Pokémon TCG: Sword and Shield—Brilliant Stars

Infernape - a discussion


New Member
Okay, so many threads on Infernape. We all read them all. 'It pawns.' 'It's so good.' 'I can get 150 damage for X turns.'

I'm sure at first glance, that 150 sweeping attack is great. But, it's been a few weeks since its 'release' and I'm sure all of us has playtested against the deck. So after all the hype and hoopla, the question I want to ask is, "Is it still that good?" or "Was it really ever that good to begin with?"

Can anyone get it to win consistently? They're not delta. So it's hard to search for the Pokemon. Celio max's out at 4 per deck, whereas you can have 6-7 effective Researchers at a pokemon d deck.
Plus the Lvx + its base level per deck rule is horrible.

There is no Holon Castform to set you up with drawing cards. And to provide that double rainbow energy.

The bench is razor thin. You have to have 2 Delcattys and 1 Delcatty ex. One gets knocked out, the deck suffers greatly. One is prized, the deck suffers greatly.

Has anyone tried Magcargo? Smooth over then Energy Draw is a good combo.

Has anyone tried running a Latilock? Or some other pokemon d. Then play Holon Ruins, and draw and discard a fire to feed that 150 damage attack.

While I think Budew is a pretty good Pokemon, it's seems like it's really hard to fit him into the deck.

Blaziken? Good or not good? I run a 1-0-1 line in mine. But the HP and the attack and its retreat arent that good. Has anyone thought of thickening up the Blaziken line, so you can afford to do a Latisweeper.

The deck runs nearly entirely on Pokepowers. They get shut off or damaged, the deck is in trouble.
But you'll say, 'Metanite runs on pokepowers and its still good', but with Metanite, you can set up really fast, and the 100hp can take some damage until they can be stumped. Infernape isnt that fast, and so much of your bench is needed just to be consistent.

With Pokemon DP, I think they successfully made a good balance of HP and attack damage. Pokemon with weak HP have huge attacks. While Pokemon with a lot of HP will have weaker attacks. Because Infernape is so low on HP, it can be easily OHKoed.

Finally, I think the 150 damage attack is very good and very enticing. But I think the attack is only successfully achieved in the late game. After you have done the attack. You're leaving a possibly damaged Infernape Lvx to get KOed. If the Infernape Lvx survives, then assuming you still have the delcattys, another 150 damage attack is pretty feasible. And in this situation, wouldnt Mew ex LM be a good idea? Since it's so hard to get a Pokemon LVx in play. And the limited amount that you can run, wouldnt it seem that Mew ex LM is a good idea?

So matchups, I think.

Infernape vs Delta (10-90) - Catty weak to eggy. Zzaps and Cursed Stone will kill. Metallic Thunder after some split bombs.

Infernape vs Shiftry (5-95) - Dark Eyes will stack. Cursed Stone will kill you as well. And they will target attack your crucial benchers

Infernape vs Destiny (20-80) - Cursed Stone again. Sniping will hurt the benchers. Their Crystal Shard is useless. However, they can shut off powers with their Jirachi or Cess.

Infernape vs Flygon-tech (40-60) Water Mew will kill. Early Flygon ex d will kill. Cattys are weak to Eggy. Ray ex d will snipe.

Infernape vs Metanite (40-60) Metagross is weak to Fire. but a fast Metagross will kill and it will be hard for Infernape to recover. Plus Draggies are a good option. Sceppy will shut off Catty ex

Other archetypes (Absol, Flary, etc) will have a field day with Infernape, just because Infernape is terribly inconsistent. That's just my opinion.

Please discuss. and provide evidence and logic for your opinions.
I see decks using the non-lvX a lot more than the lvX. It's a lot more feasible to do 90 every turn than trying to do 150 every turn. I feel Infernape is quicker than MetaNite since all you need for the non-lvX is just the non-lvX. Delcatty help setup, but isn't needed to go to town with Infernape. On the other hand, to go to town with Metagross, you do have to have at least a single Dragonite d on the field. And even then, your only getting about 70 damage discarding 2 energy. 90 for 2 is much better from Infernape.

Infernape has a better weakness. Pokemon like Latios ex d can't OHKO Infernape unless someone strength charms it. On the other hand, any fire pokemon is going to OHKO Metagross (color for dragonite) if it does 50-60 damage.

The entire infernape line (other than basic) has free retreat, making it really easy to pull back if your in trouble.

But your right, it all still relies on powers. But at least you can DRE/Scramble Infernape against decks like Raieggs and can OHKO everything easily.
Good points. I've been thinking myself, is it that good.
I hope to get some reports to read from infernape players soon, just because we don't have DP here, so I can't test it that much myself
Yeah After I thought about the DRE, discard, Upstream, Energy Draw/ H. Lass, combo which can be successfully pulled off everyturn Blaziken is COMPLETELY UNNECESSARY!
blaziken is needed in case you cant get infernape lv x out. then you'll have to attack with infernape base level. it's 1-0-1. so in case i dont need it, it's only 2 spots wasted.

and with that upstream attack, that attack usually does 70 to 110 damage. but it leaves a vulnerable 90 HP Delcatty ex in the active slot.

did anyone actually playtest this deck against any of the current archetypes? and if so what do you think of the matchups?
Mew EX will only be able to copy the X's single attack, as I understand it. Now, Mew EX can copy the reg infernape for 90 w/ a casty on it...discarding the casty, H electrode/maggy.

Lv. X is just for when you are ready.
You mainly just atk with the normal infernape.
Also, most times you can whip out a T2 Infernape and stop them before they can set up.
Infernape vs Delta (10-90) - Catty weak to eggy. Zzaps and Cursed Stone will kill. Metallic Thunder after some split bombs.

Infernape vs Shiftry (5-95) - Dark Eyes will stack. Cursed Stone will kill you as well. And they will target attack your crucial benchers

Infernape vs Destiny (20-80) - Cursed Stone again. Sniping will hurt the benchers. Their Crystal Shard is useless. However, they can shut off powers with their Jirachi or Cess.

Infernape vs Flygon-tech (40-60) Water Mew will kill. Early Flygon ex d will kill. Cattys are weak to Eggy. Ray ex d will snipe.

Infernape vs Metanite (40-60) Metagross is weak to Fire. but a fast Metagross will kill and it will be hard for Infernape to recover. Plus Draggies are a good option. Sceppy will shut off Catty ex

Other archetypes (Absol, Flary, etc) will have a field day with Infernape, just because Infernape is terribly inconsistent. That's just my opinion.
Seriously, have you played those matchups??
Or have you in fact tested any of these theories of yours?
Seriously, have you played those matchups??
Or have you in fact tested any of these theories of yours?


Granted, some of what he says makes sense (a standard Infernape-Catty will have a hard time with Shiftry, for example), but I'm positive doc just typed this up in an Ape-hating spur of the moment.

Artic Jedi said:
They're good points if infernape X was the actual main attacker...

Precisely. Ape X is only used to OHKO high-HP Pokemon which pose an immediate threat, and thus, only one is used in solid builds. Regular Ape can handle everything else with multiple DREs, and thus, two or three are commonly used. Furthermore, just because a deck runs Cursed Stone doesn't mean it kills Power decks.

Eh, too tired to type any more. Fear my ankle-wall of text!
Seriously, just have to kill 2 of them to win the game....and then the lv X. 2 100 hp pokes and a 120 hp poke to ko? Sounds like an easy game to me.
infernape is 50-50 against delta i can tell you from experience. The game is decided on whether or not the chimchars can be split bombed before they become active
Seriously, have you played those matchups??
Or have you in fact tested any of these theories of yours?

yes, i have seriously played these matchups. have you? if you have, i really do want to know how it went.
any help is appreciated. i dont hate infernape. i see a lot of potential in the card.

But so far, i havent found the right list that will consistently win against those listed archetypes.

For the moment, I'm working on a infernape deck that doesnt even use the Lvx.
infernape is 50-50 against delta i can tell you from experience. The game is decided on whether or not the chimchars can be split bombed before they become active

Depends on what tools they run, but pulling off four split bombs is a huge challenge vs a deck that'll be scoring ohko's virtually every turn.

Don't doubt the monkey, folks: he will be a force at nats.
i lost to infernape twice today. either i'm terrible, or it's a good deck.

You are terrible.

lol jk
It is a VERY good deck. Patriarch has won a couple BRs with it as well as A TON of other. I mean seriously go look at the Battle Roads threads and nearly half or at least a quarter of all winning decks are the Ape.
I agree w/ Patriarch: It WILL be a force at Nats.
but prof.Elm, most good players didnt attend the BR, so it might just be surprise factor that helped it win since lower class players didnt know what to do when dealing with the ape.

anyway, i've made a infercatty deck without blaziken. It has 1 lv x only though, and im not sure if it is consistence enough to be good. U need 1 lv x in front, 2 catty PK, 1 catty ex in order to do 150/140 everyturn. If catty is killed, it's game over for the combo.
but prof.Elm, most good players didnt attend the BR, so it might just be surprise factor that helped it win since lower class players didnt know what to do when dealing with the ape.

anyway, i've made a infercatty deck without blaziken. It has 1 lv x only though, and im not sure if it is consistence enough to be good. U need 1 lv x in front, 2 catty PK, 1 catty ex in order to do 150/140 everyturn. If catty is killed, it's game over for the combo.

Good people didn't attend BRs?
Well I know of quite a few people on this board that are or have already attended BRs, and I would have to say that quite a few of them are good players who know what they are doing.

AND Infernacatty does not rely on the 3 Catty Lv. X combo, as it is not consistent enough. It can win w/o the Lv. X, although the Lv. X helps KO those huge ex's.
I am not saying Infernacatty is the best deck out there, but it is pretty darn consistent and can get set up and do massive damage pretty fast.