Pokémon TCG: Sword and Shield—Brilliant Stars

My DE states report (top cut)

It was an interesting and fun time as states on Saturday
I ended up running Gengar/Dusky and thanks to some teamwork from two of my fellow Jersey profs I was leant the Dusky X I needed to complete that deck.

Round 1: vs Leafeon/Shaymin/Cherrim
The only girl I faced all day. I had a slow rough start, but eventually got the ball rolling and rolled right along to victory (though I did miss 2 fainting spell flips). To her credit she ended up finishing 4-2 and getting 13th place

Round 2: vs Machamp
Due to a series of unfortunate events, I got donked T1 by Take Out.

Round 3 vs Rampardos
Now this guy goes to the league I attend in Blue Bell PA. Anyway this game went back and forth, back and forth. I had missed a chance to pull away when i failed to pull a Gengar so I settled for hoodwinking. Lucky I got the Gengar the 2nd time around and was able to get a 2-1 prize card lead, and then on my turn time got called. And I walked away from that round with a big sigh of relief.

Round 4 vs ????
I have no idea what this guy was playing cause all I saw was an Uxie, so he scooped to me after T2.

Round 5 vs Magnevire
This was a fun round, my opponent was a very nice guy and we had a good solid game. Unfortunately everyone of his pokemon had powers so I shadow roomed his pokemon to death. I also got some help from 2 hitting two key fainting spell flips. One of which nailed his Magnezone Lv X. A Dusknoir snipe on a benched Azelf netted me the win.

Round 6 vs Kingdra
Now this was interesting: I got paired up against my friend from my college. So I knew this was gonna be a fun match. I made 2 serious misplays which probably cost me that game. 1) Early on I later calculated that I had a chance to Poltergeist his Seadra but I decided to get cute and Shadow room instead. and 2) I got too aggressive trying to get my dusknoirs out and ended losing my only 2 duskulls. So I was left to rely on my Gengar, I ended up missing 2 fainting spell flips. so needless to say he got the better of me.

So with my opponents all having plus .500 records I was hoping that my resistance would be enough to get me in. And sure enough I was the highest 4-2 coming in 6th place. So I got my deck checked. Shuffled up and got ready for my 1st round top cut match

Round 7 vs Kingdra (again)
So here we go. each game in this round was like night and day.
Game 1: After 3 Mulligans and a Baltoy start, I rebounded and totally dominated this game, I think I played this one flawlessly. Once I knocked out his Kingdra with 3 energies on it with Night Spin the rest came easy. To save time he wisely scooped game 1 to me.
Game 2: He opted to go 2nd and he got the T1 Kingdra donk so just like that it was all notted up
Game 3: Unfortunately he got T2 Seadra and double plus power knocked out my duskull for the match.

Making Top Cut
Decent pulls in packs (Weavile G, Manectrik)
Out perfoming the top 2 players in New Jersey
Not having to face one SP deck the whole day!

Donk decks
Pulling Luvdisc in my last pack.