Come Play At Your Local Pokémon League

Pokemon Video Game Showdown


Active Member
I just got an email saying that I earned a spot in the qualifer on the 19th in NY. I was kinda suprised as I thought I wasn't going to (1) get it today, and (2) earn a spot at all. I am happy that I got an invite, but am worried if I manage to get a spot in both World Championships. Oh well, I guess I will have a interesting dilemma if I manage to qualify for both.

Has anyone else recieved their invite via email?

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i didn't sign up for it. i was going to, but if i can't use my best pokemon and stuck using lv. 50 pokemon, y bother.
My son got his this evening. We really didn't think he would be selected given the numbers that must have registered online. Now, Mom and Dad need to figure out if there is any way we can really squeeze in a trip to NY between Nats and Worlds! Woah boy.....

Can anyone in NY tell me about the venue - the Altman Building? Are there hotels nearby? Is it near the Pokemon Center, NY?
Pokemon Center was replaced with Nintendo World Store. It is in the Altman building. Great summer this year, go to Nationals, then the Video Game tournament, and finally, Worlds!
Oh really? You've met all of them? =/ Don't bash people....

Well, I do not know exactly how the invites were distributed, but unless there was some LEGITIMATE test of skill involved (none of that "Match a Pokemon to its Type" bull), it's not really a stretch to say that the expected competition at the NY/LA tourneys will be lower than it should be.
How can you say that when you don't know them? You cannot make an argument like that based on 0 facts.