Pokémon TCG: Sword and Shield—Brilliant Stars

Michael Diaz's Nats report


Day 1 - I get there on Thursday at like 11 and immediately go down to the test room to play some games and meet up with some friends. I play 2 games with Christian Ortiz and go 1-1 with Gengar/Queen/Zam/Champ. While we were playing Jose, who had been complaining about being really exhausted, just collapsed and fell asleep right next to our match lol. I went over and met up with Krekler and beat him in 1 game because he had a bad matchup with his LuxApe. Some guy near us was whistling all high-pitched, which combined with being really tired, gave me a headache. I went back up to the room and helped unpack. I stayed there for about 10 mins and went back down to test. I got there and asked Krekler if he had any decks beside LuxApe and he said he would run up to his room to grab one. As soon as he left my brother informs me that we had to leave. I tried to stall and at least tell Krekler I had to leave but I’m horrible at stalling and we left. I heard later he looked around the hotel for me for about 20 mins >.<.

Day – 2 I get to the convention center at 7am in time to judge the Professor Cup, but there were no Pokemon officials there so they would let me in. I go to starbucks to wait for the room to open. I head back at about 8 when everything had picked up in the convention center. I got there and realized I wouldn’t have any time to test for nats the next day. I regretted judging but I guess it was fun for the most part (The SEXY professor sleeves really made it worth it.) I eventually found time to test with Austin, Maiman, Justin, Jose, Nick C, Kevin, Honky, and a bunch of other people. I made a bunch of improvements to the deck and narrowed down the techs to a thicker Champ Line and no Zam. Later that night I felt comfortable with my deck choice after being told it was bad by Curran and Orion. I also noticed that Justin was having problems with his deck so I helped him out.

Day 3 – I get there and meet up with some people and sit down for the player meeting. I play against some kid sitting next to me with King and lose twice. Now I was scared.
Onto the rounds

Round 1 - Cody W Empo/Bliss/Queen Arizona State Champ
I was REALLY surprised because Maiman, Kevin, and I had been pointing out random names on the final roster and claiming they would win the event the following day. I pointed this kid out!
We sit down and I get a T1 Pitch Dark while he gets garbage draws for the first 3 turns of the game. I eventually set up 3 Gengars a Dol and a Queen to his Empo and Queen. While I snipe off his bench he sends in an Empoleon and kills my 1st Gengar. Flip……Tails. I manage to kill the Emp without giving up a prize. In desperation he sends out the Queen and KOs my 2nd Gengar. Flip……Tails. I 2 shot the Queen because he had 2 Candies stuck in his hand. I had a clean gengar on the bench and one with 80 active. He send in a Piplup with 2 energies on it and Water Splashes… Heads for the 30 and the KO on the Gengar with 80. Fainting Spell……Tails. I 1 shot the Piplup, and he proceeds to scoop shortly after.


Round 2 – IDK with Electivire Amphy
I know to get out the early Machamp this game. He gets a T2-3 Electivire Motor Drive out and can’t attack, but he did get the Sunnyshore down. I got the Machamp active and Hurricaned for 60. He discharged for 100 to my clean Champ. I took out his Electivire and he sent out another elecabuzz. He evolved, attached, motor Drove, and passed his turn. I countered his stadium and Hurricaned for 90. He finally got his 2nd discharge off to kill the champ. I sent in a Gengar to finish the Electavire with 90 on it. He Sent out a 3rd Electabuzz, candied an Amphy to his bench and passed without the electavire. I got out another Champ and Took his electabuzz out. He scooped


Round 3 – Tad Porygon Z
I was pretty shocked when I saw that I was playing against Tad because he had been really inactive all season and I thought he might’ve quit
I got the early pitch dark and locked him down until I got a Poltergeist off on his active. That deck has too many powers to deal with a fast gengar so his G’s were spread onto 1 Claydol and 1 Porygon Z. The Porygon 2’s were fair game. He had two explosive turns, dropping 3 supporters in one turn, and another turn playing 4 TMs from a 5 card hand for a one shot on a damaged Machamp. All I did was snipe his Porygon 2’s the whole game and he couldn’t stop it. I killed a Porygon Z lv.X in three shots for my 5th prize. He was basically done. He sent in an Infernape 4 attached a devoluter to it and tried to devo my G’d Gengar. I told him that the attack did nothing and I also showed him the fighting energy in my hand which would have given me the game next turn with a take out. I let him retreat for something that wouldn’t get one shotted but the game only lasted 1-2 more turns for him.


Round 4 – Keeli Kingdra
Before the game she said she was from Houston, which is also where Austin is from, and she knew him. She also said that she beat him in 2 BRs which didn’t surprise me at all because Austin is a Horrible player.
The Game, I get to go second which was a big advantage. She started with a lone Horsea, to my machop. I proceed to Double drawer and get the T1 Take out. Her hand was Candy, King, Candy, King, Water, something, something. That would have been a donk no matter what. I’m just lucky I went 2nd.


Round 5 – Taylor LuxApe
This was probably a bigger donk than game 4
I saw my hand and thought I was going to lose miserably if it was a mirror, a Flygon, or any other set up deck. My hand was Machop, Machoke, Machamp, and NOTHING else. Thank God she started with Dialga and went second. I went Machop pass. She Defeaned me and passed. I evolved and passed. She defeaned. I draw, Unown R, retire, ROSEANNE! I evolved into Champ, Roseanned for the Fighting and an Uxie, and went off. She sac’d 3 basics into a champ and that was it. Not the best game that could’ve been but I’ll take it. At that point I knew she would make cut anyway

5-0 Woooh

Round 6 – Thomas Mother Gengar
Well, what can I say, playing Thomas at table 2 at nationals while we’re both undefeated, Amazing. Thomas and I have played in sooo many events together it’s ridiculous.
We start up and we both pitch dark. Pitch Dark, Pitch Dark, Pitch Dark. He breaks the lock with BTS, haunter, Gengar, Poltergeist for the KO. We sorta go back and forth but he always had the edge over me that game. He made the right plays with G’s and I couldn’t stop him with his quick queen healing everything. He was always one step ahead of me and I could not catch up to save myself. It was, as always, a great game.


I was too relaxed going into this game because I figured I would make cut at 5-3 even because I was 5-0

Round 7 Alec Mother Gengar

See Round 6 except I came back at the end. Late game we were tied up at 1-1 and I had 2 G’d Pokemon, 1 Claydol (getting rid of my trainers) and 1 Gengar (Killing Stuff) and a Queen withour a G. The Queen had 2 energies on it and It was active after a warp. My opponent was out of G’s and had a gengar on the bench without one. I was going to 3 shot it because he couldn’t touch me without going to a flip at least. He hits my Queen until it’s 10 away from a KO. All I have to do is retreat and sent out a gengar for the win or Sudden Death. I draw, whiff okay I have cosmic, Cosmic for 4, whiff in a 7 card deck.


I still think I’m in top no matter what until I see what table I’m at ……30

Round 8 – IDK Gallade Spread
Yo, this kid was pwning noobs. I was in trouble even with Queen he spread about 40 one turn, 30 the next, then 20 for the rest of the game. I got my Queen out, but he Techs DUSKNOIR! He got it out and bounced my queen while keeping his spread down. He made a couple of misplays which ultimately lead to my win. The best game I played all day.

I waited for a while for standings to go up and see that I’m playing against this kid with Machamp. YES!

Aziz and Curran decided they were REALLY tired right before top 64 so they decided to go take a nap at some table and told me to wake them up before top 64. I walked around outside the room with Nick C when I got a call from my brother telling me that I was the last one to sit down to play. I ran over and noticed that Curran and Aziz were missing. I tried to get out and find them before they were called late. ‘Pop told me that I couldn’t get out but I could get my brother to look for them. They all got there before they started and there were no problems with it.

Top64 – Travis Machamp

Game 1- He got a pretty bad start to my good one. I got quick gengars out and forced him to flip into them if he was ever going to attack at all. All game was just snipe his Uxies and Claydols. He stuck a bunch of candies in his hand and couldn’t get rid of them so I mowed through his Machamps with Poltergeist.
Game 2 – He had to try something new this game because straight machamp wasn’t going to work. So he had the idea of using Flygon..-.- I got a Queen out and his damage flow stopped entirely.

When I leave the play are, I hear that a bunch of really good players missed day two like Curran, Geoff, Justin, Taylor, Dylan, and a couple other people. Sucks

So I hear that night that I might be playing some kid playing AMU. I had watched his top 64 match, he was 57th seed going in, and it’s debatable if he should have won his cut game in the first place (no offence Kevin). I was feeling good about it so I wasn’t too tense going to sleep

Day 2

I get down stairs and confirm who my opponent is and get really exited. I also heard the best news I’d heard all of nats, No G’s! No Unown G’s in AMU. Oh Man, I’m set. I get there and sit down to play him.

Top 32 – Kevin C. G-Less AMU

Game 1 - He realizes his bad matchup and I flip my Machop start to his Uxie. I go first, attach and pass. He draws, thinks a little and benches a mesprit for the bind. Pass. Luckily I had the candy, and champ, without any powers, already. I candy down the champ and take out his active. He sends out the mesprit, draws, benches some mesprit, attaches to it, and passes. Take out for 2 more turns for the game.
Game 2 - This was no different than the first game and I killed his active, with a T3 Champ and he sent out an Uxie, which he restored to the bottom of the deck for the suicide. GG

Cool Stuff, Top 16. I’m pretty sure I have the Invite by this point, but I want to be sure so I was going to try like Hell to win this game…. Flygon. Seriously? Flygon. The only Flygon left in the tournament.

Nathaniel L – Flygon
Game 1 – He starts with G on the bench and the trapinch with the power active. I had to go first. Uggh. I pitch dark. He draws, attaches the G, and passes. If I could hit the Gengar I would have the poltergeist for the win. Too bad. I whiff and he goes; Roseanne, BTS, Claydol, G, Cosmic, Candy, Flygon. Well I draw into the Gengar that turn and poltergeist. Turns out, he cosmic’d away all his trainers. 0 damage. He leveled up T3 and told me that he would have to deck me out to win, so that’s what he did. I fought back with poltergeists every turn and cosmicing cards to replenish my deck but I was dealing too little damage to matter with his Queen healing everything. This game was basically what happens when a gengar mirror hits a stale mate where both players are poltergeisting every turn for whatever damage they can deal. Except he never had any trainers in hand and he was killing my deck every between turns. I lose
Game 2 – I start the same way I did game one, and hope I get a little luckier than I did game one, and he gets a little less lucky. So much for that: He got an almost identical start and rushed my ***. I couldn’t touch him at all, I was deck’d for the second time in the top 16, and that’s all she wrote

I get out of the player area, knowing that I was the last NJ/NY/PA player left. Oh well, this format is based on donks, at least I didn’t have to go through any. (Although dealing them is almost just as bad a feeling.)

Overall it was a good nats, but I’m disappointed none of my friends took it to the end. Also the fact that a bunch of them missed the rating invite by just a couple points. Congrats to Aylam and see you all at Worlds

Props and Slops may follow

Ya I was mad about not makeing top 64 because I was playing Eric Wu and he use claydol without haveing a claydol and they did not even give me a prize so I loss but still top 64!!! and congratz

-Justin Young
yeah, i remember seeing you play that AMU, you won in like 3 turns right? i also saw you against that other kid, GJ on T16 nathaniel was pretty lucky he got starts like that all three times on me 0.o i don't think he was cheating though, he just had a great build.
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KK, there was some kid i played in T64 playing luxape that was named something REALLY close to that, sorry 'bout that.
um...Taylor is a girl...nor does she try to stall people out...never has/never will

Pff lol
nice one eleki.

Vince, I heard from Andrew that you weren't going to worlds. Say it ain't so.

Austin, yeah I tried, SUCH a bad matchup. You get the invite?
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its pokeric! I'm the guy that traded u the call energy lol. Sorry for hijacking your thread Diaz :p
Congrats nonetheless! I'll cya at worlds!
I didn't get in and he went 3-4 cuz he played and anti-meta team and faced no meta. Oh well that's what he gets. If you played the team I told him to he woulda got a trip to Worlds :nonono:
Great job Michael!
See you at Worlds.
Sorry I couldn't let you go hunt for them, but it would have been worse if I had to give all three of you a "late" penalty.
Glad they got over in time.

It killed me having to give two players a "late" for top 4 the next day.
Yeah pop there was no problem. There were TWO players late for TOP 4?

Austin-That's REALLY good, I thought you missed. Like I said, SOOO many good Seniors missed ratings and Cut
Jason-You takin' Alex with you to worlds?