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please answer my question


New Member
I have been seeing many Infernape Luxray decks not running Skuntank & Toxicroak, why does this work when it seems like there is no way to counter Machamp?
The short answer is that it does have a way of countering Machamp...Unown G to prevent Take Out, Infernape 4 or Luxray GL to deal significant damage, and Uxie to hit Machamp's weakness.

Plus, Luxray GL Lv X and Infernape 4 Lv X both allow the deck to hit Machamp's frequent Bench-sitters, allowing easier prizes and disruption of their play.

Lastly, strategic Power Sprays help ensure that Luxray/Infernape sets up and deals damage long before Machamp is ready.
1. Run 2-3 Unown G
2. Run Uxie/LV X as your draw engine and Lucario GL for OHKO fun with Crobat
3. Ninetales tech + Lucario + Crobat will OHKO a Machamp if they have a benched Uxie or Axelf
4. Outspeed and disrupt their set up (most important)

Machamp is good at winning one-off games and not so good at winning consistently throughout a tournament (except in Juniors), so straight Machamp isn't played that much any more. That is probably one reason why Infernape/Luxray is a good play right now.