Pokémon TCG: Sword and Shield—Brilliant Stars

Pokemon Snap Prize Cards


Active Member
Alright I have one more page that hopefully someone on here can translate. These cards are very rare and a lot of people probably have never seen them. They are called the Snap prize cards and I do not have much information on them but if someone could translate this page we might be able to open a new door for the collecting community:cool:

Here is the link,


If there is anyone who can translate the top of the page in the picture I would appreciate it very much. I am not sure what the text says, but hopefully it will give me, as well as other collecters more information on these mysterious cards :smile:
Has anybody got these cards? A dealer told me she had only ever seen one (not one set, one card) for auction
There was a Koffing card up on ebay from a U.K. seller a couple of months ago for $650 or something but yeah I have never seen a full set on ebay, it would be awesome to have. Only 10 sets exists according to Mozz from what I remember him mentioning.
yeah they are very limited, I wish i could at least see a set, but i really want to know the text in this book, I bet it has at least an ounce of information that would be useful
Scott, perhaps try emailing WPM, the webmaster of PokeBeach? I tried PM'ing him (and copied you in), but it just bounced back as he has too many PMs. I might also try Tego if we can't find anyone else but haven't noticed him on the 'gym for a while...
Hey dogma, just letting you know I'm going to ask my Japanese friend to have a crack at translating these too.
Hopefully something will come from it.
yes notice that it is from the game pokemon snap which came out then and they are called snap prizae cards because the pictures are of winning pictures taken in the game
yes that is true the attacks are the same but the illustrations are different which makes them very rare

Bulbapedia has articles on all the cards, as you can determine from following the links. Only the art is unique, as the attacks etc. have been copied from other cards.
thank you for that but I was actually seeing if someone could translate the top of the page. Thank you though for helping though
Hopefully I wont get told off for this, although the thread has been dead for 2 and a bit weeks.

Just to let people know that we now have a translation for this page thanks to my Japanese friend, the text at the top of the page reads (roughly):

These special cards were made as part of a campaign, which was in memory of the release of nintendo64 game "pokemon snap", a game where you become a cameraman and take photos of pokemon. The dreamlike contest was this, they selected the best photos contributed from the fans, and these photos were made into a pokemon card which was given as a prize for the winners.
Yeah I just stuck it here incase people didnt check the collectors thread but had been looking at this one.

I put it on your Facebook too so youre pretty much bombarded by it lol.
Yup, the phrase "dreamlike contest" makes me laugh even if it is just a weird translation.
I'm tried saving the pics of the other pages a few times but they dont work, your photobucket hates me lol.