Pokémon TCG: Sword and Shield—Brilliant Stars

Magmortar X, Entei SW, Electivire SW


New Member
I think these cards are mistranslated.

Here's the text for Magmortar L.X:
自分の:fire:エネルギーを2枚トラッシュし、相手のポケモン1匹に、100ダメージ。次の自分の番、自分は「フレイムブラスター」を使えない。 (This second sentence isn't relevant)

And for the other 'Ashers (Blaziken ex and Steelix ex):

OK, so the text is identical, except for one part: Magmortar tells you to discard エネルギー2枚 while the other cards tell you to discard エネルギー2個. 枚 is a counter for cards, whereas 個 is a counter for Energy. So, while BEX and Steelix have you discarding 2 Energy (even as 1 card), Magmortar is specifically telling you to discard 2 Energy CARDS. I believe the intent of the wording change is to prevent Magmortar from doing 100 with a Scramble or a DRE, something that wasn't an issue with Blaziken or Steelix ex.

Entei SW has the same problem. Here's the original text:
相手のベンチポケモン1匹にも、20ダメージ。 コインを1回投げウラなら、自分の:fire:エネルギー2枚トラッシュ

Right now he says: "Flip a coin. If tails, discard 2 :fire: Energy attached to Entei." What he should say is, "Flip a coin. If tails, discard 2 :fire: Energy cards attached to Entei." Not as much of an issue as it is with Magmortar, but it still makes a difference as long as H. Castform is in the format.

Can we get a ruling on these?

Fake Edit - I checked the PCG site's Q&A section and found this:

Q: ブーバーンLV.Xのワザ「フレイムブラスター」の効果で、「ホロンのポワルン」をエネルギー2枚ぶんとしてトラッシュできますか? (For the effect of Magmortar L.X's "Flame Bluster" attack, can I discard a "Holon's Castform" counting as 2 Energy cards?)
A: いいえ、トラッシュできません。 (No, you can't.)

Real Edit - Electivire also has this problem!
(Discard all :lightning Energy attached to Electivire, then flip coins equal to the number of discarded Energy CARDs, and do 50 damage x the number of heads.)

This is actually the same wording as Crush and Burn.
のぞむなら、自分の場のエネルギーを好きなだけトラッシュしてよい。 その場合、トラッシュしたエネルギーの枚数×20ダメージを追加する。

(The construction is a little different because Electrode CAN discard Energy whereas Electivire MUST discard Energy.) I missed this one in my translation too. :(
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