Come Play At Your Local Pokémon League

NIGHT SPEAR top 8 states report in brief


Without any play testing i decided to run something speedy and darkrai was the deck choice for states.
being undefeated in last years worlds and many cities, fall regionals wins. i decided to switch up from darkrai buffalo to darkrai laser with an aid of keldeo ex for sleep and poison counters .

R 1- Mewtwo EX/Sigilyph DRX. - win (1/0)

turn 2 , my opponent shuffles his hand in after thinking i was gonna play the N i revealed off the random reciever.judge comes over to tell him to recall the cards he had shuffled in and he scoops thinking i was pushing him too hard of a ruling.

R2- Rayeels- win (2/0)

this game was more of prize trading. with rayquaza starts fast enough to blast my field of darkrais. when i had my board set up, i was able to kill as much as eels on the field. the game ended with me junk hunting for 2 catchers and he didn’t have the N in hand to shuffle the catchers away and I catcher for game

R3- hammertime -lose (2/1)

Took and early lead in prizes at first. Mid game
he is able to set up his board and i was 10 damage from taking 4 prizes the following turn he max potioned and turned the tables in his favour a turn after the max potion and wins from there

R4-darkrai landorus/hammers- win (3/1)

he got unlucky with the crushing hammer flips and i was able to kill all of his landoruses and darkrais no issues while he struggles to get almost everything working for him

R5- Klingklang- win (4/1)

i had a bad start to his turn 2 plasma klang with the opening hand .it took me 7 turns to stall and I set the board up slow attacking with sableeye and dark claw and laser using confuse ray to 2 shot his klinklang . I ended up grabbing 5 prizes after killing plasma klang togther with other ex's. he scoops after knowing he wouldn’t be able to respond back to my board state

R6- furinkazan (white tea w/ nine tails ) -loss (4/2)

His landorous starts putting pressure to destroy my field and I struggles to setup darkrais to beat his setup and I just lose from there

im now on 7th seed out of 50 masters making cut with straight darkrai no hammers

Top 8 - Furinkazan(round 6 re match ) 0/2 (4/3

game one and game 2 werent good at all.. with him getting fast ko's with landorus.
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