Pokémon TCG: Sword and Shield—Brilliant Stars

My last 11-14 battle.


New Member
Hey everyone! Well, this was my last 11-14 event, and come Regs, I enter the mighty 15+. I'll miss the 11-14, for it's hard leaving it, but I went out with a bang. So, on to the report.

This was the list I used for the day.

1 Holon's Magneton
4 Holon's Electrode
9 Water Energy

1 Pow! Hand Extension
2 Swoop! Teleporter
1 Pokémon Retriever
1 Holon Farmer
1 Holon Scientist
2 Holon Transceiver
2 Holon Mentor
2 Rocket's Admin.
2 Steven's Advice
1 Warp Point
1 Switch
1 Giant Stump
3 Power Tree
3 Celio's Network
3 Rare Candy

2 Steelix ex
2 Onix RG
1 Mew ex
1 Lugia ex
1 Jirachi HL
3 Jirachi DX
2 Pidgeot RG
1 Pidgeotto RG
2 Pidgey RG
2 Blastoise ex
1 Wartortle RG
2 Squirtle RG2
This list has been great to me. It's been uber consistant. The object of the deck is to of course get a Steelix going, and kill their big forces, and back up with Lugia for anything you can't ko via Steelix.

Now, on to the short report.

Round 1: (DragTrode)
This was an easy game, the person I played had nothing. Meanwhile I set up too fast for him to really do anything, and so I got Steelix up, ko'ing right and left, and able to win the game with ease.


Round 2: Tess D. (Blasty/Lugia ex/Latias*)
Well, this was a fast battle, both of my squirtle's were prized, and when I couldn't set up in time to really do anything. I was slaughtered.


Round 3: (Flaridos)
This was a good match, we both went back and forth just hitting each other. I was able to ko the Ariados, yet more came. I used Lugia alot in the match. It finally came down to 1 prize each, and a turn before I searched for a warp point, so I get my Jirachi that was active from sleep, and send up my fully powered Blasty, and ko one of the 3 Flare's on bench for game. Thankfully, I was able to do just that, and I pulled the game out.


So, after the short rounds, Top 4 is announced, and I'm in. I get my deck checked, and also help a friend of mine with a deck. Top 4 then begins.

Round 1: Tess D. (Rematch)
Game 1: This was a close game, I get a fast set up, as does she. I get a Steelix set up and rip at her set up, she sends in a Latias and rips my Steelix in two. I send in something *Not sure what* and ko it, and then go on to win from there.

Game 2: I get a Steelix set up really fast, and ko the pidgey's on the bench fast. Then I switch to a Lugia and end the game by ko'ing Blasty.

Round 2: Blaine D (DragTrode)
Game 1: I get Steelix set up again, and blow away at his set up, ko'ing his Sneasel off first, and then just ko'ing 4 things easily for the game.

Game 2: I'm in the lead, gaining prizes fast, with Steelix once more. Yet, it's got 50 damage. Mew comes into play, and is sent up via Warp Point and blows it away. I'm not able to recover from this, and end up losing

Game 3: I get a good set up going, he gets one as well. He sets up a D. Dragonite fast, but while he's going that, I set up a Lugia, ready to kill it. I do so, and he ends up ko'ing my Lugia. We had admin'ed abunch of times, and I get the perfect hand to get Lugia out and ko his Drag, which has all the energy he had in play (1 Holon and 2 Dark). So I retriever, power up Lugia, retreat Pidge and blow it away. 2 Prizes left, and he's got nothing, so he lays down a Mew. I have a steelix set up, and ko it for game.
Thanks dude, for the games.

And so, with that, I win the State Championship of South Carolina, again.

So, after my win, and stuff, I hang around and await to see the champion of the 15+, and see that John scores South Carolina also.

Seeing everyone once more.
Having great oppenents.
Winning my last 11-14 event.
The Great Tournament

Box only havin 1 ex =/.
My CD Player runnin out of juice.
My Rocket's Mewtwo ex some how disappearing
One of the people at the store making me and mom eat outside.
GJ even though the 11-14 tournament is short. Come to NY for regionals if you can. See you then, if not, then Nats.
@Ryan: Dude, it just works with Celio, and I have no idea why. I guess Chuck Norris sat down and said 'This deck shall use it.'

@Peter: Thanks dude, not sure if I'll make NY, =(
-1 competition for me XD

Good job bro, I told you you were gonna win this one. Sucks that FL and NC are the same day, oh well. Cya in Colombus.
I enjoyed playing against your deck with my MetaNite. :biggrin: (jk, jk)

Aside from that, really super awesome congrats my friend. I look forward to you moving up to the 15+, just don't go emo on me! Regionals will be awesome dude. I look forward to facing you, if that's the case. If not, I ... well, I'll wish you a birthday. You decide on whether or not it's a "happy" one. :thumb:
@ ErikNance: Hahaha, don't worry, I wont' go emo, that was a joke XD!

k-psycho: Well, I was happy, yet sad because it's my last 11-14 event

Muk-Man: Yes, you get to face me now lol.
And thanks everyone else!