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Jumpluff an extremly underrated card

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New Member
OK I made up this deck, and if you are a lucky flipper, this deck is PWNGE.

POKEMON 23 (and no, it's not a mistake!)

4 Jumpluff SW
2 Skiploom SW
4 Hoppip SW
4 Unown G GE
2 Claydol GE
2 Baltoy GE
2 Sceptile GE
1 Grovyle GE
2 Treecko GE


10 Grass Energy


4 Bebe's Search
4 Roseanne's Research
2 Cynthia's Feelings (All the draw power the deck needs!)
3 Time-Space Distortion
2 Night Maintenance
4 Rare Candy
4 Poke Healer +
2 Dawn Stadium
2 Super Scoop Up

Strategy: Mainly, Get out Jumpluff w/ Unown G on them ASAP. Then you can foucus on Cladol or Sceptile. You can charge up the Sceptile if you want to. Unown G prevents attack extra effects. Then, if you flip heads on Jumpluff, the attack your opponent used will have no effect on Jumpluff. You can then snipe the bench with ease. If you flip tails with Jumpluff's ability, you play SSU or x2 Poke Healer + to get rid of the damage. All in all, this deck is PWNGE!
I just tried this deck out, I played 2 games vs my Machamp deck.
I tell you what. I have not felt more frustration at my luck with coin flips since the time I was testing out Dailga Lv.X

There is nothing more frustrating then not being able to attack and this happens so much it will make you crazy. This deck might work for some people but personally I would rather run Dialga Lv.X in my Kingdra and run TimeSkip every turn or just smash my head against the table between turns. :frown:
you should try cherrium instead of sceptile because you don't need very much energy on jumpluff and it can do more damage with cherrium
I like the ideas. Dusknoir DP, I don't think is the best. The deck is made to damage the bench. Oh, and come on, Cherrim? He only adds damage that you do to the defending pokemon.

Back to back posts merged. The following information has been added:

Mystic Metal, Jumpluff has a body that says: "If Jumpluff would be Damaged by an opponent's attack, flip a coin. If heads, prevent all damage done to Jumpluff by that attack. You can look up a Jumpluff scan at (am I allowed to make a link to that site?)
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Dialga lvl. X has the poke-power Time Skip which can end your turn or your opponent's turn.
With Jumpluff it'll take a few extra turns to actually damage Jumpluff and they may not even get a turn!
And if it skips your turn, it's not as big of a deal.
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