Come Play At Your Local Pokémon League

Mag-dial 9 (150 damage/turn:turn-two)

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Electrode Twins

New Member
The Combo: Magmortar + Dialga + Ninetales

No Pokebodies, No Prime Pokemon, No Stage 2 Pokemon
Just one LvX Pokemon that doesn't even need to be in here.

Gimmick Step One: Dialga's power, "Reverse Time", places 3 energy from the discard on top of the deck.
Gimmick Step Two: Magmortar's attack, "Hard Crush", discards the top three cards of the deck. 150 damage for discarding those 3 energy cards.

* Ninetales' power, Roast Reveal, discards a fire energy and draws 3 cards from the top of the deck. Combined with Reverse Time, Ninetales can be used to draw pokemon or energy back into the hand from the discard pile.

Reverse Time 6 times and it's game over.

Ideal Active: Magmortar (1Fire, 1DCE)
Ideal Bench: Magmortar, Ninetales, Dialga

Roast Reveal - Once during your turn (before your attack), you may discard a R Energy card from your hand. If you do, draw 3 cards. This power can't be used if Ninetales is affected by a Special Condition. (Poke-POWER)

Reverse Time - Once during your turn, when you put Dialga from your hand onto your Bench, you may search your discard pile for up to 3 in any combination of Pokemon (excluding Pokemon LV.X) and basic Energy cards. Show them to your opponent and put them on top of your deck in any order. (Poke-POWER)

[2R] Hard Crush (50x) Discard the top 3 cards from your deck. This attack does 50 damage times the number of Energy cards you discarded.

The Pokemon: 20
3 Magmortar CL
1 Magmortar SV
4 Magmar TM
3 Ninetales CL
3 Vulpix "Shiny"
1 Dialga X "Time Skip"
3 Dialga PL 05 "Reverse Time"
2 Jirachi RR

Trainers: 24
4 Research Record
3 VS Seeker
3 Seeker
3 Bebe's Search
3 Warp Point
2 Junk Arm
3 Engineer's Adjustments
3 Pokemon Collector
1 Luxury Ball

4 Double Colorless Energy
4 Call Energy
8 Fire Energy


Magmortar: Main Attacker. Uses Hard Crush to OHKO pokemon. If can't use Hard Crush for whatever reason, attach another fire and discard both fire leaving only a double colorless energy left on magmortar to attack for 100 damage with mantle bazooka.

Magmortar's power, Evolutionary Flame, burns and confuses your opponent's active. It only works when Magmortar first comes into play, so Seeker is required to re-use Evolutionary Flame. Magmortar's attack snipes for 30. Might be good for setting up 2HKOs. Probably just ruins the consistency of the deck.

Magmar: Eruption
Personal preference.

Ninetales: Hand Support
Just great draw power. Also helps get fire energy into the discard quickly. Although once dialga and magmorta get their cycle going, the same three energy will be placed back and forth each time with dialga's power and magmortars attack. Leaving ninetales to sit on the bench and just burn fire for draw.

Vulpix: Shiny
Searches for two fire energy and puts them in hand. By far best vulpix for this deck.

Dialga: Best way to Hard Crush someone. Agreeably the only way to make magmortar work. Warning. YOU WILL START WITH HIM. In such a case where you start with Dialga. Pray to the poke-gods you get a metal energy. Attach a metal and a DCE and swing for 50 t2 and you get to draw your hand up to 7 cards. then next turn evolve into dialga X and retreat for one less energy.

Dialga X
For games where you start with Dialga. It is best to just level up and retreat for two energy. Think of time skip as an attack. If it fails your turn ends or you can use "call energy" again.

Time skip can also win you the game. By using "Seeker" twice and taking two prizes in a row. You might just clear the board and end the game.
[gal=42506]Dialga X[/gal]

Jirachi RR: Great starter. Attack can also be used during a turn for "double seeker" to clean the field. Free retreat. Good metal pokemon. Seems to fit the deck.


Seeker: Allows you to use Dialga's Reverse Time AGAIN. Most important supporter. Might need 4.
VS Seeker: Allows you to use Seeker AGAIN. Most important trainer in the deck.
Research Record: Running out of excuses for having this here. Replace with Poke Gear.
Interviewers Questions: Searches top of the deck for energy.
Bebe's Search: Pokemon fetcher.
Warp Point: Magmortar only retreats for 2, but dialga retreats for 3.
Junk Arm
Engineer's Adjustments
Pokemon Collector


Double Colorless Energy: Magmortar's Hard Crush requires one fire and two colorless. Perfect for attaching one fire and one double colorless.

Fire: Dialga has to take 3 basic energy out of the discard for Hard Crush to put them right back.

Metal: For when fighting with dialga or jirachi is a good idea. It should never be a good idea. Best Idea = Rainbow Energy

Back Up for turns without the ability to travel back in time. Reverse Time:

(Power Locked)
Research Record
Look at the top 4 cards of your deck and put as many of them as you like back on top of your deck in any order. Then, put the remaining cards on the bottom of your deck in any order.

(Trainer Locked)
Wow... I don't really know about dealing with Vileplume and Spiritomb.
The deck is too simple to add things like Dialga G X.

Basically, if you can't drop down a Dialga and Hard Crush, try to drop a seeker and pick a Dialga up from the bench and place it back down. Super scoop up to save supporter turns or donk. Or use research records and try your best if you can't use powers. Or just attack for 100 and discard two fire energy.

Try to pull of putting 3 energy back on top of the deck and discarding them again for 150 damage a total of six times and you should win the game.

Current deck stats.
Possible Reverse Times: 12
3 Dialga
3 Seeker
3 Vs Seeker
2 Junk Arm

2 Research Records for desperate times.

Use jirachi on turns you have seeker out to pick up two dialga from the bench in one turn.
For turns where power spray has stopped reverse time, jirachi may be important.
Otherwise it is best to just attach another fire to magmortar and use the second attack. It discards two fire for 100. That may not be 150 damage, but it isn't that bad either.

In the case of vileplume, trainers like vs seeker, super scoop up, and research record will be useless.
The only way to use more than three reverse times, would be to use Seeker.
Jirachi would not be a good card to use two seekers with that that point, because dialga could be sent to the lost zone from hand.
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With only 8 fire energy in the deck, you will be hard pressed to have 2 in your hand early. Mag's atk takes 2 Fire and you need a fire energy to roast reveal. Why have the DCE's in there if the deck is built around basic fire. I'd up the fire count a bit.

oh man, lawman.

[2R] Hard Crush (50x) Discard the top 3 cards from your deck. This attack does 50 damage times the number of Energy cards you discarded.

it's two colorless and a fire.

so idealy 1 fire energy and 1 double colorless energy to power magmortar.

I understand you need more fire energy to roast reveal. I was thinking those metals should go, but they can still be used with dialga to attack. Cause god knows you will start with him every single round.
that would only do 100, not 150.

you need to discard 3 energy CARDS for the damage to reach 150.

CARDS are coming from the top of the deck, not the pokemon..

[2R] Hard Crush (50x) Discard the top 3 cards from your deck. This attack does 50 damage times the number of Energy cards you discarded.

Edit: Let me know if I am missing something here. But dialga will allow you to put 3 basic energy on top of the deck with "Reverse Time". Then magmortar discards the top three cards from the deck. All of which are energy. Doing 150 damage. Next turn you can seeker dialga and drop it back down to pick those same exact three energy from the discard, place them on top of the deck, attack with magmortar to discard them all over again.

edit edit:
Seriously dialga must only be able to get two energy and a pokemon or something. there must be a rule where it can't be 3 energy with reverse time.
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anybody got anything?

I don't believe that this deck would do poorly. It doesn't look like it is trying too much. Ninetales gives the deck decent support and the gimmick doesn't seem too hard to pull off.

Anybody think this deck could compete against water decks like gyarados? or trainer killing decks like vilegar?
This looks like a much slower (but bulkier) MewPerior to me, but if you want to run it anyway, take out 2 Super Scoop Up for 2 Junk Arm. Junk Arm helps you reuse VS Seekers to give you more Seekers (or other useful Supporters), and can get Fire energies in your discard for Reverse Time.
This looks like a much slower (but bulkier) MewPerior to me, but if you want to run it anyway, take out 2 Super Scoop Up for 2 Junk Arm. Junk Arm helps you reuse VS Seekers to give you more Seekers (or other useful Supporters), and can get Fire energies in your discard for Reverse Time.

Bulky?! You calling my pokemon fat? Them battle words my friend. l> jk

But Junk Arm vs flippy junk SSU.. I like it. Kinda wish both could fit, but you're right junk arm = more seeker. SSU is such a coin flip. Thank you.

ok what is better,

Magmortar + Dialga VS Mew + Rhyperior Lv X
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T1 Active Magmar. attach energy, eruption to donk 1st energy into the discard.
T2 Active Magmar, attach DCE, evolve to Magmortar. Evolve benched vulpix to ninetales. Place second energy into discard with ninetales power. Use Engineers Adjustments to discard third energy into discard. Drop dialga and "reverse time". Place three energy on top of deck and attack for 150.

At first you think it's unlikely. But think about it. It's just two stage ones. People turn-two two stage-twos' all day every day. SP might be faster, but honestly stage 1's are happy mediums. Speed and endurance.

Edit: Ninetales Draw + Engineer's Adjustments = 7 new cards Turn-Two

---------- Post added 03/14/2011 at 06:35 PM ----------

This looks like a much slower (but bulkier) MewPerior to me, but if you want to run it anyway, take out 2 Super Scoop Up for 2 Junk Arm. Junk Arm helps you reuse VS Seekers to give you more Seekers (or other useful Supporters), and can get Fire energies in your discard for Reverse Time.

I just realized I like junk arm a-lot more now that I see it can put two energy from hand into the discard quickly. Thanks again.
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I don't think this is that bad - it looks like a really fun deck to play, actually, and I may build this for league. :3

Thanks. I think it looks fun too. And consistent, so it should do what it was made to do. Maybe not win, but at least pull off the gimmick. I'm curious to see how the deck plays out against everything else. Let me know how you like it after you build it.

Consider Rainbow energy over Metal, so you cab use it with other attacks.

Rainbow is a good idea, but magmortar uses a lot of colorless energy. Either way, it is now being considered.
Have you thought of Delcatty(from platinum) as a possible substitute for dialga? Drop it down to 2 Dialga and cut the dialga x for a 1-1 Delcatty line. It would allow you to still swing for 100 without having to take up your supporter slot or rely on flipping a heads on a SSU.

Just some thoughts

Have you thought of Delcatty(from platinum) as a possible substitute for dialga? Drop it down to 2 Dialga and cut the dialga x for a 1-1 Delcatty line. It would allow you to still swing for 100 without having to take up your supporter slot or rely on flipping a heads on a SSU.

Just some thoughts


Delcatty is a great pokemon. I can totally see how delcatty could be useful. But i kinda figure if you are going to alternate between 150 damage and 100 damage, just using magmortar's second attack for 100 and discarding two fire. Add a fire next turn and you would be right back to using hard crush
Delcatty is a great pokemon. I can totally see how delcatty could be useful. But i kinda figure if you are going to alternate between 150 damage and 100 damage, just using magmortar's second attack for 100 and discarding two fire. Add a fire next turn and you would be right back to using hard crush

Fair enough. Ive been toying with this same idea lately and I liked the idea of being able to still hit for 100 without havent to: 1.) have an extra energy on the magmortar or 2.) discard 2 energy off magmortar.. :biggrin:

Fair enough. Ive been toying with this same idea lately and I liked the idea of being able to still hit for 100 without havent to: 1.) have an extra energy on the magmortar or 2.) discard 2 energy off magmortar.. :biggrin:


Word. Discarding two energy can be pretty lame. Makes it harder to setup a benched Magmortar.

Alternating between Hard Crush and Mantle Bazooka would mean that no energy was being played on the bench. Only way to free up that extra energy drop would be to use hard Crush twice in a row.
Turn X, Hard Crush with 1 Fire 1 DCE
Turn Y, Attach Fire, Mantle Bazooka, Discard Both Fire (1 DCE remains)
Turn Z, Attach Fire, Hard Crush with 1 Fire 1 DCE

Thanks for helping though. Delcatty is not a bad card by any means.

---------- Post added 03/16/2011 at 01:25 PM ----------

Second thought, with help of friend. Drop the metal energy all together and just think of time skip as an attack, because it might very well end your turn. Call energy to help with dialga starts.
updated list

New list

The Pokemon: 18
3 Magmortar CL
1 Magmortar SV
4 Magmar TM
2 Ninetales CL
2 Vulpix "Shiny"
1 Dialga X "Time Skip"
3 Dialga PL 05 "Reverse Time"
2 Jirachi RR

Trainers: 26
4 Research Record
3 VS Seeker
3 Seeker
3 Bebe's Search
3 Warp Point
2 Junk Arm
3 Engineer's Adjustments
3 Pokemon Collector
1 Luxury Ball

4 Double Colorless Energy
4 Call Energy
8 Fire Energy
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