Pokémon TCG: Sword and Shield—Brilliant Stars

Pokemon Executive CaC-Results announced

Dr. Mason

New Member

Welcome, fellow CaC'ers, to the very first Executive style contest! What makes this contest different from the others?

It's more than just creating cards.

What does this mean? You will be required to meet specific 'challenges', set by me, using other skills such as marketing/advertisement, consumer polling, and much, much more!

Also, you will split into equal teams, selected by me, based on your registration card submission. Each team will have a rotating leader, with the starting leader chosen by me. A new leader is selected as the team member who contributed the most that round. The leader, like in the Apprentice, will have the final say on any project, but if I judge them to be dealing too harshly, it will count against that person's score. At the end of every project me and the other judges will eliminate 1 member of the losing team. The leader is immune to elimination. No person may be leader twice in a row.

Now, down to the nitty gritty. There can be any number of entrants in these increments: 10, 12, 14, 16, 18, 20. Registration ends in 1 week, or 3 days after the minimum requirement is met. There will also be two spots needed to be filled for Secondary Judges. I am the Head Judge.


SIGNATURE CARD:Make a card that represents your style. Who are you?
FAVORITE POKEMON:What is your favorite Pokemon?
LEADERSHIP QUESTION:Answer this question. Say you had a small promo set from Japan, waiting to be transferred to America. How would you release these cards to maximize interest and profit?

1. Bippa201
2. greenzangoose
3. charmander rox
4. vorg7
5. Lucario EX
6. meditie rox
7. ensignmerlin
8. Godzfirefly
and so on


SIGNATURE CARD:Make a card that represents your style. Who are you?
JUDGE QUESTION:Answer this question. What is your experience with faking? With competitive play?

1. The Supes
2. NidoPrince


1. What are the prizes?
Prizes are revealed as each round goes by.

2. How long is this?
Depends on turnout, but don't expect this to be over in one month, or even two.

3. I don't like how you judged such and such card. I disagree!
Too bad.


Team ???
LEADER: greenzangoose
Lucario EX
charmander rox

Team ???
LEADER: meditite rox
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ooh ooh I'll sign up

Name: Bippa
Signature Card: The Great Marsh Victreebel
Favorite Pokemon: Glaceon and Pichu
Leadership Question: I would do something like what Nintendo did with Platinum: release it months later to build up interest for it
I'll apply for a judge.

Name: NidoPrince
Signature Card:

Wario's Weezing
Stage 1 [P] Pokemon - Evolves from Wario's Koffing
90 HP

[P][P] Garlic Bomb 30+
If the Defending Pokemon is Poisoned, this attack does 30 plus 20 more damage. If the Defending Pokemon is not Poisoned, the Defending Pokemon is now Poisoned.

[P][P][P] Toxic Explosion 100
Wario's Weezing does 120 damage to itself. Place a toxic counter on each Pokemon in play that does not have "Wario's" in its name. (Whenever a Pokemon with a toxic counter becomes active, that Pokemon is now Poisoned.)

Weakness [P]
Retreat Cost [C][C]

I have been faking for almost 4 years. I've ben playing competitively for alomst 6years. I know what to look for in cards. Balance, Combination, Structure.
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I'd like to apply.

USERNAME: Qwachansey

150 HP, :C:

Poke - Power

Once during your turn, before you attack, you may remove one damage counter from each of your Pokemon with 100 HP or less

Double - Edge

100 damage :C:C:C:C:
Chansey Lv. X does 40 damage to itself. If Happiny is anywhere under Chansey Lv. X, negate the effect of this attack.

Egg Bomb

30x :C:C:
Flip a coin for each of your oppenent's Pokemon with energy attached. This attack does 30 damage times the number of heads

LEADERSHIP QUESTION:Answer this question. Say you had a small promo set from Japan, waiting to be transferred to America. How would you release these cards to maximize interest and profit?

I would release ideal pictures of the set on well known sites displaying the significant cards from the set to allow players to talk about the cards and develop a want for them. Then, I would release them.
Hello! :biggrin: I'll sign up as a player. :thumb:

USERNAME: Greenzangoose
Golem Lv.X 150HP (F)
Level Up from Golem
Poke-body: Rock armor
When Golem would be damaged by an attack, you may discard a (F) energy attached to Golem. If you do, reduce that damage by 30.
(F)(F)(C) Rock Smash 60+
If the defending pokemon is (F) or (M) type, this attack does 60 damage plus 40 more damage.
(F)(F)(F)(C) Rupturing Rock 30x
Flip four coins. If the first coin is heads the defending pokemon can't retreat during your opponent's turn and is now confused. If the second coin is heads put two damage counters on each of your opponent's benched pokemon. If the third is heads prevent all damage done to your benched pokemon during your opponent's turn. If the fourth coin is heads reduce all damage done to Golem during your opponent's turn by 30. For each heads this attack does 30 damage.
Weakness: (G)(W) +40
Resistance: (L) -40
Retreat Cost: (C)(C)(C)(C)(C)
FAVORITE POKEMON: If you can't guess this one then you... you are... I have nothing to say... :nonono:
LEADERSHIP QUESTION: It would depend on what cards they where, if the cards where any good (like someone would buy a pack in order to get a few of them) then I'd put them into promos featuring some of the weaker cards with a chance to get one of the better cards. (Like 1 lesser card on the front and the possibility of like a good Lv.X or something.)

Or, if the cards where basically worthless (Like a few of the POP packs) I'd add the cards into packs of other better cards so that people could still get them and would go insane about the amount of Wobbuffet they are getting even though they couldn't get a single Lv.X! :lol:
Everyone thus far except Qwachansey is accepted. Qwachansey, , clean up your formatting and resubmit.

Nidoprince, please finish your card. Weakness, resistance, retreat?
USERNAME: charmander rox
SIGNATURE CARD: Alright, here goes, random Pokémon time... and the random Pokémon is... 339... Whiscash!!!

Whiscash LV.38 100HP [W]
STAGE 1 - Evolves from Barboach

[.] Bottom Feeding
Discard the bottom card of your deck. If it is an Energy card, attach it to Whiscash. If it is a Trainer card, remove 5 damage counters from Whiscash. If it is a Supporter card, look in your opponent's hand, then discard all cards of the same name that you find there. If it is a Stadium card, discard any Stadium card in play, and this attack does 20 damage to each of your opponent's Pokémon. (Don't apply Weakness and Resistance for Benched Pokémon.) If it is a Pokémon card, choose 1 of that card's attacks. Bottom Feeding copies that attack except for its Energy cost. (You must still do anything else in order to use that attack.) Whiscash performs that attack.

[F][F][C] Rampage 70+
Does 70 damage plus 10 more damage for each damage counter on Whiscash. After doing damage, flip a coin. If tails, Primeape is now Whiscash.

W - [G]+30
R - [L]-20
RC - [C][C][C]

LEADERSHIP QUESTION: I would reveal some cards on a website, one by one, allow people to post reviews about the card on the site, then throw the cards in stores, and have them as prizes at tournaments and such.

Back to back posts merged. The following information has been added:

Oh, a question: Can you include a roast round where we try to point out as many faults in other peoples' cards as we can?
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I'll join as a player


Unown G lv. X (P) HP 90

(P)(C) Protective drain 20

Flip 4 coins, if 1 is heads remove a number of damege counters from Unown G equal to the damege done by this attack if 2 are heads heads discard an energy attached to the defending pokemon. If 3 are heads prevent all effects of attacks, including damage done to Unown G during your opponents next turn. If all 4 are heads this attack does all effects previously listed.

Weakness: (P) + 30
Retreat: (C)

LEADERSHIP QUESTION: I would sell them in small sets of 5 with a chance of a lv. X. I would have a website reveal a few good cards in the set to build excitement. I would not reveal the whole set until after I'd started selling.

USERNAME: charmander rox
SIGNATURE CARD: Alright, here goes, random Pokémon time... and the random Pokémon is... 339... Whiscash!!!

Whiscash LV.38 100HP [W]
STAGE 1 - Evolves from Barboach

[.] Bottom Feeding
Discard the bottom card of your deck. If it is an Energy card, attach it to Whiscash. If it is a Trainer card, remove 5 damage counters from Whiscash. If it is a Supporter card, look in your opponent's hand, then discard all cards of the same name that you find there. If it is a Stadium card, discard any Stadium card in play, and this attack does 20 damage to each of your opponent's Pokémon. (Don't apply Weakness and Resistance for Benched Pokémon.) If it is a Pokémon card, choose 1 of that card's attacks. Bottom Feeding copies that attack except for its Energy cost. (You must still do anything else in order to use that attack.) Whiscash performs that attack.

[F][F][C] Rampage 70+
Does 70 damage plus 10 more damage for each damage counter on Tauros. After doing damage, flip a coin. If tails, Primeape is now Confused.

W - [G]+30
R - [L]-20
RC - [C][C][C]

LEADERSHIP QUESTION: I would reveal the cards on a website, one by one, allow people to post reviews about the card on the site, then throw the cards in stores, and have them as prizes at tournaments and such.

Back to back posts merged. The following information has been added:

Oh, a question: Can you include a roast round where we try to point out as many faults in other peoples' cards as we can?

What the... ^
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:lol: ROFL! I kind of like the idea, the attack does more damage if another pokemon has damage counters and then hurts another pokemon all together! :tongue: :lol:
USERNAME: meditite rox

Blastoise LV.47 HP140 [W]
STAGE 2: Evolves from Wartortle

[Poké-BODY] Hardened Shell
Reduce all damage done to Blastoise by attcks by 20 damage for each [W] Energy attached to Blastoise. You cannot reduce more than 40 damage in this way.

[.] Skull Bash During your opponent's next turn, reduce all damage done to Blastoise by attacks by 20. If Blastoise is not damaged by the end of your opponent's next turn, Blastoise does 50 damage to the Defending Pokémon.

[W][W][C] Cannon Blast 30+
Discard as much [W] Energy attached to Blastiose as you like. This attack does 30 damage plus 40 more damage for each [W] Energy attached to Blastoise.





Lucian's Gallade Lv. 48 120 HP
(P) Stage 2
Evolves from Lucian's Kirlia

PokePower Intuition
Once during your turn (before your attack), you may use this Power. Place one card from your hand face down on the table. Your opponent guesses whether that card is a Pokemon, an Energy, or a Trainer, Supporter, or Stadium. Show the card to your opponent, then put it back into your hand. If your opponent guessed wrong, draw 2 cards. This power can't be used if Lucian's Gallade is affected by a Special Condition.

(F)(C)(C) Double Charge 50x
Flip 2 coins. This attack does 50 damage times the number of heads. If both are tails, you may switch Lucian's Gallade with one of your Benched Pokemon.

Weakness: (P)+30 Resistance 0 Retreat Cost (C)



I would reveal 2 cards, the second best card in the set and one of the more popular Pokemon, like Darkrai or Pikachu, 1 month before the set was released, and release the cards in blister packs with 2 booster packs from the newest set, and 2 facedown cards from the promo set. Then, I would reveal the best card in the set 1 week after it was released, along with reviews of the card from players.
USERNAME: EnsignMerlin

Team Rocket's Eevee 60HP [C]

Basic Pokémon

PokéPower: Adaptable Evolution
One per turn, before you attack, you can discard 1 Pokémon that evolves from Eevee or Team Rocket's Eevee. If you do, Team Rocket's Eevee can use 1 attack from the discarded Pokémon during this turn. This effect can't be used if Team Rocket's Eevee is affected by a Special Condition.

[.] Tackle 10
Retreat Cost:[C]


LEADERSHIP QUESTION:Answer this question. Say you had a small promo set from Japan, waiting to be transferred to America. How would you release these cards to maximize interest and profit?

I would reveal a few(2-3) hype generating cards online then release them in special packs of either 1 booster and a promo card or 2 boosters and 3 promo cards, all promos would be unrevealed within the packaging. After selling the packs for a couple weeks then the site would be updated with the full list of cards. I would wait to update the site so that people would buy more packs early on to discover what is in all the packs, then once that excitement would die down I would update the site so collectors would know what's missing from their currently obtained cards.
I think that I'd be interested in joining as a player.

User Name: Godzfirefly

Signiture Card:
Sneasel Lvl 25; HP 60 [W] (Shiny)
Basic Pokemon
[W] Bitter Wind: Select one of your opponent's Benched Pokemon. The opponent may choose to either switch that pokemon with the Active pokemon or discard 1 card from his or her hand.
[C][D] Feint Attack: Choose 1 of your opponent's Pokemon. This attack does 20 damage to that Pokemon. This attack's damage isn't affected by Weakness, Resistance, Poke-Powers, Poke-Bodies, or any other effects on that Pokemon.
Weakness: [F]+10; Resistance: [P]-20; Retreat Cost: [C]

Favorite Pokemon: Snorlax

Leadership Question: I'd select 3-10 (depending on total set-size) of the more popular uncommon cards in Japan from the set and have new card-art designed for those cards. Then, I'd release a limited number of those new card art cards as 'prizes' for the Pre-Release of that set. In the meantime, I'd make sure the TOs and PTOs were aware of the promotion and have them create hype for those cards, also letting the PTOs decide how to distripute those 'prizes' at their Pre-Releases (as door-prizes, Top-cut substitutes, or at the PTO's discretion.)
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