Pokémon TCG: Sword and Shield—Brilliant Stars

If you were making a new pokemon game....

If I were making a new pokemon game this is what i would have.

-3 Versions, all with the different storylines.
- No.1 Starts in Kanto, no.2 in Johto, no.3 in the OI.
-Day and Night back
-All regions (32 badges)
-able to battle the elite 4 in tournatment style(2nd wave), and with all their pokes at level.100(3rd wave)

heres most of the unlockable stuff.
*= Special Pokemon are at level 5, with 31 in all IVs.

Start in Kanto.
-Bulbasaur,Charmander, or Squirtle.
Additions-16 Sevii Islands, huge Island tounaments, make trips to Johto but not allowed to challenge gym leaders, until you beat Elite 4.

After defeating Kanto Elite 4 for he 1st time
- Unlock tournament style pokemon league
- unlock ingame codes(change items, walk through walls.)
- unlock Sevii Islands 4-6
- able to battle gym leaders from Violet to Blackthorne
- Access to Orange Islands
* 2nd Wave
- Unlocked tournament invitationals in Kanto.(tournaments in cities.)
- Unlock Treecko w/ Ice Punch *
- Access to Seafoam Islands.

Johto Elite 4( Ist Time)
- Unlock Tournament Style Pokemon League.
- Access to Whirl Islands
- Misty Meadow unlocked
- Access to Tin Tower
- Johto Battle Fronteit unlocked.
*2nd Wave
- Dragon's Den access granted, Surfing Pikachu acquired.*
- Unlock Tournament Invites in Johto.
Orange League
- Mach Bike Upgrade avaliable
Hoenn League 1st Wave
- Batttle Fronteir accessible
- Tournament Style pokemon league.
2nd Wave
- Tournament Invites in Hoenn.
- Sevii Islands 9-15 acessible.
- Unlock 3rd Wave.

After beating the 3rd wave 1st time, Gym Leaders train in randow locales, and will teach your pokes, a coresponding HP 70 type.
-Unlocked the Papaya Island tourney.

After deafeating the P.I.T
- Illusion tournament of champions unlocked.
- World CUp unlocked
- Ingame Joyspots.
- Access to all 20 Orange Islands.
- Mt. Silver

- After going through the 3rd wave again w/o losing you will unlock Smimuoti Island in the OL, w/ the Isles of Articuno,Zapdos, and Moltres.
- Drought, and Drizzle able to control weather outside of battle, which means, Drought can quell stormy seas and reduce water levels, and Drizzle does the oppositte.
- Unlock the "Orange Crew"

btw all else is taken from emerald
Having all three versions start with different critter rosters would make collecting all nine a nightmare. I don't think Nintendo's marketting guys would ever let that one slip past them, but other than that, sounds cool. Bear in mind that I've yet to play FR/LG, so not having heard of l100 Gym Leader rematches before, that sounds awesome.
sounds really kool, u should let nintendo know about it, it's be fun to play through the old games with new graphics and pokemon. Make it one game though, start wit one of the 3 starters and once u beat the elite four in each region aquire another started from the next region. That'd be pretty kool.
All right, everyone knows that I'd make the things more realistic in terms of what the Pokémon world would be. What I'd do would be as follows:

- Starters: You'd start in Kanto with your choice of the RBYG starters. Nothing fancy here. There wouldn't be opportunities to get the GSC or RSE starters, you'd have to trade for them.

- Opponents' Levels: These would, for plot battles, have a scale relative to your level. If someone's supposed to outlevel you by 5-ish levels, they'd be around 30 if you were in the mid-twenties, around 50 if you were in the mid-forties, and so on. This wouldn't be an absolute, since there'd be an upper cap, but it would ensure that, for the most part, the balance issue of just going and gaining 10 levels would fail to save bad players.

- Gym Leaders: These people wouldn't suck. We're talking actual strategies. Failing that, there's always gym leaders who are simply at an insane level (imagine if Surge hit you with a single level 50 Raichu in RBYG).

- Legendaries: No. They might be plot battles, but if you listen to how strong they are in the animé, the average trainer (i.e. the player) would not be good enough to capture them. Heck, in the original, the RBYG birds were basically gods according to the legends. Enough said.

- Plot would base itself on your win/loss streak. If you fail to stop Team Rocket doing something, it affects the plot later. If you get a secret (a real-game example would be Steven's Beldum, though this is just an example), people would react to it. There are ways to prevent the player rigging this to have a perfect win record, but the easiest way (although the most lag-filled) would be to have the game save after every round of the battle. Gym leaders could be rematched a certain number of times before they start refusing.

- More than 8 gyms, but you only need 8 badges. There wouldn't be any real advantage to picking one gym over the other aside from ease of battling.

- Time playing a factor. Day/night would be seperate from playtime. There would be timed events in game, though, that record how long you take to get somewhere, or if you outright fail to get there in a reasonable amount of time.

- There would be plot events after beating the Elite Four that are crucial to the story. This would mean that you can do any number of things, from being the League Champion to going off and competing in other Leagues, building a reputation.

- Battles where you have to lose as part of the plot. This is self-explanatory. Also along these lines, certain trainers would just be flat-up better than you at some points of the game.

- SS characters. Just because they're 50x better than the existing ones. Plus, who could resist the temptation to try out their team against Tribo?
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Ok, how about someting like "True Crimes: Streets of Kanto, Johto, and Hoenn"? It's like your typical game, but the focus is on your actions and the results of them. You could be enducted into the team of your choice as your actions pique the interests of certain criminal organizations. Say you take down Blaine's gym and leutenants and everything. Magma then sends its goons out to chase you down for vengeance, but Team Aqua wants to let you climb up its ranks.

Or say, you try to stamp out the three organizations' movements. Officer Jenny will make you an offer to join the force. Your quest then is to globe trot and slowly eliminate the leaders of Teams Rocket, Aqua, and Magma.

At the end you can either lead one of the three organizations as a criminal mastermind, or you can crush them all as apart of the Poképolice force.

The game revolves around your decisions and say if you help people or whatever. It's like a mix of GTA and True Crimes. It would be so cool. Night and day are a must, of course.

Well, maybe something like this will come along...maybe not.
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Lugia, where's the option to join Team Snatch or CIPHER? Those guys are way better than Aqua and Magma (not Rocket though, but that's my own personal opinion). :p
1. No you pick starters from each version depending on how you train the pokes you already have.
2. Bad trainers now have a reason to improve.
3.GLs pokemon start out normal, like in the existing games.

Btw its 32 badges cus its all versions comined into one plus a lot of fun tournaments.
Is there any way i can submit my idea 2 Nintendo?
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at only $50.00, but itll be worth the price cus itll take at least 3 months to completely finish the story mode minus the world cup qualification and such all in all 5 months to complete
Why not have 3 random pokemon to choose from in the beginning of the game, and have every poke catchable in each version, but the world would have to be huge to accomadate for it.
Oh not this question again. Well my answer to this has changed since the DS has come out.

There are three parts of a Pokemon RPG that I think of, the story, the battle system, the elements. First off I would obviously want a Pokemon Game that takes place somewhere all new. I think exploring a new region is important as it gives more of a feeling of adventure than anything else. However I also thought having a generation of Pokemon where each version of the game takes place in a different region is fun. Say that there are four versions. There is one main region and one sub-region to explore. So lets say there is a Kanto/Sevii version, a Johto/Orange Island version, a Hoenn/Orre version, and an all new region with a special sub-region. Each version should be able to communicate with each other with out having to get any special events that take place in the game. Pokemon should appear as appropriate to each version of course while say 100 all new Pokemon should appear in the newest region version. However this is excepted for course where there will be pokemon that appear in two, three or all four versions.

What would I want to see in a new region? Well I would want to see more mountain like terrain. I think the Gold/Silver/Crystal version did this best with the Johto Region however I would like to see a whole sized region that is totally landlocked. This would make things more interesting as there would be rivers and lakes more often then large and bland oceans. However it would be nice that the sub-region would be coast line like. This way there would be some ocean for those who like it and it would give a more unique perspecitve in a region.

As for Pokemon I would just want to see creatures that we haven't covered yet. I would also like to see more unique starters. I can always think of great ideas for new Pokemon but I am always happy to see whatever comes out from Creatures.

For the new region, the main region should for the most part follow the same story line as the previous versions, you know collect eight badges and work to become a Pokemon Master. However I would like to see a more random tournament of trainers than an elite four to fight in the end, just like in the TV series. As for a side story, I want to see a story much like that shown in Pokemon Colosseum where the bad guys can actually make a name for themselves. So hopefully by the time the main quest is done, the side story can go on to into the sub-region which should hopefully lead to a more dynamic climax to the entire game. Of course the ending should always involve some new legendary Pokemon however I want to see more involment from that Pokemon just like Suicune was in Pokemon Crystal version.

As for the battle system I hope that the DS will take advantage of the dual screen capablity by allowing the top screen only showing a superior 2 and 1/2 D (at the very least) battle scenes, attacks, etc. They really could have taken Ruby/Sapphire/FireRed/LeafGreen's battle system so much farther as games like Golden Sun clearly demostrate. The bottom screen should be saved for the stats of each Pokemon and be used to make selections such as attacks and what Pokemon to send out. The touch capablities of the bottom screen should be implimented into a handy alternative from using the control pad and should be used in fun mini games as you go through the game. I do want to see more mini games other than a slot machine this time around.

Bring in new stuff, in fact I would love to see a new Pokemon Type of sorts. I don't know what but I would love to see it. Other than that, I can't think of anything else to improve the game with.

"Create my own road, huh?" ~ Sora Nageino (Kaleido Star)
Pokémon could definately learn something from Golden Sun's battling. Wouldn't that be great? And even an overworld in the style of Golden Sun. And also maybe you can custimze your clothes or something, or face, I dunno. So then your created headshot could appear whenever you are asked a yes/no question, like in Golden Sun.

But the battles in 'Sun are basically Pokémon battles: creature pics that move a little and don't actually completely intereact with opposing creatures. Pokémon could easily emulate that style of battling by using that higher level of detail that 'Sun uses.

And then we could get some moving camera angles and splashier attack effects. And recoil actions and attacking actions for every pokémon whether they be on defense or offense.

But I don't think I am for total 3D battles. Colleseum was good, but not great. We need to be able hit the battles out of the park in 2D before going into 3D battles that feel tame and tethered. Know what I mean?
Hehe... I'm addicted to World of Warcraft now, and I would really love to see a Pokemon MMORPG (Mega Mulitplayer Online RPG) almost exactly like World of Warcraft.

- Have a huge world that you must walk around in that includes all the continents, islands, etc.

- Have all the Gyms, Orange Islands, Original Elite 4, and whatever special leagues I missed in it.

- Every single Pokemon ever released will be in the game and catchable.

- Do quests that people around the Pokemon world give you for money and items.

- Ability to ride your Pokemon to travel faster. Ex. ride on Rapidash to move faster than walking, go on Lapras to go across water faster then swimming.

- If you see another player on the road, you can challenge him to a battle right on the spot.

- Make the Gym Leaders and Elite 4 actully tough.

- Have montly Pokemon tournaments to find out who the best player on that server is at that time.

- Have a catching skill that you must work on over the game in order to improve your chances of catching higher level Pokemon and Legendaries.

- Maybe the ability to play as Team Rocket intstead of a regular trainer...

I have many more ideas for it. But of course, if a game like this were to be made it defenitly won't be for the GBSP. It would generally be more for the GCN or PC.
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