Pokémon TCG: Sword and Shield—Brilliant Stars

Physical Quality of Ex Cards Deteriorating?

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New Member
Hello, I JUST opened up a pack of Sandstorm from the promo Celebi kit and noticed that there is an indication of fading on the sides of the card. I'll refer to this picture as an example, and remember, it was just opened up from a sealed booster pack just now: :mad: :mad: :mad:

Gardevoir Ex

Has anyone else had this problem with their Ex cards?? I have now noticed that most of my Ex's from UF and previous sets have begun to fade this way, even though they are sleeved with dragon shield sleeves and have never been decked or anything like that. I always thought that the fading occured to the Ex's I used in decks, but the Ex's I've never decked or just opened from a booster pack seem to be having the same fading problem. WHY is this?! What can be done to fix them, if anything? Is anyone even aware of any action PUI has taken to make their future EX cards "fade proof"??? Discuss....
Hmmm, I really don't see the "fade" on that sweet Gardevoir... nor have I seen any fade on my own EX cards >_<

I'm not sure, but maybe you're just looking at the card too hard...

And if there is fading, I doubt it is something controllable (kind of like how reverse foils start to curve)

All I can say is good luck >_< and I hope that it doesn't happen in the future...

I really can't see it either.

The only complaint i have about EX cards is how they bend real easy when just sitting in a binder - especially the Deoxys set.
i know what you mean... take a look at any ex's from sandstorm/older sets against a new ex you will see the silver part is turning white...
No, no, that was just a different foil treatment they tried out in that set.
If you had looked at it when it was fresh off the printer it would have looked the same way.

I think they stopped doing it because no one noticed or commented on it.
Dom Jordan said:
Yeah Sandstorm EXs have the white around the silver, its perfectly normal.
Well all my EX's past Sandstorm have this white bar going around the sides too. These Ex's were fully foiled and NEVER had a white bar around them in the first place. It sounds to me like the white bar is an indication of fading, which is why I said something. Like I said, all my Ex's are starting to look like this, even the ones I've never played. They get worse and worse as time goes by when all they are doing is sitting in a binder with dragon shield sleeves. A couple of my Ex's no longer have holo on the sides, and the sides are now FULLY white instead of half white and half holo....
I can only go by the one that you showed, which is a SS one, and that one looks not only OK, but the way it is supposed to look.
If you have other ones that you want me to look at, I'd be happy to.
Are you sure they are not supposed to be that way?
I have all the ex's from that set, collected at differnt times, all never in a deck and they all have the "fading".
To me it looks like a shading in the foil that is supposed to be there.
None of the other sets have the shading, maybe that is causing confusion?
I really can't remember if Sandstorm ex's had the shading when they were new...
i have some RS ex's fading even my RG are slowly turning white the reason i KNOW is because when i pull a duplicate of an ex that i've had for a while the cards look way different. it is obvious. And to tell you have to get the ex from a pack because if you get it off ebay there is no telling how long it has been out the booster..
i'm ok with it...it kinda made it look cool. but does it make the price of it lower if the ex has that "fade"?
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Guys.... the "fade" is supposed to be there....!!!

Jimmer pointed it out to use right after the set was released.
I'm not just making this stuff up.
my proof exactly...

PokePop said:
I can only go by the one that you showed, which is a SS one, and that one looks not only OK, but the way it is supposed to look.
If you have other ones that you want me to look at, I'd be happy to.
Allow me to still defend my point on where I stand with this topic. NONE of my Ex's from RS have that problem, but EVERYTHING released during SS and AFTER has this problem. If you think it's something they tried in SS, then you may be surprised to see that this kind of rediculous practice is still occuring. However, they only fade after a certain amount of time, they do not fade right when you open them from the pack (except for the SS cards apparently)...

Allow me to demonstrate my disturbing findings, and I'll let you all be the judge:

A perfect Ex card, opened from packs when RS first came out, still in perfect condition:

Ruby & Sapphire Ex's Perfect, no fades!! :clap: :thumb:

:eek: Look closely! You can only see these fades at a certain angle to the light... :eek:

Here's where things start getting ugly:... :mad:
Gardevoir Ex You've seen this already.
HL Notice how the borders are all white, there is no holo left... :mad:
DS Starting to fade on the corners. :mad:

All you have to do is look at the edges of the cards to be able to see what I'm talking about. I've made it easier to point out by marking the main areas, but all you have to do is look at the edges to notice that half the edge is faded, and a couple of my Ex's from Dragon are completely faded on the edges, where the sides are completely white. Keep in mind, they have always been sleeved with dragon shields and kept in my binder until I had to take the sleeves off to avoid glare from the flash on the covers of the sleeves since I want everyone to clearly see the fades.

'Pop, you say they were supposed to look like that in SS, but when I opened the cards from sets released after SS, they didn't have this problem. I could have sworn there was no white "fade" line in SS when I first opened them when SS was released, but I know for a fact that the rest of the cards were perfectly fine until I noticed them starting to fade. Notice how the fades aren't as bad as each new set is pictured....

zapdos ex said:
i'm ok with it...it kinda made it look cool. but does it make the price of it lower if the ex has that "fade"?
Actually as a serious collector who cares deeply about the conditions of my cards, I am not OK with it, because it makes them look worn out. At least they aren't scratched, but I still consider them mint because of no scratches or surface damage. The thing I'm afraid of is the value decreasing due to this fading around the borders of the cards....

That's why I'm trying to get to the bottom line of what is going on, why these are fading, and what is being done to prevent fading on future Ex's (before Ex's are no longer being produced in future sets)...
I just checked some of my EXs, and I see exactly what Coldfire is saying. The very edges of the cards are bleaching. They weren't likr that before.

Definatelly interesting...
There is nothing wrong with these cards.

The EX cards from Ruby & Sapphire did not have the white "frosted" borders. We added them on the Sandstorm release. However, we thought it was too much white, so I backed off on it a little bit starting with Dragon. The "fading-frosted-white" borders are similar from that point with the Japanese released cards. Deoxys was produced at a different printer from the others, hence the slight difference.

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