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New pokemon cards Lost link

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This is a very interesting set. I can't wait to see what happens because of it.

EDIT: Y'know, Raichu Prime pairs with that Pachi pretty well.
About the Gengar, a part of the attack is hidden so the attack looks like strange. I think the attack refers to some energies attached to Gengar who must be moved in to the Lost Zone with the Pokémon you have chosen.

[FREE] Lost Sleep
Take the card on the top of your opponent's deck, and place it in the Lost Zone.
You forgot the part "Mime jr is now asleep" but who cares :rolleyes:
When this set is released it will play havoc with the format... until people figure out how to play around the Lost World gimmick. In the meantime Palkia will finally be worth something again. Palkia G + Absol G + Absol Prime anyone?
About the Gengar, a part of the attack is hidden so the attack looks like strange. I think the attack refers to some energies attached to Gengar who must be moved in to the Lost Zone with the Pokémon you have chosen.

You forgot the part "Mime jr is now asleep" but who cares :rolleyes:

That was my first thought too when I saw how confusing it was - but the french translation anyways (its possible they could have messed up slightly and we're playing broken telephone) just says to place the Pokemon in the lost zone - the energies part is seperate. I think the choosing as many pokemon as psychic energies makes sense, someone also leaked that attack on this thread earlier and said that they thought that was the basic effect.

And lawl, edited.
The friend who have translated the cards agrees with the translation given in your link, therefore I have updated the translation.
so by saying pokemon cards instead of pokemon does this increase its craziness or does that matter? because if it does hello zangoose putting one of your opponents cards per turn
Everyone dissing Lost World needs to rethink what they're saying.

Knock out a Stage 2 Pokemon into the Lost Zone?

That's 3 Pokemon right there. The basic, stage 1, and stage 2.
Alright, these aren't 100% perfect translations, but here is what I've got!


Pokepower: Catastrophe
As long as this Pokemon is your Active Pokemon, if you knock out an opposing pokemon, place that pokemon in the Lost Zone. Place all cards attached to that pokemon in the discard pile.

If this is true, then a new lame and overly broke card is detected, especially because it's another bloody Gengar. Mesprit, Kazam, Amphy and Power Spray become more important if that's out. I wonder how this works with Fade Out and Gyro Ball style attacks tho.
Keep in mind that if Gengar has no good secondary attack, it wont matter.

I'm more interested in that Magnezone now, new Claydol anyone?
Yeah the stage 2 thing makes it way less valuable as a metagame driving force than claydol.

Though, not having to put any cards back to draw 6 cards is pretty useful I'd say
Stage 2.. no thanks.
It also doesn't do what Claydol does.

No ofcourse it doesnt do what Claydol does, but hey, Claydol doesnt do what Pidgeot FRLG does right? At least we will have some draw engine and even if its Stage 2, it is better then lolDodrio/Noctowl.
No ofcourse it doesnt do what Claydol does, but hey, Claydol doesnt do what Pidgeot FRLG does right? At least we will have some draw engine and even if its Stage 2, it is better then lolDodrio/Noctowl.

Though it is a little painful for rare candy-less decks!
I don't think it's better than Dodrio or Noctowl. You draw a card.. with Magnezone, if you have more than 5 it's rather useles..

@xcfrisco: It may not be that useful. The beauty of Claydol is that you can put cards back to help you reach the 6.. now, if you end up with dead cards.. that's just what they will be.

Anyway, we'll just let time tell how effective this card will be. Just like all the other ones ^.^
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This is correct, there are definitely drawbacks to Magnezone.

However, with cards like Judge, Giratina Let Loose, Weavile and Houndoom coming our way....Id say its good to have Zone around.
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