Pokémon TCG: Sword and Shield—Brilliant Stars

Luxchomp-The clear B.D.I.F....


New Member
Now before I get flamed like usual, read this:

If you have nothing good to contribute to this thread, I politely ask you to LEAVE. Thank you.

Luxchomp. Before battle roads, people were trying to figure out what to play. Somebody saw Garchomp C Lv X, and saw Luxray Gl Lv X, and said, "hey! This could be a good deck!"

Thus, Luxchomp was born. What's that you say? What is Luxchomp?

Luxchomp is the deck consisting of Luxray Gl Lv X, and Garchomp C Lv X. The strategy of the deck is to setup both pokemon, and each turn take a prize by using Dragon rush, which does 80 damage to anything, drawback having to discard 2 energy, and then poketurning it, using Bronzong G's galactic switch to switch over an energy to Luxray Gl, leveling up to pull something off the bench, hitting for 60 for 2 energy and dealing 30 to your bench, dragging up garchomp, leveling up and using its power to heal all the damage, turning luxray, and switching over to again deal 80, and then getting knockouts, essentially taking 6 prizes in 6 turns after setting up, which usually takes 2 turns.

Luxchomp has taken the majority of states,cities,and battle roads by storm. The deck is counterable, but even with techs to attempt to defeat it, the deck stands out as the clear BDIF.

I just wrote this to explain to people what Luxchomp actually is, and I see how everyone says that it isn't the BDIF. It clearly is. Also to promote anything that has to do with luxchomp.

I hope this article has taught someone something. Thank you
Yes, I agree that the deck is amazing, and got even better the introduction of Double Colorless Energy, but frankly, I'm tired of the deck. I've had to face it since Fall Battle Roads, and it's getting ever more popular. I'm sure there are other people that feel the same way I do.
Luxchomp, the clear M.P.D.I.F.

I hope everyone continues to play this at Reg's (would be great if some people hopped on the bandwagon as well).
I would have to disagree with Luxchomp being BDIF prior to states.

Battle Roads were kind of a mixing of new decks with old decks. People were still playing the hot world's Beedrill, Gyarados, Flychamp and SP toolbox. BlazeRay was a contemporary Luxape and it began really doing well at premier events. I believe Luxchomp at the time was referred to as Lady Gaga, and really did not perform all that much.

Cities came around and Beedrill practically fell off the map. Gyarados somewhat dropped off in popularity too (see Cities results). You definitely had a lot of Flychamp/trap and BlazeRay. Other decks were SP variants including DialgaChomp. "Lady Gaga" was still not doing much in terms of top cuts or even winning cities- until the end.

Between the last round of cities and the beginning of states, "people" started circulating Luxchomp lists and really gave it the attention it needed to come out as BDIF. Once states arrived, everyone and their mother was trying to get a Luxray GL Lv X so they could put together some version of Luxchomp. Once the unanimous results poured in during S/P/T's, Luxchomp became a certified BDIF. With a snowball effect still circling, people continuously look at the results and go, "yeah that is what I am going to play."

With Regionals approaching don't be surprised to see 2 things.

1) More Luxchomps

2) More decks with a sole purpose of countering Luxchomp

As far as 2 goes, most of these will fail epically and never come around to fruition. BUT, some will...and so the metagame story goes, another cycle begins.
The release of DCE gave LuxChomp the power it needed to claim the throne as BDIF. It was good before (it won a couple Cities around me), but DCE gave it that critical push.

The nature of the deck makes it very difficult to counter, too. If a deck is difficult at all to setup, then LuxChomp will likely tear it up before it gets anything decent ready to fight.

To the OP, I should hope at this point that most people know how it works. Also, the gameplan is almost NEVER as simple as "Bright Look, KO, Spray, Galactic Switch, Turn, Garchomp something, repeat" as you say. There's a good article of it up on the Front Page (albeit, without DCE, but it's not that difficult to fit four copies in).
Although Luxchomp seems BDIF, have you tested the Florida Sableye deck's matchupsand Jumpluff with a build similar to Fulops against everything? They run just as well.
Luxchomp. Before battle roads, people were trying to figure out what to play. Somebody saw Garchomp C Lv X, and saw Luxray Gl Lv X, and said, "hey! This could be a good deck!"

Thus, Luxchomp was born.

I agree that LuxChomp is Top Tier. But I dont agree with how it was "made". Basically after DialgaChomp did so well at BR's players just switched the 3-1 Dialga G/X line and put in eaither 2-2 or 3-1 line in. But it wasnt as popular till after City's.
I don't mean to hate on Luxchomp, it's a cool deck certainly.

But the fact is Gyarados maims you. It can one-hit KO everything in your deck, and you need to drop 2 Energy, a Gain, an Energy in hand, and a Bat to do the same. It takes Gyarados 1-2 cards (Expert Belt vs. double Bat drop), while it takes you 5 cards to do the same to Gyarados. As long as Gyarados doesn't play their Belts until the very end and let you take the advantage with a double-prize draw, the matchup is pretty smooth. The only time I have ever won with Luxchomp in testing was when they had a bad start. Other than that, the matchup is horrible for you.
I don't mean to hate on Luxchomp, it's a cool deck certainly.

But the fact is Gyarados maims you. It can one-hit KO everything in your deck, and you need to drop 2 Energy, a Gain, an Energy in hand, and a Bat to do the same. It takes Gyarados 1-2 cards (Expert Belt vs. double Bat drop), while it takes you 5 cards to do the same to Gyarados. As long as Gyarados doesn't play their Belts until the very end and let you take the advantage with a double-prize draw, the matchup is pretty smooth. The only time I have ever won with Luxchomp in testing was when they had a bad start. Other than that, the matchup is horrible for you.

A lot depends on builds and techs.

I found the match up very winnable for Luxchomp.

Luxray + Lucario will OHKO unbelted Gyarados or a Belted one with a Bat drop.

Chomp takes cheap Prizes from benched Sableyes/Regice/Combee/Uxie etc.

Honchkrow SV tech helps a ton too. One match at States, I had my opponent with 4 benched Karp :lol:
I don't mean to hate on Luxchomp, it's a cool deck certainly.

But the fact is Gyarados maims you. It can one-hit KO everything in your deck, and you need to drop 2 Energy, a Gain, an Energy in hand, and a Bat to do the same. It takes Gyarados 1-2 cards (Expert Belt vs. double Bat drop), while it takes you 5 cards to do the same to Gyarados. As long as Gyarados doesn't play their Belts until the very end and let you take the advantage with a double-prize draw, the matchup is pretty smooth. The only time I have ever won with Luxchomp in testing was when they had a bad start. Other than that, the matchup is horrible for you.

You are forgetting the whole speed advantage that gives many decks the chance they need to beat Gyara. If they take the first prize or two then it wont matter if you guys are trading prizes.
I take it that this time, instead of posting something terribly off, you figured you'd go with the safest general meta call you could make? This thread is more or less useless -- it has no additive value.
Yep the deck is pretty re-donk-ulous (pun intended) its just so annoying, wish there was something that auto beat and doesn't get destroyed the rest of the format :nonono:
I would hope I'm not alone in this. Somewhere out there is a rogue mind like mine. We are constructing that one deck to counter luxchomp. A fellow at my league has this deck and it's no fun to play him. It can be done. I look forward to a counter that can well round against everything. I do have an idea, but i need the cards first. There is a rapidash in Arceas with wild guard preventing damage from pokemon SP. Dialga G is weak to fire. I'll leave it at that.