Come Play At Your Local Pokémon League

Nintendos "reporter"


New Member
HAs anyone had any problems reporting their tournys to nintendo. B/c my local tourny palce hasn't been able to send in the results and they have contacted nintendo several times but got no respnce. Does anyone know any reason why they might not be able to send it in. Any help is greatly appriciated.
Thank You
Your first problem might be that you're trying to contact Nintendo instead of Pokemon USA, Inc.

Your TO should email the TRN file and a detailed description (key word: DETAILED) of his problem to [email protected]. It may take some time because Eric is super busy but he's usually pretty good about taking care of things in a timely manner.
AXE said:
HAs anyone had any problems reporting their tournys to nintendo. B/c my local tourny palce hasn't been able to send in the results and they have contacted nintendo several times but got no respnce. Does anyone know any reason why they might not be able to send it in. Any help is greatly appriciated.
Thank You

One of the main problems I know a lot of TO's were having was they didn't name the tournament file correctly. If the sanctioning number was 12-13-13456 then the file had to be named 12-13-13456.trn instead of 121313456.trn

Also, if you don't enter in the tournament number when entering information into the tournament setup it won't allow you to submit the file because the file number isn't included in the report.

I know when I don't have the sanctioning number with me I always enter the sanctioning number as something else then have to open the trn file with notepad and change it to the real number before the website will accept it. When doing this you leave out the "-" in the number.

Hope this helps. If you or the TO still needs help feel free to PM me or email me and I can try to help.
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I know when I don't have the sanctioning number with me I always enter the sanctioning number as something else then have to open the trn file with notepad and change it to the real number before the website will accept it

Derek, I just open TMS and get into the tournament and click the info button. Once you put the correct # in, just hit save and it saves it with the new #.

Sensei said:
I know when I don't have the sanctioning number with me I always enter the sanctioning number as something else then have to open the trn file with notepad and change it to the real number before the website will accept it

Derek, I just open TMS and get into the tournament and click the info button. Once you put the correct # in, just hit save and it saves it with the new #.


Oh fine do it the easy way :)