Come Play At Your Local Pokémon League

North & South Carolina State Championships

Wish I could be there, I am in Florida until the summer then transferring back to UNCP in NC. Man....I can't wait to go back and play lol

Hope you all have fun and do well.
I need a deck!!! havent bought any cards in a long time

I'd loan you one, but I've already got like 3-4 people borrowing cards from me.

Ask my brother though - that kid's loaded. Also, it'll be good to see you again, it's been awhile. Now all we need is Jake Burt, the Barlocks (all playing), the Hills, and a random appearance by Jim Ferrell. Ah, those were the good ol' days.
I haven't seen Jake in a while. It will be good to see him again.

Would have loved to have been there, but I was taking the Praxis II for Elementary Ed. certification today. It wasn't as fun, I imagine, but daaaaaaaaaaaang, you should have seen the look on the proctor's face when, in the middle of the essay portion, with everyone else totally silent and writing furiously, I stood up, slammed a Crobat D, pluspower, and warp point down onto the desk, and screamed, "GEE GEE, SUCKAZ!"

Then I ran.

1. Ryan S. - G deck
2. Michael B. - Dialga G/Palkia G

Not sure about 3rd/4th. We had a huge turnout (largest in 6 years) and missed going to a top cut of 16 by 2 people (boo). Decks that showed up were all over the place - Gigas, G decks, Kingdra, Machamp, etc. It was a very fun tournament. :D
Great event!!!! Shout out to Jeff and everyone who put in so much effort running it!

It was fantastic seeing so many great folks there!