Come Play At Your Local Pokémon League

Last Two Card of the Day Threads . . . . .

Sheesh if its not one thing its another. You guys are complaining about this like its the only reason you go on the Pokegym. Its a small and fun addition, but you guys are so unhappy about every single thing thats not the way you wanted. Instead of posting harsh and unnecessary criticism, why not give us some ideas? I'm sure our CotD Editor would love to hear what you want, and not hear so much about what you don't want, because that gets him nowhere other than "This stinks, bring us something new, and a glass of lemonade."
Don't be suprised, though I was suprised that we didn't have a post on how boring the traditional CoTD was first.
I agree, make the cards more. Rateable.
I mean it's not going to take that long to thing oh that's the good leafy/glacy.
Like POV vs TV or something of that matter.

One card that need to be done is mew, it's a great start (psy balence)
I agree, make the cards more. Rateable.

Ratings aren't worth the time to read or write them -- discussion of when its a good tech and how to support the card if you had to/wanted to play it is valuable (Ratings are *bleah*, unless an experienced and careful person is doing it AND explaining the reason for the Rating... see the Iron Chef series for what real ratings look like).

IMO this discussion is comparable to the ' why does PCL make cards/holos that are terrible ' - the answer for the last 10 years is, "they can't all be tournament playable"!

You are comparing and hopefully discussing the situations when the alternate version is good as a tech, or what someone could use to make it as effective as possible if they have to use it (i.e. don't have the other one... not everyone can buy or trade for the 'correct' card, as a League Leader from a local league told me recently). So, if a kid from a local league gets the 'bad' leafeon, how does he/she play it. Do you care to post in CotD from that perspective?

So, consider,
*not every CotD is going to tickle your fancy, but discussion might help some player who has that card
*the feature does not stink
*the feature is consistently running, as opposed to fits & starts like some others
*staff listens to good suggestions and whining, too, and tries to do the best with the feature and all input
*bulbasnore thinks the ratings are worthless (ha ha) & discussion of tech & support to play the card is where its at
*not every card is a staple or competitively playable but that doesn't mean it should be banned from CotD
'snore: all I meant was make it easier to compare two cards, if a card is bad, it's bad.
it's kinda like making us rate mom's kindness, there's better cards to play end of story. I mean if you guys are planning to rate every card printed in modified great.
But really Shiney glaceon/leafeon is better than the theme deck one. Even a newer player can figure that one out.
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Sheesh if its not one thing its another. You guys are complaining about this like its the only reason you go on the Pokegym. Its a small and fun addition, but you guys are so unhappy about every single thing thats not the way you wanted. Instead of posting harsh and unnecessary criticism, why not give us some ideas? I'm sure our CotD Editor would love to hear what you want, and not hear so much about what you don't want, because that gets him nowhere other than "This stinks, bring us something new, and a glass of lemonade."

Uhhh, did you read the posts? We did give other suggestions.
Make the two cards more alike, not something that is obvious.
So how about next time before flying off the handle like you did/do, you make sure you have everything right?
Like 3 or more people said that they should be more relateable, that sounds like a suggestion to me...
But really Shiney glaceon/leafeon is better than the theme deck one. Even a newer player can figure that one out.

Hey, maybe the new player is a kid from a poor neighborhood. You could go to a league like this if you're out here on a Thursday. So, I think its OK if we CotD that card so people can tell kid how to get the most out of what he has. Take a positive approach & make things better.

Believe me, CotD staff consider your suggestions. I'm just saying, consider people who aren't like us.
Maybe the first CotD for each set should be about comparing the theme decks then.

It keeps things comparative, its non-obvious, and we're far enough away from most major events that we're not hurting competitive players by failing to flush out discussion on heartier cards. Also helps identify good cards that might come in theme decks without a full fledged discussion of them.
Sheesh if its not one thing its another.

Your statement is only valid if the same person is filing (or is taking part in) almost every single complaint. In a large community, you CANNOT make everyone happy. It is naive to think otherwise.

Besides, it's easier for people to voice discontent rather than satisfaction. Rarely will someone post a "ohmigod pokegym is awesome" thread as opposed to "this is stupid please fix it" thread. In fact, you should be thankful that the community cares about Pokegym enough to say what thay think. If nobody complains, you'll never know what you're doing wrong.

Muscovy said:
I was suprised that we didn't have a post on how boring the traditional CoTD was first.
Why not, I'll go there.

Really, posting an image of a card and providing simple instructions on what to do . . . there's nothing more to add there? Maybe a few preliminary discussion points, or anything to make it seem like the card selection process involved more than a bunch of cards, tacks used to stick the cards to the wall, darts to throw at the cards, and an egg timer to put a limit on the time spent producing this fiasco?

In my honest, unfiltered and unbiased opinion, COTD is currently a throwaway section. Please make it meatier so I might feast on it and become rich with knowledge after only a few posts, not low-fat and sugar-free so that I must read many posts before I am satisfied with my learning.

Well, that's not as uniformed as I hoped it would be, but I must leave. I'll check up on this in a couple days. Peace out.


PS. BTW, if anyone took offense to anything I said . . . your skill set will never grow. Only take offense if you wish to stay EXACTLY where you are.

If I was the CotD guy, the next one would be Night Maintenance VS Nightly Garbage Run just to spite everyone. You can't get any closer than that! (other than that other card which had a minor name change, but the names of those cards escape me at the moment)
It's a good thing I'm not the CotD guy.
Again, I've noticed almost nobody suggesting anything. You can complain about things you don't like, but if you don't try to help improve them, what is the point?
I think the two eevee CotDs were a very good idea. We have had a lot of new members and a lot of new threads in the single card strategy section asking which of the two is better. The CotD featuring both should actually *help* some people as they could see the discussion of the two being compared to each other.

You call it boring, but just remember that you aren't the only guy here. It's pretty obvious people still don't know which eeveelutions are better, and doing 2 eevees at once was both a great way to help out new members, but to feature 2 cards at once to save time.
Here, I'll point out the obvious:

-Add more content to the CotDs. Just say something interesting about the card. Anything will work, just make it look like you took more than five minutes making the thread.
-Failing that, wait until the thread gets some replies, then go back and quote the best three or so replies in the original post so future noobies don't have to swim in the endless sea of LOL Good Card 10/10 posts.
-Delete the idiotic LOL Good Card 10/10 posts. If Mr. Poster doesn't care enough to provide a tasty tidbit of information, Mr. Lurker won't care enough to read what Mr. Poster said. Therefore, Mr. Poster should only post THOUGHT-OUT comments. Even if it's just one or two sentences, it's better than an arbitrary rating.

On a side note, at least we aren't forced to rate cards that took the short bus to the printer anymore. For a while there, I thought Pokegym and PUI used the same card-selection process of rolling dice and taking bets to see which card would be up next for review or preview.

Anyway, I have to jet. See ya.

I didn't know you could make suggestions. Where do you make suggestions for Card of the Day. Is there a specifically designated place to do it at?
Phazon, perhaps you would like to become a new CotD editor? You seem to have a few qualms about the process, and it's very possible to become part of the process on the gym, so why not make the changes yourself?

If I can be mod then the possibilities are endless.
I didn't know you could make suggestions. Where do you make suggestions for Card of the Day. Is there a specifically designated place to do it at?

Not necessarily just for the CotD, but the Team Compendium Hideout(TCH) forum is a place where you can post complaints/suggestions, and only the members of team Compendium will know or be able to read what you posted. And if staff applications are being accepted, that would be where you apply.
Well, I just hope that something changes. Having the community do most of the work all the time is just bad. And not the awesome bad, the hideous bad.

Phazon, perhaps you would like to become a new CotD editor? You seem to have a few qualms about the process, and it's very possible to become part of the process on the gym, so why not make the changes yourself?

If I can be mod then the possibilities are endless.

I'll apply in a couple weeks. That'll give me time to finish my finals and it'll ensure that my application will not be forgotten in the excitement of Worlds.
having the community do most of the work? Are you kidding me? You suggest a few ideas and now you are doing most of the work? OMG
Well, I just hope that something changes. Having the community do most of the work all the time is just bad. And not the awesome bad, the hideous bad.

But that's the whole point of the PokeGym.
It's a community.

You don't want 2 or 3 people telling you, the actual top players, what we think is great about a card.
The whole point of CotD is to have the members create a good review by their total response.

And it's not all about putting the best cards out there for every review to be 9/10 or 10/10.
If a card is mediocre, then what is good about it?
Why is it sub-par compared to another card that is similar but better?

How good the reviews are are up to you all.
having the community do most of the work? Are you kidding me? You suggest a few ideas and now you are doing most of the work? OMG
I think you misunderstood me.
The OP of CotD should at least say something interesting about some relevant property of the card. I personally think that the current CotD structure, where only the card is posted and everyone else is supposed to come up with stuff to say about it, is fundamentally flawed.

Why would I think that I'm doing most of the work when I'm really only ranting about stuff that I think should be changed? That's preposterous!
But that's the whole point of the PokeGym.
It's a community.

You don't want 2 or 3 people telling you, the actual top players, what we think is great about a card.
The whole point of CotD is to have the members create a good review by their total response.

I never explicitly said I wanted the replies entirely abolished. That'd be just stupid. The appearance of responsibility should be shifted slightly away from the community and pushed a bit towards the CotD people. That's what I'm getting at. They should delete meaningless posts and add a few comments of their own. If Johnny Poster has something informative to say, he should go for it! If Johnny Poster is just replying with a one-liner in a futile attempt to leave his mark as a POKEMON MASTER and hopes to get an invitation to a leet circle of teenagers, he should immediately stop posting for a few minutes and race himself to turn off his computer.

I'd add more, but I'm in crunch mode for the classes and all that. Peace out.
