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My look at Delcatty ex.

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New Member
4 Skitty
4 Delcatty ex
3 Aerodactyl D

23 Fire
1 Cyclone

4 Holon Fossil
4 Holon Lass
4 Holon Transceiver
3 Holon Scientist
2 Holon Researcher
2 Mr. Stone's Project
4 Elm's Training Method

Strat: Get 111 muligans and get 111 cards with Scientist, then discard cards from BOTH player's hands (MUAHAHA) and start attacking. Use holon fossil to get the aerodactyls out which gets you even more energies! 4 transceivers, 4 LASS gets you even more energies for the KOs.

And you only need 1 energy.
by that time your opponent will put down another energy and you do realize that you do have to put down a fossil card even if you dont have skitty. Where did you get the idea of 111? theres 60 cards in a deck lol, nice
maybe youcould add mew ex, he can use delcatty's attack as well
i gotta try this when catty comes out...
Gardevoir88 said:
by that time your opponent will put down another energy and you do realize that you do have to put down a fossil card even if you dont have skitty. Where did you get the idea of 111? theres 60 cards in a deck lol

I was joking bout 111 x_x The deck would just get lots of muligans. And you dont have to play holon fossil down. Its not like normal fossils (i think).
holon fossil isnt a pokemon, it is a trainer card
... wait, so are the other fossil cards...
wat i mean it, its just a trainer, it cant become a pokemon
lilgroudon said:
Forget aerodactyl use gyarados *

No way. The gyra needs 4 turns do power up and needs either fluffy berries or mew ex. With only catty, huge holon engine and aerodactyl, the deck is much stronger:

1: It only runs 3 basics so that means at least 5-6 muligans if you are lucky. Opponent gets lots of cards in their hand. You then use holon transceiver, grab scientist, grab lots of cards, play catty and destroy your energies and opponents good cards from hand. Then, attach energy for the KO.

2: You always get energies due to aerodactyl, 4 holon lass, 4 transceiver and 3 scientist.

3: You can start KOing on turn 2 and on turn 3, you will probably have 3 powered cats out (if you get them).
u could tech in gyrados * and have mew ex use its attack (mew can get energy from ur deck)
i like the idea behind this deck, maybe you could add in holon ruins for more energy discarding
Do you remember Neo Genesis Feraligatr???


....anyway.... Delcatty ex does 10 damage for each basic energy card in your discard pile then shuffle them in your deck. Its power makes BOTH players to discard cards from their hands until there are 6 left.
there is another attack (60 dmg for 3 colorless) but it is not the focus of the deck.
I have a few suggestions on this deck.

1. I like it
2. You do know that your opponent chooses to draw for a mulligan.
3. Use Sableye CG. Which lets you look at the top card of your deck and discard it if you want to. (energy)
y would ur opponent not want to draw a mulligan?
unless they see ur hand, and somehow figure out the entire basis of ur deck (if, for example, ur opponent is chuck norris). in which case, they will not draw
the odds of that happening are... unlikely
PSYCO829 said:
y would ur opponent not want to draw a mulligan?
unless they see ur hand, and somehow figure out the entire basis of ur deck (if, for example, ur opponent is chuck norris). in which case, they will not draw
the odds of that happening are... unlikely

And this is a mutual realtionship anyway... I mean even if you did run this deck, if your opponent could draw 10 extra cards it would help them about as much as it helped you...
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