Come Play At Your Local Pokémon League

Kabutops Domination (Eon)

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Our league is having a Tourney for NO Pokemon over 90 HP and Sneasel ex and Scizor Aq are banned so I'm testing this out. I'll be posting another deck latr. Here it is::

Kabutops Domination v.1 (Eon)

4 Buried Fossil
4 Kabuto SS
4 K-Tops SK
3 Wobby SS
3 Wynaut SS
3 Natu SS
3 Xatu SS

9 Psychic
9 Fighting

1 Warp Point
2 Oaks Research
3 Copycat
2 TV Reporter
3 Oracle
3 Birch
1 Fan Club
3 Training Method

Not sure if Training Method is needed, should I drop it for 2 more Warp point and 1 more Research? Xatu heals and Tops can take out anything in this format in one hit if I get two heads. Especially since they'll have a hard time evolving :p Suggestions appreciated :D

yeah drop the PETM since u run 3 wynauts (you could even drop one of those in my opinion

here's what i think the trainer line should be

3 research
3 tv reporter
3 oracle
2 birch
2 fan club
3 warp point
1 TV

that should be a good trainer engine, though you might want a little healing in there, regardless of xatu

i still don't like it, but to each one their own, i just don't like xatu
eh.. the whole point of this deck is Kabutops :p Maybe take out Xatu for Delcatty? I'd only play 2 delcatty though and the extra 2 slots can go for the Trainer Engine? Thanx for the idea :)

i was about to say sheperd......... too bad sarcasm isn't broadcasted through typing

if u lose xatu............... add in more healing cards
here's what i think the trainer line should be

3 research
3 tv reporter
3 oracle
2 birch
2 fan club
3 warp point
1 TV

Scotty, I have a feeling you did the 'ol cut-N-paste for the quote I dare not ask what HPS is for huh???

As far as the deck goes...for an under 90 HP tourney, I think it'll do quite well!
Psyduck said:
Scotty, I have a feeling you did the 'ol cut-N-paste for the quote I dare not ask what HPS is for huh???

HPS=High Pressure System stadium card from Dragon
chaddy, let me know where i did the old cut and paste from and then we'll talk

ironically i didn't......... i just think that it'd be nice for tops to retreat for one less.......... along with kabuto if need be

i couldn't think of what else to put in.............

if u drop it, and the xatu's............ like i said....... add healing
Bigpoppabeatdown said:
chaddy, let me know where i did the old cut and paste from and then we'll talk

ironically i didn't......... i just think that it'd be nice for tops to retreat for one less.......... along with kabuto if need be

i couldn't think of what else to put in.............

if u drop it, and the xatu's............ like i said....... add healing

I think Kabutops is fighting..right? So HPS wouldnt help.

omg my bad, i thought it was water.......... ok i'm an idiot and don't read the little letters after the names

yeah take out HPS and put in magnetic storm whenever it comes out.......... in like a month.......... until then, tech in either a azurill or a dunsparce

i now feel like a total clownshoe...............

and i would have rather done cut and paste chaddy..................

*lowers head in shame*
Here's my little crazy idea (it is crazy, trust me)...

-2 Kabutops- SK
+2 Kabutops ex

I thought the Pokemon-ex version would be useful if ya wanted to keep High Pressure System in there. THat ways, the ex version can benefit from the stadium ability
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