Pokémon TCG: Sword and Shield—Brilliant Stars

Live Canadian Updates


Active Member
speaking here in the front lobby, the 1st round is about to end. So far, the records I know are.....

Me- 1-0
Dan R- 1-0
Dave R- 0-1
Reed- 1-0
Ali- 1-0

T16 for 15+, T8 for 11-14, T8 for 10-
104 people overall.
Will update more soon!
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what r the extra "goodies" like? did you get t-shirts like the US nationals?

good start though, well done.
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GUess you beat me too it :p
104 players
54 in 15+ :) top 16 cut after 6 rounds....
? - 11-14 top 8 after 5 rounds
? 10- top 8 after 5 rounds.....

1-2....Lost to a zapturndos (no energy dunsparce)
And Draggy deck with sneasle start....opps g2g later
Dan- 2-0 (?)
Dave- 2-1
Sean- 3-0
Ali- 2-1 (lost to a stalling dragtrode at time)
Reed- 2-0 (?)

3rd round ending soon

yes we did get a shirt, nats promo, pencil, and stickers so far...they've handed those stuff out Round 2 and 3
SomethingElse said:
Dan- 2-0 (?)
Dave- 2-1
Sean- 3-0
Ali- 2-1 (lost to a stalling dragtrode at time)
Reed- 2-0 (?)

3rd round ending soon

yes we did get a shirt, nats promo, pencil, and stickers so far...they've handed those stuff out Round 2 and 3

since sean is a recent addition, i'm guessing you are sean?

if yes, GJ so far, what u running?
if not, bad... :nonono: stop being so bad that u don't get mentioned... :biggrin: j/k

must...beg...for..shirt... our OP didn't give us any BIG goodies like urs... we got a copy of our local Pokemon magazine, some promos (none of mine were good though), inc. Machamp, some random pins (Gym, Stadium and Nationals - Some people got 1 of each, i got 2. :cool: ) and a 50 pack of pokemon deck sleeves (clever marketing...you need to buy more in order to actually use them :rolleyes: ) and one random jumbo promo (Nintendo winner's stamped...i got marshtomp :smile: ). But those shirts sound so cool. :mad:
I'm interested in the records of the Barth family =o

thanks in advance
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Sean- 5-0
Ali- 3-2
Reed- 3-2
Dan- 4-1
Dave- 3-1 (?)

2 5-0's after this round, Me and either Jermy or Jared (Drag or RockLock)
Top 8 for 11-14

Jeff Wang
Bryan Cresswall
Katrina Barth
Dan Richard
Sebastian Swierad
Eric Vanderhelm
Reed W. (ME)
Derek Joson

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10- Bracket

Kent Grams (1) vs Brandon Harrynarine (8)
Hailey Sullivan (4) vs David Richard (5)
Adrian Vanderhelm (3) vs Sharlene Engel (6)
Matthew Kimmerer (2) vs Max Brallo (7)

11-14 Bracket

Jeff Nang (1) vs Derek Joson (8)
Dan Richard (4) vs Sebastian Swierad (5)
Katrina Barth (3) vs Eric Vanderhelm (6)
Bryan Cresswell (2) vs Reed Weichler (7)

15+ Bracket (TBD)

Jared 6-0
Sean F 5-1
Ali- 3-2 (?)
Matt T. 3-2 (?)
haha, katrina made t8
what a dork

hows spencer b doing?

MIKE! get your greasy hair on the forum and let me in on the alberta player recs, NOW
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Ok. Update.

Mystryeeman and I won t8, so were in the top 4. Sean Is still playing. He won the first out of 3.

ALI GOT 17th!!!!! OOMG!!!

Mysteryman said:
Jeff Nang (1) vs Derek Joson (8)
Dan Richard (4) vs Sebastian Swierad (5)
Katrina Barth (3) vs Eric Vanderhelm (6)
Bryan Cresswell (2) vs Reed Weichler (7)

Those Pairings are WRONG.
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ok luke here we go....
Spencer finished 3-3 o_O finished 22 out of 59 Bex
Katrina Made TOP 4 !!!! finished 4-1 in swiss had won 2-0 (LudiCargo)
Landon went 3-2 finishing 9th (ZRE)
Nick top 16 with 4-2, made it to t-8 as well 2-1 i think (rl)
Gordon 4-2 or 5-1 top 16 and top 8 (RL)
I went 3-3 -_- 27th overall after resistance.... (gardy)

Owell zappy decks kill :( o well have more on the full report

As far as decks being played ....what a realy random Metagame.... There is a bit of everything from green heal, to zappy, to bex, to AQUA...and many many rogues decks.....Not as many t-2 decks But there floting out there , Top 8 in 15+ and t-4 in 11-14 & 10-....MORE SOON
tuo backwards
Ok 15+ top 4....

Gordon C (RL) Slimey Grimey
Jason H. Ludicargo/Rydon


No ones telling me anything but thats what i got so far..../
Swmpert 2004 said:
Ok. Update.

Mystryeeman and I won t8, so were in the top 4. Sean Is still playing. He won the first out of 3.

ALI GOT 17th!!!!! OOMG!!!

Those Pairings are WRONG.

That's right! or some reason ended up playing Bryan Creswell. Then again I don't find that weird because me and the guy who came in seventh actually ranked the same so it might not have made much difference if we faced whoever. I lost though.

GJ to Katrina (3rd), and Bryan(4th), and SEBASTIAN (Pokekid) -got a travel and invite because 3/4 of the top 4 in 11-14 had invites already.....sad thing is im the only one in top8 not going to worlds...
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Sorry. Too bad. =(


I got to be the Canadian National Pokemon Champ. I beat Mystereeman because of LUCK.

I swear, I got all of my coin flips heads, and Mysteree got ALL tails.

Sean is playing in the finals, he has one win, and his opponent has one win. they're talking while they're playing, so it might be awhile until we get an update... =\

Hey everyone,

Yah i went 3-0 after the first 3 rounds then something crappy happened to me and I lost the next 3 matches!@$@^$*%$*. So yup I had ray trode zappy and my opponents got so freakin lucky against me in round 4 5 6.
4- no zapdos, but torb 5 lightning bf.....i got wangsta'ed
5- i was winning 1 prize left for me 2 for him, and he has 1 lotad with water against my ray 5 energy, he pulls out shard lanturn and dre ....... made me sick as a pit stain
6-kid pulled out t2 dark electrode ... evolve torb, dark nav, rainbow kills my only torb

Oh well whatcha gonna do. So yup, i had fun all in all (lots of trash talkin, when i was doing good XD) made a few new friends ( black 6 8" guy ) + random "assortments" of people.

Katrina got 3rd ludicolo magcargo lanturn
Spencer 22nd zap ray trode
Nick 5th rock lock
Landon 9th zap ray trode

Some stupid squeeler took away katrina's trophy as some dinkus pinkus made a mistake in the standings :mad: She coulda battled for the trophy but she didn't feel it was right as *supposedly* she was 4th anyway.

To other people for taking my trash talkin XD ( i was just, kidding most of the time )
To my sister for doing crazily good at nats XD
To Gordon for getting 4th
People who helped me with my deck........ jake :)
To Luke for ........... *shifty eyes*

Creepy guy who keep talking to me.
Tie breaker screwing over landon.
Pokekid for not putting out his prizes and sar's in a battle at nats XD and for trying to look like a home dawg.
Mike for asking me non-stop for zappys.
Myself as i was the best in canada but lost that title.

See yah at worlds! As my sister, older brother, and younger brother all have trips ........ i got nothin... :(
Grinda here I come!