Pokémon TCG: Sword and Shield—Brilliant Stars

NY States report!!! :)


New Member
I won two games on the day, unfortunately there was five rounds...so it wasn't that great. The night before I'm STRUGGLING because I'm thinking of Delta all week, then I start hearing different suggestions from all around. It takes ONE PERSON to say Delta and I'm set, but I should've played Sally again!

Round 1 - Dan L (Twinkle) w/ Metanite
He doesn't really get setup, and I'm Zzapping/Cursing like crazy.

Round 2 - Timmy E (zapditto) w/ MSN
He's hyped up on Red Bull and can't focus and misplays a LOT. I end up losing by TEN DAMAGE to his Metagross ex.

Round 3 - Shaw L (ShawOfMordor) w/ Shiftrylutions
He gets a quick Espeon which scares me, but I eventually draw into Scrambles and all that, and the Eggs handle the rest. He really hates Delta, sorry dude. :(

Round 4 - Benny R (benlugia) w/ Arcydoom
People are telling me "OH YOU'VE SEALED YOUR FATE, AUTOLOSS!" but I don't believe in autolosses...and it's not like I CHOSE this matchup anyway. It goes back and forth until the end of the game, he has 1 prize and I have two. I end up Split Bombing his Growlithe instead of a tech I could've knocked out in 2 turns..which he promptly evolves. NOT GOOD I LOSE ANOTHER STATES CAUSE OF A MISPLAY.

Round 5 - Christian O (EspeonChris) w/ Sallygross
This is such a bad matchup. Somebody tell Luke Reed I feel absolutely HORRIBLE now. Salamence ex is so BIG.

I play some games with Shaw, MK and Caleb...and compliment Caleb on how good he's done with Delta.

Team R (took like 249792874 States this weekend)
All of my Friends and Family
Yoohoo chocolate DRINK
Raichu d
CALEB FOR WINNING DELAWARE. Some of you guys might not know him very well, or think he's crazy or something, but this guy is so awesome. He's worked SO hard over the past few years to become the great player that he is today and I'm really proud of him.

I have only myself to blame for all of my poor decisions. Not listening to Omar this time, taking techs OUT, misplaying. I DONT DESERVE TO PLAY POKEMON!!! :smile:
GJ Josef.
Delta is a good play but NY just wasn't the right place.
Let's pwn the "open" this weekend. See you saturday.
We gotta make sure that we T8 the open this weekend. Although I am going to Nats anyway, I just want this to be good practice for Regionals.

Once again, Sorry about the Bad Luck.
