Pokémon TCG: Sword and Shield—Brilliant Stars

Orangeville City Championship


New Member
It's been awhile since I posted on here. Anyways, school's been busy for me, and I might not make it to the Ontario Marathon so last minute, I thought I'd go to Orangeville to play in a cities. So the drive up there was around 2.5 hours, because we took the wrong route and when we got there it started to snow =P.

Before the tourny starts, I hear there are 15 masters, 4 rounds, cutting to a top 2 with masters. On top of that, masters and seniors are combined =.=. I borrow a Machamp SF from Dakota and chill with him and Reed for a bit. Anyways, onto the tournament...

Round 1 Vs. Matthew D. (Umbreon/Espeon w/ Garchomp)
I get a senior for my first round. I woulda liked to get some points here, but all is well. I get the early champ prime going and KO his gabite after it sand attacked my spirtomb like 3 times and me flipping tails every time. He busts out the twins then some pokedrawer+s and I see the umbreon with some special darks and expertbelt pop out. I let my machamp prime take some hits, since 50 every turn doesn't really do much, until I get what I need for the expert belt + SF machamp. Take out the umbreon for 120 and the game is about over there. Nice game though =)

Round 2 Vs. Kon (Machamp)
I start with the painting dog, and he has a lone uxie start. He hits me for 20. I portrait to see he has no supporters and nothing in his hand to get him pokemon, so I attach the DCE and tail smack him. I landed two heads and hit him for a whopping 40. Next turn he hits me for 20 again. I play down uxie, attach and Psy Restore for game. Sorry for the bad luck =(

Round 3 Vs. Dakota G. (G-dos)
That's why he let me borrow that machamp so fast =P j/k. I spend most of the match talking to him and telling him what he has in his hand. He catches on to my strategy late game and realizes he doesn't have enough resources to KO anything. Not even his patented SSU's saved him. Time is called, and he has one card left and can't KO any of the champs on board. Good game. =) Champ > G-dos.

Round 4 Vs. Troy N. (Machamp)
I start of spirtomb, he starts off with 2 machop. Turn 2 I get a rare candy machamp SF with energy, and take out his machop. He draws into nothing, and I take out the last one for game. Good game =)

Dakota and Troy are trying to get me to leave early because I have a long drive home =P. Unfortunately I stayed... =P

Finals Vs. Troy N. (Machamp)
Game 1: I have a terrible start, and have to continuously Uxie for 2-3 cards to try and get a supporter. He gets the turn 1 machamp and starts taking things out. When I finally get things going, he has about 2 prizes left. I can't KO his active Level X and the game ends there.

Game 2: I opt to go second. I string together a lot of machamps early on and the strategies set into place. He can't KO any of them. He tries for the desperation Hurricane Punch with the Level X and hits 2 heads only. I take Game 2.

Game 3: I start with spirtomb, he decides he wants to go second. I drop a machop, attach, and darkness grace into a machoke. He's trainer locked, so he just kicks my spirtomb. I attach DCE on my turn, whiff on the machamp prime, and darkness grace into one instead. He evolves into machoke, and brick smashes my spirtomb. I champ buster for 100 and game. Good game =)

Thanks to Reed, Dakota, Robin, Jenn, David Jon, Troy, and Garret for a great and well organized tournament.
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