Pokémon TCG: Sword and Shield—Brilliant Stars

mag./empoleon for states

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New Member

this is probably the deck i'm going to play at the upcoming states. it's not very fast, though.
any suggestions?

here it is:

17 pokemon:

3 piplup
3 prinplup
3 empoleon
1 empoleon x
3 magmar sw
3 magmortar sw
1 magmortar x

22 trainers:

4 prof. elm's training method
2 prof. cozmo's discovery
2 scott
3 bill's maintenance
1 prof. oak's visit
3 night pokemon center
2 premier ball
1 amuelet coin
2 energy search
1 memory berry
1 holon mentor

18 energies:

9 water
9 fire

strategy: mag. x anti gardy/gallade sniper, memory berry on x's lets them use any attack from their previous forms. empoleon is a good hitter with nice hp. premier ball for x's.


drop memory berry b/c bulit on unless want piplup rinplup and magmars attacks and gets discarded.
drop energties
put celios/ bebes
take npc
and nrg search
so something like this
-4 energies
- 1 memory berry
- 4 petm
- 3 npc to risky
-2 energy search
-1 holon mentor
- 1 premier ball
+3 Scrambles both pokemon work well with
+4 Starter to activate scramble maybe stantler from sw or lapras from ge
+2 rossennes research
+4 celios/bebes Research better than just getting evolutions and now can get lvxs
+1 piplup
+ 1magmar
+ 1 night manitience/tsd

gl at states proably more changes that you can figur e out from this forum
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