Come Play At Your Local Pokémon League

I need help with this ....

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New Member
I have a floatzel/lanturn deck I want to work but without using claydol ,because of it's being used in another deck.
(lame excuse I know) Can anyone make this work with out Claydol being involved ?

3-3 Floatzel from DP1
3-3 Lanturn from LA#59
2-1-2 swampert GE
4 Manaphy MD

4 roseannes research
4 Bebe Search
4 rare Candy
4 Felicity Drawings
2 Dawn stadiums
2 warpoints
2 night maintences
3 plus powrs
12 water
3 lighting

remember: floatzel/lanturn deck and No Claydols

Thanks in advance
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I don't have uxie or it's lvl x but I'll try the other stuff can you recommend anything else as well as the way to play the changes you sugguest ?
4-2 Furret
3-3 Lanturn
3-2-3 Togekiss

Those are my suggestions. Other options are 4 Kyogre 3-3 Lanturn and a trainer engine!

Pokemon 12

4 Kyogre
3-3 Lanturn
2 Unown G

Trainers 32

4 Great Ball
4 Quick Ball
4 Poke Blower
4 Energy Pickup
3 Switch/Warp Point
4 Bebe
3 Roseanne's
2 Professor Rowan's
3 Night Maintenance
2 Dawn Stadium

Energy 16

13 Water
3 Electric

Quick and Easy! No Claydol or Uxie!

thank you Mr. Meches , I think this might work

so---drop floatzel , I kinda want to keep it in can it work with floatzel in it ?

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well I have to add this this only a floatzel/laturn deck I hope this doesn't make it too hard for anyone .
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