Pokémon TCG: Sword and Shield—Brilliant Stars

Orlando Regional Championship Winning Report


New Member
It's short. I'm playing Garde/Gallade. I really don't remember a lot about my matches.

Round 1 vs Victor O. w/ Palkia/Dialga
He can draw into any Energy Gains and even though he plays Honchkrow, I just Telelpass his Wager to shuffle them back into his deck. Gallade just OHKOs everything.

Round 2 vs Brent W. w/ Dialga
I start with a terrible hand, having to open with Mewtwo. I Roseanne for Ralts and Baltoy and get my evolutions out. I have to manually power up my Gardevoirs, but once I do and start Psychic Locking for 80, I win easily.

Round 3 vs Larry A. w/ TTar
I get a really good start, Sneasel with Call Energy. I grab Ralts and Baltoy, get turn 2 Weavile, Claydol and Gardevoir and begin Shadow Charging. He starts with Absol and begins Baleful Winding me. After a couple of Baleful Winds, he nailed a few PokéHealers and Gardevoirs. I KO a few Pokémon with Gallade and it gets KOd and eventually it comes down to him having three prizes and me having two prizes. I'm cycling through my deck looking for my second Gallade. But I can't find it, so I continue cycling throuhg it looking for Night Maintenance or Mewtwo, but they're not in my deck either! I just continue to use my only Gardevoir in play to Psychic Lock and he keeps Spin Tailing. Time is called on my turn and I win, when on the next turn he takes his last three prizes with Spin Tail. Good Game!

Round 4 vs Orion C. w/ Palkia/Dialga
He has a terrible start, not drawing into any Supporters or Energy Gains. I just 2HKO all of his Pokémon with Gardevoir and Gallade. Sorry!

Round 5 vs Don't Remember

Round 6 vs Jim R. w/ Gengar/Machamp
I start off with Sneasel, topdeck Call Energy, play Unown G on Sneasel and get Ralts and Baltoy. I build up my bench manually since I can't get a Weavile. I start attacking with Sneasel and eventually I KO a Gengar with it, he flipped tails on Feinting Spell. Don't really remember what else happened, except I get Gardevoir LV X out and Weavile to start hitting for weakness. Telepass for Looker and keep my hand minimal by drawing one, so his Gengars can do nothing my Unown G'd Garde and Weavile. That seals the game. I just learned from this game that Garde LV X's Bring Down gets around Feinting Spell, lol, guess I should read the card.

Round 7 vs Franco P. w/ Dialga
I get a HORRIBLE start. I have to sac about three prizes before I can even start taking one. A Gardevoir takes out a Dialga, and a Gallade takes out another. On a crucial turn where if he doesn't KO this 130 HP Gallade, I'll KO his last Dialga. He plays Pokéturn on his Crobat. Plays Crobat. Pokéturn Crobat. Plays Crobat. Pokéturn Crobat. Plays Crobat. Cosmic Power for 5. Pokéturn Crobat. Plays Crobat. Plays Galactic HQ. Plays Skuntank, Poison Structures, and Removes Lost to OHKO my Gallade. I have nothing else and scoop a turn later. UGHHH

Round 8 vs Jonathan B. w/ Beedrill
I get a decent start, Shadow charge three Darkness onto Gallade. I OHKO his Beedrills by flipping over one prize with Dark Engage. PokéHealers and Mewtwo LV X wrap up the game fairly easily, by letting me OHKO a Beedrill every turn, while not losing anything.

So I make it in third seed.

Top 16 vs Miranda C. w/ Gengar/Machamp
Both games I get up Gardevoir LV X and Weavile. 100 and Bring Down kills all of her Gengars.

Top 8 vs Justin D. w/ Machamp
I get Gardevoirs out and just Psychic Lock for 90 to win Game 1. He benches me Game 2. Repeat of Game 1 happens in Game 3.

Top 4 vs Christian B. w/ Gardevoir/Gallade
Me and him are playing the same exact list and are on Team R and are going to be roommates in about 2 months. Cool. He wins game one, basically by Future Sighting my Future Sight and giving me TERRIBLE stuff while he has everything he needs. I win the next two.

Top 2 vs Aleks M. w/ Scizor/Machamp
Gallade with two Darkness OHKO his Scizors with one flip of the prize. PokéHealers heal any Beat Down damage he does. And Gallade can OHKO Machamp by flipping some more prizes.

I win.

Team R

Getting home at 6am
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Congrats Omar and Team R!!! You guys help to keep the game very interesting here in Florida. Never thought I would see the vast array of decks in that room yesterday and it made for a good tournament. Look forward to seeing you guys again soon. Oh...and nice top decks!!!! LOL
Good job.

The family was so tired and wiped that when I went out in the first round of top cuts they hurried me out the door to go home. I forgot about the Gardy X you all borrowed and Palkia G X I have of yours. PM me and we can figure it out.
Me: Oh My God Omar I loove your deck where did you get it?
Omar: It was my teammates last season
Me: Nice...Vintage!
Omar: Oh my god thank you!
(Omar walks off)
Me: That has to be the most terrible....

Lol j/p good gob!
Anyways, its good that someone in the family won this event.
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