Pokémon TCG: Sword and Shield—Brilliant Stars

Large Scale Sponsored Unrated Events

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New Member

This year States are on two days only, and Regionals one. This had me bummed out, because being an East Coaster I would usually hit up 3-4 States and at least 2 Regionals. Now, I understand and agree with 100% that my ability to attend 4 States and 3 Regionals is unfair compared to areas like the West coast who have to travel long distances for just one. So I am not disagreeing with the decision.

I am however, still upset about losing tournaments. You see, after a little reflection I reailzed I was not upset about losing the opporunity for more points and travel allowances, but losing the ability to play in a large scale tournament.

Yeah, OK, our Cities and Battle Roads get from 30-70 people, which is cool, but I live for tournaments that are 7-8 rounds of Swiss before going to a nice T16 or T8 cut.

I won't gripe about restricting States dates, but I think it would be AMAZING if PUI helped sponsor some events that didn't count for rating/invites (making them sort of like Pre-releases).

Having an extra round of large, pressure free tournaments would accomplish multiple goals I feel PUI should have, including but not limited to:

1) Filling in a dead area to help people from losing interest. A break of even a month or so between sanctioned tournaments is boring, people could move to other games and forget to come back.

2) Encourage creativity. Without the pressure of rating, ranking, invites, big prizes, etc, people could come to a tournament with that deck they thought might be awesome, but didn't want to risk playing in an important tournament. This would give people the chance to put away their Gardy/Gallade decks and bring out all their Gastrodons, Magmortar varients, etc and try them out at a challenging but still only for fun tournament.

3) Rebuild Spirit of the Game. During competitive tournaments a lot of times friendships are strained, feelings get hurt, and teamwork abandoned, as well as the ever present temptation to cheat is increased. Having large but no pressure tournaments in between the real ones would give players a chance to just come, hang out and play, and have fun, without having to worry.

4) Grab new players and keep them. Often I see at tournaments brand new players, in any age group, who are here for their first time with start.dec. They come in, lose every game to the real players with archtypes who would sooner rip a finger off than lose to a low rated newb, and probably half of them never come back. In no pressure tournaments you still have the competition factor, but experienced players can help and discuss the game with their newer opponents without the fear of getting donked and losing a million points. In addition the presence of more test decks instead of archetypes would give the newer players' decks a (slightly) better chance.

I understand in theory League is supposed to fill these voids, but League lacks a system of organization, a source of sought after prizes, and the aura of competition which so many Pokemon players relish.

In summary I feel that PUI sponsoring large, unrated tournaments with low level prizes such as booster packs and sleeves would increase creativity, sportsmanship, and participation in the game in general, as well as encourage new players to come back.

Great idea!!! PUI/POP should have other events but, they don't have to be unsanctioned. They could have tournaments between a BR/Cities scale throughout the WHOLE year. It would be really fun.
Anybody who has influence with POP should consider promoting this. I would LOVE to have multiple tournaments just 'for the heck of it'. In fact, at this very moment I am kind of bummed because the GE Pre Release is still about 3 weeks away, and this is about 3 weeks too long. Patience may be a virtue, but if we can do something better than just waiting for the next tournament we should do it.

Maybe something like Japan's Winter Challenges (those maybe comparable to Cities here, but why not have both)?
this is what league and local tournaments are for. sorry if those aren't 'enough' to fuel your competitive fire.

shouldn't the reduction in K-value this year for cities and BRs have done just this, reduce the 'competitveness' factor and get the players to relax a bit? and if not, just what is POP supposed to do to MAKE them do so?

seriously: where is the budget for such a series of events supposed to come from? because of course these should be FREE, just like every other event, no?

and who's supposed to run these, if PTOs/TOs are *already* running prereleases 4x/year, fall BRs, cities, states, spring BRs, regionals, staffing nationals and worlds, and so on?

i realize to a lot of players, pokemon = life. but unfortunately though it IS a big part of life to those of us who put on the events, we DO have lives outside the game. everyone wants to _play_, but putting on the events/giving back instead of taking is all too often another story entirely, and asking for more more MORE makes me, for one *facepalm*

Well, I judge the majority of tournaments I attend, so it is not just the players.

I have a full college schedule on my plate and would still be willing to organize something like this.
And I just tallied it up, in addition to running 2 leagues, I support 3, soon to be 4 others.

I also run premiere events, which are projected this year (2008) as follows:

24 PreReleases
6 Cities
12 Battle Roads
1 State
1 Regional
1 Piglet Draft

45 Events total, not counting Nationals, Worlds, and the State I intend to play at.

Add in the leagues and I am dealing with pokemon, on average, for 250 times per year.

Now, you want to do something to fuel your competitive fire, read my B&B League thread as to how they have spiced up the competitive side of league, with some really nice prizes.

Start something like that at your league, and you will NEVER be wanting for competition.

I can understand where you're coming from, Shaw. Unfortunately for you, and very surprisingly, I have to agree with Mom on this one. When would PTOs have the time to put on that kind of show? I mean, there isn't a WHOLE lot of downtime between events. I think there's something like 7 weeks of downtime out of a 52 week year. That's not very much, as far as I'm concerned.

My best suggestion to you is that, if you want to run something like this, if you feel that it's necessary to put on this kind of monster event, try and organize it yourself. Find big prizes. Door prizes. Charge $5 if necessary. Guarantee a box to the winner and then trickle down prizes based on attendance. Advertise it correctly. Maybe ask PUI if they would at least let you put it on the front page of their website (costs them nothing but a couple of minutes of time). There are many ways to organize a tournament. Bigger ones are, quite obviously, much more difficult. I've had a pipe dream of hosting a 200+ person tournament with good sized cash prizes in a large, open area for years, but I realize that I don't have the capitol to pull something like that off. If you feel that you or somebody in your area CAN pull it off, then go for it!
this is what league and local tournaments are for. sorry if those aren't 'enough' to fuel your competitive fire.

shouldn't the reduction in K-value this year for cities and BRs have done just this, reduce the 'competitveness' factor and get the players to relax a bit? and if not, just what is POP supposed to do to MAKE them do so?

seriously: where is the budget for such a series of events supposed to come from? because of course these should be FREE, just like every other event, no?

and who's supposed to run these, if PTOs/TOs are *already* running prereleases 4x/year, fall BRs, cities, states, spring BRs, regionals, staffing nationals and worlds, and so on?

i realize to a lot of players, pokemon = life. but unfortunately though it IS a big part of life to those of us who put on the events, we DO have lives outside the game. everyone wants to _play_, but putting on the events/giving back instead of taking is all too often another story entirely, and asking for more more MORE makes me, for one *facepalm*



I would not have a problem charging a small fee. I am personally in favor of charging a small fee at EVERY event, because really it would help a ton to offset costs by the end of the season. I mean, I attend probably 30 events a season, charge me $3 per event is no big deal over the course of a year, but $90 from me offsets the cost of my age group in one of the Cities I played in. Sure that is small, but when we have a few thousand players helping out it could mean big numbers in the end. We could even do what chess tourmanets do - charge a higher fee for higher rated players. Sounds unfair at first, but realize it is the higher rated people who stand the best chance of winning and thus getting the prizes. Joe NoBody and Eric Craig do not have the same chance of winning a Cities, so charging the new player Joe NoBody NOTHING and Eric Craig $5 sounds pretty good when Joe will leave will nothing but a good time and Eric will probably leave with a prize package.

Anyway that's a different subject, but in short I don't see an issue with charging a little bit, most unofficial tournaments do so anyway.

Sorry Mom, but they can reduce the K Value all they want, a rated tournament is still a rated tournament. I could have gone to 12 Battle Roads and 15 Cities if I had wanted, even if the k-value was 4 instead of 8, if I had cleaned up all those tournaments it would equal big points.

These tournaments could very well be run by players. I used to judge often, but with the introduction of the rating system it became important that I play in every event I could attend. I am a player, not a judge. But I do like to help, so if there was a tournament where I could not gain points from, I'd be MUCH more open to the idea of judging it.

I really think you should not assume people would not want to pay, and that people would not want to help out. That negative attitude does not help get anything accomplished. When PUI tried out WalMart day I was there. No product showed up, but I was there. If PUI had assumed no one would come to help, they would not have bothered trying it. But they did, and people showed up to help. I came not for points or for prizes, but to bring others into the game. I'm not the only player like that. I'm sorry if the people in your area/the Gym give you that impression, but in my area we love this game and the players do what they can to give back.



EDIT: By the way, I know we can have tournaments on our own, my local store does that. The reason I am posting this and discussing PUI involvement is to give the tournaments a measure of credibility, more prize support, more advertising and more promotion. The posters I put up in my local store will get a lot less attention than a webpage on the op website.
why does POP have to organize it, if it's supposed to be local, free and fun?

can't a local TO do whatever event(s) they'd like/their players want? wouldn't that be 'good enough'? is it because prizes wouldn't be guaranteed, like a POP event? because it wouldn't necessarily be free?

why does POP have to organize it, if it's supposed to be local, free and fun?

can't a local TO do whatever event(s) they'd like/their players want? wouldn't that be 'good enough'? is it because prizes wouldn't be guaranteed, like a POP event? because it wouldn't necessarily be free?


I think you posted before I finished my edit.

EDIT: By the way, I know we can have tournaments on our own, my local store does that. The reason I am posting this and discussing PUI involvement is to give the tournaments a measure of credibility, more prize support, more advertising and more promotion. The posters I put up in my local store will get a lot less attention than a webpage on the op website.
I gotta say this. My local area is not very competitive with many of them playing unlimited decks (difficult games in a non-competitive sense if you get what I mean). The only times I actually have good games against really good players is when I go to tournaments. So more tournaments would give me and others like me more chances of play better games.

But at the same time, I gotta agree with what everyone else has been saying. PTOs do enough already. They should get a purple heart for the life they put into the game.

And the topic about leagues, some leagues just won't be competitive as much as you want it to. Some people just don't have the money to buy cards and thus will never be competitive. Some people don't have that much time to put into the card game and thus will never be competitive. Some leagues are populated by mostly young players, and thus will never be competitive to the older crowd. League doesn't cut it for me and I feel it doesn't cut it for many. Putting a little money into the league wouldn't change that. It'd just be you giving your money to the same people and them still not buying any cards, etc, etc.
I agree wholeheartedly with what you say but with some of the "better" players wouldn't want to come to tournaments that are big but no points or prizes involved.
Well, I'm in the position where I'd like to help out even more than I do, but I have zero chance at becoming a PTO because one isn't needed apparently. However, if PTOs say that perhaps more help could benefit the game, then maybe PUI could extend their policy. And NO, I don't want free stuff and I don't want to be physically compensated. All I want is to help more, but I've hit a roadblock.
local TOs can put on local events, they're not limited to PTOs. one just has to be 18...and not even be a professor. if you want local events, there's not a lot stopping you (..general 'you') from doing so...

local TOs can put on local events, they're not limited to PTOs. one just has to be 18...and not even be a professor. if you want local events, there's not a lot stopping you (..general 'you') from doing so...

I already am a TO, and am already trying to organize the small scale events.

Really, I'm saying that I'd like to help run the PUI sponsered events, become a PTO but I can't. Being a PTO does sound stressful, and I'd like to help by taking even some minimal amount of responsibility off other PTOs shoulders. I'd just like the chance, but it won't happen, unfortunately (and I think I could do a really good job, too).
SD PokéMom said:
this is what league and local tournaments are for. sorry if those aren't 'enough' to fuel your competitive fire.

shouldn't the reduction in K-value this year for cities and BRs have done just this, reduce the 'competitveness' factor and get the players to relax a bit? and if not, just what is POP supposed to do to MAKE them do so?

seriously: where is the budget for such a series of events supposed to come from? because of course these should be FREE, just like every other event, no?

and who's supposed to run these, if PTOs/TOs are *already* running prereleases 4x/year, fall BRs, cities, states, spring BRs, regionals, staffing nationals and worlds, and so on?

i realize to a lot of players, pokemon = life. but unfortunately though it IS a big part of life to those of us who put on the events, we DO have lives outside the game. everyone wants to _play_, but putting on the events/giving back instead of taking is all too often another story entirely, and asking for more more MORE makes me, for one *facepalm*

I never understood why we stopped paying for tournaments.
5$ a person is so little to ask (my store charges this for our league play and on average there are 25 kids there every saturday). If that would help pay for fun tournaments like these, I don't see anyone disagreeing with that. (Other than the PTO's like Meg45, Prof Clay, BDS, SDPKMom, and some others that run events like crazy).
A Lafonte Open, open to all players 15+, was in works last year between Regionals and Nationals. There was a lot of effort put into the research to make the Lafonte Open happen, but for one reason or another, it did not go off. However, if there is enough interest from the entire community, we would be happy to put on a semi-large scale event! We had prizes, venues, etc. all picked out last season, so much of the planning has already happened. Again this would be an event open to ALL players, including the best in the world, and would include some decent prizes (some of our discussions included Nintendo Wii's, booster packs, gift certificates, etc.).
Whoa, I am not disagreeing with the pay for events....

I am the one who ran the $200 cash event for years in the St. Louis area...a PRIVATE event where we gave 90% of the prize pool back as cash (10% to the store) and a guaranteed $200 to the top place finisher. It was not an event for the feint of heart, $20 enry fee, NO AGE RESTRICTIONS, and NOT age-modified swiss. Johnny 9 year old could get paired with Jimmy or Chuck! Great events! Had a 7 year old take home $70 for 4th place!!!

We run, at league, $5 per week in 13 week events, that pay off, heck, my son finished 2nd and took home $90! 1st place took home $180!

I have NO trouble with pay to play, and think more Pokemon should be pay to play.

Too many pokemon players, that are used to free, think they are entitled to free!

Matt, ditch your prizes, CASH is the only way to do an event of that scale. Trust me.

Whoa, I am not disagreeing with the pay for events....

I am the one who ran the $200 cash event for years in the St. Louis area...a PRIVATE event where we gave 90% of the prize pool back as cash (10% to the store) and a guaranteed $200 to the top place finisher. It was not an event for the feint of heart, $20 enry fee, NO AGE RESTRICTIONS, and NOT age-modified swiss. Johnny 9 year old could get paired with Jimmy or Chuck! Great events! Had a 7 year old take home $70 for 4th place!!!

We run, at league, $5 per week in 13 week events, that pay off, heck, my son finished 2nd and took home $90! 1st place took home $180!

I have NO trouble with pay to play, and think more Pokemon should be pay to play.

Too many pokemon players, that are used to free, think they are entitled to free!

Matt, ditch your prizes, CASH is the only way to do an event of that scale. Trust me.


I just meant that you already run such a massive number of events every season, and to hold some more may really screw up anything else you do in your life.
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