the box had action figures in it
i opened it and found cards
i was disappointed
my first holo was gyrados, my first pack rare charizard