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Next Destinies 3-Pack Blisters?

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New Member
Did anyone actually find these? I've been to several card/hobby and department stores with no luck. All of the places I went to had either never heard of these or have no idea when they are being released.

In case you're not sure, I'm referring to the blisters with the Riolu and Luxio promos.


P.S. I live in Ontario, Canada...maybe we didn't get these yet but the US did?
I haven't seen em either. But then, I'm also in ontario.

I'll likely be going on a trip to the US next week so I'll report back on what I find there.
Did anyone actually find these? I've been to several card/hobby and department stores with no luck. All of the places I went to had either never heard of these or have no idea when they are being released.

In case you're not sure, I'm referring to the blisters with the Riolu and Luxio promos.


P.S. I live in Ontario, Canada...maybe we didn't get these yet but the US did?

For, uh, reasons, the Next Destinies 3-Pack Blister wasn't released in North America. Those cards will be used in some upcoming Dark Explorers products.
For, uh, reasons, the Next Destinies 3-Pack Blister wasn't released in North America. Those cards will be used in some upcoming Dark Explorers products.

So we can still get those cards then with the same Promo numbers? I hope this doesn't become another DP54 and DP55...

I'm actually kinda bummed because I was hoping to open up some more Next Destinies packs.
I'm replying from Northern California and there is no sign of them here either. I've checked Toysrus, Target, Walmart, and card shops. None of them have any sign of 3 packs. I'm kinda bummed because they were a great deal for 3 packs + coin and promo and I'm a coin collector :(.
I'm replying from Northern California and there is no sign of them here either. I've checked Toysrus, Target, Walmart, and card shops. None of them have any sign of 3 packs. I'm kinda bummed because they were a great deal for 3 packs + coin and promo and I'm a coin collector :(.

Although I'm not a "coin collector" per say, I am more of a collector when it comes to the TCG and, yes, another new coin would have been nice. It sucks that I now have to wait until May to get two promos we should have gotten now...all I can say is that the EX tins we're getting in March better have all Next Destinies packs in them to make up for us not getting the blisters here...but I doubt that will happen. Hey...I can dream can't I?

TPCi seems to be making it harder to get promos nowadays...I won't even start on the promos that didn't make their way to Canada (*cough* BW 14-16 *cough*)...
For, uh, reasons, the Next Destinies 3-Pack Blister wasn't released in North America. Those cards will be used in some upcoming Dark Explorers products.

This kind of thing worries me. I don't like hearing about snags in the mechanism. It always makes me think something has gone awry with the machine. Hope all is well at headquarters and with the game in general.
Perhaps it has something to do with places being sold out of ND. Too much demand for packs, not enough supply for blisters?
This kind of thing worries me. I don't like hearing about snags in the mechanism. It always makes me think something has gone awry with the machine. Hope all is well at headquarters and with the game in general.

Nothing like that. We're shifting up the product layout (you'll see in Dark Explorers) but due to how things get committed we needed to keep the 3-pack going for non-North-America.
Yeah my guess is because it's being sold out everywhere.

Two local walmarts ive been too actually just had booster boxes sitting out with packs in it. it was strange. they usually only have blisters around here.
Yeah my guess is because it's being sold out everywhere.

Two local walmarts ive been too actually just had booster boxes sitting out with packs in it. it was strange. they usually only have blisters around here.
Same here. Also, all of the Regigas pack mysteriously vanished from it a few days ago.
So, wait... does this mean that we could be getting 4 or even 5 pack blisters in the future? Cause that's what I think when I hear "shifting up".
I hear NX is the hottest selling set in quite a while. No need to repackage a set that is "blistering" by itself!:smile:
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