Come Play At Your Local Pokémon League

Magma Sabre

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Crono Sabre

New Member
Pokemon [22]
[1] Magmortar LV.X
[3] Magmortar SW
[3] Magmar MT
[2] Torchic GE
[1] Combusken GE
[2] Blaziken PK
[1] Blaziken GE
[2] Skitty PK
[2] Delcatty PK
[1] Absol ex PK
[4] Pachirisu GE

Supporters [9]
[4] Celio's Network
[2] Roseanne's Research
[3] TV Reporter

Trainers [13]
[2] Night Maintenance
[2] Premier Ball
[3] Rare Candy
[2] Super Scoop Up
[2] Warp Point
[2] Windstorm

Energies [16]
[13] Fire
[3] Scramble

Strategy [1]
Snipe opponent's bench with Fireball Bazooka and KO their bench early before they set up.
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i think your deck is good though. Your deck might need more energy. Using magmortar takes 3-4 energy! if you don't want to do that, i'd definitely recommend MR. Stone's Project.
I think Absol ex is more of a liability than anything. He's a bad attacker vs anything fighting (Gallade?) and he can get sniped by opponent's Magmortar lvlX's for 2 prizes.

I'd add at least another scramble.
I guess it's horrible because I'm stupid enough to send it out against an active Gallade (or anything Fighting in general).

Blaziken GE looks pretty good. I might try it.
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Say, I like this new idea of blaziken instead of typhosion. your blaziken line should be:
3 Torchic
1 Combusken
2 Blaziken PK
1 Blaziken GE
I triewd this deck exept instead of delcatty I used porygon 2 and TVR/Felicity's and it isn't exactly terrible.

for the deck I would give it a 8/10
I tried Porygon2 also and it didn't work as well as I had hoped. Once you're out of supporters, you're screwed. The Illumise/Volbeat combo didn't work well either. Once you're out of supporters, these guys only get one supporter and you have to wait a turn before you use it.
-1 Absol Ex
-2 Super Scoop Up
-2 Premier Ball
-1 Fire

+2 Holon FF it gives you a way better matchup vs. water decks. It also doesn't interfere with the strategy of spreading damage as you would use Fire Bazooka more then Flame Blast.

+1 Tv Reporter
+1 Combusken
+1 Torchic
+1 TGW
The only reason I'm not using Holon FF is that the only player who uses water pokemon is myself, otherwise I would.

Absol ex is really good here, actually. It helped me get a few knockouts in several games. Trust me.

I'm feeling a little uncomfortable with my current Blaziken line, but people often tell me I don't need another Torchic/Combusken. I dunno. I haven't tested it much yet.
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