Come Play At Your Local Pokémon League

Karen's Pokemon

Karen's Larvitar-50 HP-Fighting-Basic-
(C)Hidden Power-10-Flip a coin. If heads, this attack does 10 damage plus 10 more damage. If tails, remove up to 1 damage counter from Larvitar.

Karen's Pupitar-80 HP-Fighting-Stage 1-
PokeBody-Thick Shell-Reduce all damage done to Pupitar by 20.
(C)Emerge-Search your deck for a pokemon that evoves from Karen's Pupitar and place it onto Karen's Pupitar. This counts as evolving. Shuffle your deck afterwards.
(F)(F)Body Crush-30-Flip a coin. If heads, the defending pokemon is now paralyzed.

Karen's Tyranitar-130 HP-Dark-Stage 2-
PokeBody-Mountain Crumble-Every time Tyranitar attacks, flip 4 coins. For each heads, discard 1 card from the top of your opponents deck.
(C)Tail Crush-30
(F)(F)(F)Earth Split-70-Place 1 fissure counter on all of your opponents pokemon. While a fissure counter exsists on a pokemon, increase its retreat cost by (C). Up to 1 fissure counter may be placed on a pokemon at a time.

This is my 3rd Tyranitar. It is less Broken than the previous 2, but it is still extremely Broken.
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Actually, this one's not so broken at all, just undercosted, and it has too much HP by 10. For Tail Crush, drop the damage by 10 or make it cost another (C), or just (F). You can get away with that -- it's a Stage 2. On Earth Split, up the cost by two (F) and instead of the Fissure counter mechanic, just say the Retreat Costs of all of your opponent's Pokemon are increased by (C) during your opponent's next turn. The Pupitar's also a little undercosted, but not enough to really need an edit.

Karen's Houndour-50 HP-Dark-Basic-
(R)Scorch-10-Flip a coin. If heads, both defending pokemon are now burned.

Karen's Houndoom-80 HP-Dark-Stage 1-
PokeBody-Dark Flames-All Karen's Houndoom's attacks may count as though they were coming from a (D) or (R) pokemon.
(R)Shadow Burn-10-If Houndoom has any (D) energy attached to it, the defending pokemon is now burned.
(R)(R)(C)Flame Explosion-50-Discard 1 energy attached to the defending pokemon. You may search your discard pile for 1 energy card and attach it to one of your pokrmon.

Houndoom is broken and undercosted.

Karen's Murkrow-40 HP-Dark-Basic-
PokeBody-Evil Eye-The defending pokemon cannot retreat as long as Murkrow is your active pokemon.
(D)Lure-Choose one of your opponents benched pokemon and switch it with the defending pokemon. Place 1 damage counter on the new defending pokemon.
(D)(D)Strike from Shadows-Choose one of your opponents pokemon and place 3 damage counters on it.
Your right dkates, 2 resistances is too many for a non EX.

Karen's Training-trainer-Search your deck for one (D) energy and put it into your hand.
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A non-ex with two Resistances? Bad precedent. Otherwise, though, it's Genesis Murkrow, only better and with less HP.

Karen's Philosophy-Trainer-Search your deck for 1 pokemon with Karen in its name and put it into your hand.

Karen's Sneasel-60 HP-Dark-Basic-
(D)Thief-Choose 1 poketool attached to 1 of your opponents pokemon. Discard that poketool from that pokemon and search your deck for a card with the same name and attach it to Sneasel. Place 1 damage counter on the selected pokemon.
(D)(C)Reverse Beat Up-20x-Flip a coin for each of your opponents pokemon in play. This attack does 20 damage times the number of heads.
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What relevance does that have to this thread, johnznothere? BTW, the mechanic on the Sneasel's Thief, though a good mirror of the GB games, is an illegal mechanic. Why not have theirs be discarded, while you search your deck for one of the same card?
True, but the thing is that cards aren't supposed to cross from one player's side to another's. Just imagine how many people would, either purposely or accidentally, walk away with their opponent's cards.

Karen's Eevee-50 HP-Colorless-Basic-
(C)Make Friend-Search your deck for a card with Karen in its name and put it into your hand. Shuffle your deck afterward.
(C)Tail Smack-10

Karen's Umbreon-70 HP-Dark-Stage 1-
PokeBody-Moon Energy-Umbreon gains +10 HP for every (D) energy attached to it. You can only gain up to 50 HP in this way.
(D)Luna Absorb-20-Remove up to 1 damage counter from Umbreon.
(D)(C)(C)Moon Crush-30-Place 1 moon counter on one of your opponents pokemon. When a pokemon has 3 moon counters on it, that pokemon is instantly knocked out.

Karen's Umbreon+4 Karen's Energy=150 HP :lol:
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Not to mention, Karen's Umbreon + 4 Karen's Energy + 4 Darkness Energy + 4 Rainbow Energy = 230 HP!!! Not quite Sabrina's Gastly, but DANGEROUSLY close. And we thought Wailord ex was broken...
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Karen's Absol-70 HP-Dark-Basic-
PokeBody-Disaster-Every time Karen's Absol attacks, discard 1 card attached to 1 of your opponents pokemon.
(C)Fear Strike-If the defending pokemon is not in thier final evolution, they are now paralyzed.
(C)(C)Hurricane Claw-30-If there are any (D) energy attached to Karen's Absol you may discard the top card of your opponents deck.

Karen's Sableye-50 HP-Dark-Basic-
PokeBody-Diamond Eyes-You may have Sableye count as any type at all times.
(D)Confuse Ray-10-The defending pokemon is now confused.
(D)(C)Crystal Spike-10-Choose up to 2 of your opponents pokemon and place 1 crystal counter on each(or place 2 on 1). While a crystal counter exsists on a pokemon, all of its attacks cost (C) more. Pokemon can only have up to 3 crystal counters on it at a time.

Karen's Misdreavus-60 HP-Dark(this isn't the GB game)-Basic-
PokeBody-Shadow Split-Whenever damage counter would be placed on Misdreavus, take half of them(rounder down) and place them on the defending pokemon.
(D)Shriek-Flip a coin. If heads, place 1 damage counter on each of your opponents benched pokemon. If tails, place 1 damage counter on the defending pokemon.
(D)(C)Pain Stab-30-If the defending pokemon has any cards attached to it, flip a coin. If heads, discard 1 of those cards.

Dark Energy-Basic Energy-Provides (D)
(no added effect like Darkness energy)