Come Play At Your Local Pokémon League

Jacob's awesome 1st place CC report!


New Member
It all started when I went to league. I started by talking to Andy and he told he told me that he wanted to play me with hls awesome new deck. I didnt really know any decks that were good so I agreed to his challenge. He sen out garchomp c and i realized that he was playing the original LuxChomp. He told me some changes he made and the first thing i did whin i had a chance was build it. i playtested alot w/ it against machamp and figured out that it was the best deck ever.

I woke up about 8:30, popped some bagels in the toaster, then left. i felt really sick and nervous before the tournament but somewhat confident. When I arrived I got in line and after the deck checks, I went over to talk to andy and the rest of odyssey. He told me he made some changes to the deck but that did not make me think that my deck was any worse. eventually the first round started and i was as nervous as ever.

round 1- some newb

you know how newb games go.


round 2- ???

I dont know who i was playing but he said that he had been playing for a while. I had a perfect start and he had abad deck.


We took a lunch break and i played against some weak compettition so far. I knew i was in for some harder matches next couple of rounds. I went to jack and the box and then went back to TTI to shuffle up my deck for the next match

round 3- dallas weidman- palkia lock w/ luxray

He got a great start while i had just a decent one. he used mesprit for the first two turns while getting a palkia up by T2. I had a luxray T2 and klled his palkia x in 1 hit. it was pretty much downhill for him the rest of the game.


round 4- erick- mother gengar

He started off calling same w/ me. I went first so I got up a luxray x and killed his baltoy. He played a bebe for a uxie but i power sprayed it. he then just passed. I drew a card played down chatot g and totally ruined his game. It was pretty much draw pass for him while i consistantly kill his pokemon.


swiss was easy for me only letting 1 prize card the whole swiss. I knew i was in for some hard mathches facing a machamp next.

top 4 travis bruce machamp with a 1-1 flygon tech

game 1- he got up flygon T2 and killed my garchomp. I roseanne for garchomp and lucario gl and kill his flygon. I wipe right through the rest of his pokemon.

game 2- I power spray his early claydol and chatot g him to destroy his setup. downhill for him the rest of the game.

top 2 erick mother gengar

i wipe through him like nobodys buisness.

this was probably the eeasiest CC ive ever played in. at least i got half a box:smile:
pulled salamence x from the packs - just what was needed.

Back to back posts merged. The following information has been added:

This is Jacob's father. I have taken over the pokegym userid for a second to say: I have no idea where he gets his penchant for trash talking.
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Bwahahaha my apprentice starts his takeover of Seniors for the year...

I know I already told you, but awesome job with the deck. I knew you'd do great with it!