Pokémon TCG: Sword and Shield—Brilliant Stars

Official Pokemon National Team

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A French magazine and a website very close to the French LD have officially announced the creation of the EQUIPE DE FRANCE POKEMON

What's that ?

- 3 members of the team and 6 substitutes are designed as members of the National Team
- the 3 members will receive automatically the trip + invite for Worlds 2006
- 3 other trips + invite will be given to the winner of each age group at the French National
- the 9 players will be sponsorized by the LD (promos, starters, boosters) for their participation at events (exhibitions) or in the medias
- the Team has not only a sponsor (the LD) but also a dedicated coach

As far as I know, it's the first time in the history of our game that an official National Team is created.
It's also the first time that a LD will officially support players on a regular basis (even if these players have to promote the game).

Some things are not clear, or at least not officially announced, like the way the members of the team will be chosen ('proposed by the coach and confirmed by the LD'), the obligations of the members in terms of promotion of the game, the level of sponsorship (except the 3 trips automatically offered to the effective members), ...

Anyway, the French distributor makes something new and already announces that 6 trips will be given to French players at Worlds 2006.
Will the other European LD's follow that example ? It could be a great thing for the game in Europe and the representation of our countries at Worlds :wink:
Well, this is a good idea, for sure. But it raises several points...

1) The method of selection isn't quite clear. Isn't it unfair to choose somebody rather than an other person according to this method?
2) The 15+ captain is Adrien Delambre, who already won the trip last year. Isn't it unfair to give him a trip again?
3) The LD will give 6 trips... But only 3 for the "real" winners in their age categories. Isn't it unfair for the players who'll rank 2nd in their age categories?
4) The members will automatically win the trip, even though they rank, well let's say 10th. Isn't it unfair for those players who tried their best to compete - whereas the members could do an average performance?
5) Those members will be sponsored by the LD. Isn't it unfair for all those players who need to buy their own cards?
6) Well, we all know too well that our level - here in France - isn't that good (only three French people in the 2005 French Nationals Top8 for instance...). Isn't it unfair for the rest of Europe?
7) Blah blah blah snore snore. ISN'T IT UNFAIR??!!

Well, I'm more then happy such a decision is taken by our LD, who obviously tries to redeem itself thanks to this new Team. But I'll always remember the mistakes from the past, and IMHO this is a blunder as well... It is WAY TOO unfair for all the French players, but for the European too! I'm living in the UK now and I've been amazed by the level (though I still haven't played against those "AMAZING" people that live near London). But anyway, I wish them the best of luck, and it will not change anything for those who aren't in the Team : you still have to be first to see a bit of Anaheim :rolleyes:

Some might argue that it's only because I'm not in the Team. They couldn't be more wrong. I'm going to stay in Scotland for about one year, and therefore I'll not represent my country in a good way... Nevertheless I do hope that this "Equipe de France" will travel a bit, and will not stay in our beautiful - but non-competitive - country that is France :rolleyes:
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The magazine is called 'Mana red face paint' and the website is Pokemon Island

Sure lev, like I said some things are not clear and/or not officially announced, and the gap between these 'Elite players' (Elite fror France :biggrin: ) and the other players in your country could become bigger.

Let's imagine the same concept in each European country, and a big tournament with all the National Teams ... the European National Teams Challenge :wink:

uh !? ok, ok, I go back to sleep and dream :redface:
I think this could be an amazing idea - especially if it was done in all of the countries. I would LOVE to see more international members at Worlds.
wow that sure is extremely cool, i always thought some kind of sponsorship from nintendo or something for the best players would be a very nice idea, looks like this is a step in the right direction to get mroe international players at Worlds, I hope this is done for every international (per PUI) country. Heck even a sponsored US team, Canadian team and Mexican team would be extremely good, but we get the same events as the US so there's no need for that at the moment I don't think, would be more for the prestige involved in it. Hope this doesn't cause too much problems about unfairness when they choose etc.
I think that this is a good idea. However, it seems like the LD in France may be doing this wrong.

I think that if you're going to make a sponsored team for the best players, then you should have them apply first:

-Make them prove their deckbuilding skills (tough to do)
-Make them prove their playing skills (tough to do)
-Make them list their previous accomplishments

Only then will you have a fairly-selected team. Just "choosing" players on a team for their placing at Nats means that they could have just gotten lucky and are really bad, or that they haven't been scanned for all the necessary qualities of a National Team.
In my opinion, this'd be a great idea, and would seriously boost each country's national representation at Worlds.

The difficulty with this is making sure that a couple of standards are kept:

1) This would need to be generally equal across all countries. No point if some countries can have this sort of representation and not others. The difficulty I can predict is that some country's OP providers may either not HAVE the money to do this, or may not WANT to support the game more than another game OP it provides.

2) The teams would need to have a chance to alternate every year or so. No point in keeping people in the team if they don't want to be, and likewise, others should have a chance to be in the team. My suggestion would be to hold a National-like tournament where you work out the members of the team. Perhaps basing it AT FIRST on Nationals winners and then varying it each year.

I also agree with Patriarch on his comments that it should also be based on other skills, not just tournament rankings. Anyone can take a net deck and get it to top cut a tournament, but originality is the key to actually enjoying the game.
You could do it on POP Ranking (not always the best, but generally ball-park), or you could always take a sampling of the people who won trips last year.
with rarely any tournaments in some area's, and a lot in other's, that wouldn't be a good idea.

I'm not sure whether this is a good idea, it seems fairer to me to give those extra trips to the winners of the national championships (those are guaranteed to be good (or lucky :p) players).
it sounds very cool though.
I wonder who would captain Englands team... HMMMMMM :smile:


That´s really a GREAT idea :thumb:

i wonder if someday our distributor here in Brazil would do something like this :frown: that would be awesome!

But really seems very unlikely that our distributor would have ANY interest doing that :frown:

I hope you all the success to them! :thumb:
The more I think about it the more obvious it seems to me that this WILL be carried out throught out the International Countries per PUI, as the Team involves trip + invite, and I'm sure LD's couldnt just on their own give out invites, without PUI actually being in charge of this whole National Teams things, thus I believe we'll be hearing soon from other National Team's. Definately a step in the right direction.
Not necessarily. IIRC per the rules all LD should give out trips to best 2 players at Nats. If France LD took the trips from second place and gave them to their "team" I dont think PUI would have something against it. PUI hardly has anything against any international LD anyway.
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