Pokémon TCG: Sword and Shield—Brilliant Stars

magmortar bliss

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New Member
as part of my reparation upon dissing blizzy, i decided to make a magmortar blizzy deck.
magmortar discards a lot of nrg. blizzy picks up those nrg and attacks with it.

blizzy lacks the sniping ability. which is the theme of today and yesterday's metagame. so enter magmortar. the 100 damage sniper. plus the sw mortar can do some finish off sniping as well.

18 pocket monsters
4-3-1 mortar lvx (no magby)
2-4-4 bliss

15 nrg cards
9 fire
3 scramble
3 dre

27 trainer/supporter
3 castaway
4 quickie ball
4 dual ball
3 buffer
2 strength charm
1 warp pt.
3 copy cat
2 tgw
2 stevens
3 celios

let me know what you think. so i can fix the deck some more. thanks gym.
id take out the happinys theres no need for them and wich magmortor are you using cuz the one from sw doesnt discard energys? also I would take out either the duel balls or the quik balls and stick in some tvr to help with blisseys attack cuz you dont really have anything else to get energys in the discard pile
Drop the dual for the TVR if thats your plan. Getting energy OUT of the discard pile is gonna be a pain. Put them onto Blissey is fine, but you need some to fuel Magmortar as well. Night Maintenance, Mr. Stone's, or for coin flippy goodness, Energy Restore and SSU to pick up the blissey. Also, Rosanne's Research or whatever its called may be good.

I'd drop a copycat and the Strength charms and castaway for the re-energizing stuff. And run 2 warp point or no warp point. Your retreats are pricy, so the latter may be better.
thanks for the advice votalesin. how does this look.

18 pocket monsters
4-3-1 mortar lvx (no magby)
2-4-4 bliss

15 nrg cards
9 fire
3 scramble
3 dre

27 trainer/supporter
4 tv rep
4 quickie ball
2 dual ball
2 roseanes research
2 strength charm
2 warp pt.
1 mr stone
1 night maint
2 tgw
2 stevens
3 celios
Why is everybody always so against Happiny? In a variant that isn't playing cess in the first place, all the power can do is help you... and a completely related basic with a not so bad free attack isn't killing consistency.
What about a couple of Holon FF energies to help against weakness? I'd say -2 Happiny and +2 Holon FF. I know that if does not help Magmortar's power but it might do more in the long run to keep him around longer.
Drop Happiny, it won't be as useful as pluspower and holon FF. Getting rid of your weakness is quite handy.

The deck looks better and better!
The only good thing about happiny is that u can do T2 evolve to chansey then boost for the 80 damage attack FTW. And since ur deck doesnt have any boost, then.....
^secret wonders probably

he typed in first post: plus the sw mortar can do some finish off sniping as well.
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