Pokémon TCG: Sword and Shield—Brilliant Stars

Pong To Hugs.


Active Member
I'm sure there are a few here on this board who were around in 1972 and were able to play the first successful video game on the Atari video game system by the name of Pong. I'm also quite positive that none of us at that time would have even considered that within a generation, how much a part of our lives video games will have become, and the influence it holds - especially with the young and impressionable. It's hard to walk into either a grocery or department store and not have some sort of video game influence - snacks, clothes, toys, and even furniture has designs influenced by video games. And I'm sure that's not the only influence video games have shown today. Many of us here have met a lot of our friends due to the pokemon card game, and at least one person here on pokegym admits that pokemon saved his marriage! What a wild ride from Pong to today's world!

Just the other day, I was waiting in a KFC joint when a conversation broke out between a cute little girl and her mother. It was kinda hard not to listen in, since it was happening right in front of me. The little girl politely asked her mom if it would be ok to get some "Angry Bird" stickers from the vending machine that was just across the counter from me. Her mom says, "sorry honey, I have no change. I had to use my bank card to pay for our dinner." The little girl didn't look disappointed or anything, and didn't cry but I just figured it would be nice to help out, so I dug in my pocket and held out 2 loonies to the little girl. With a great big smile, she took the change and thanked me, without being prodded by her mom. I thought that would be the end of it, and didn't want to make a big deal of anything, so I went back to just minding my own business and waiting for my food. As they were walking away, the little girl said, "that was really nice of that man to give me that money." Then she stopped her mom, and ran back to me and gave me a quick little hug, then caught up to her mom on the way out of the store. I have to admit, it sure gave me a smile.

Funny, but that's not the only situation I've been in that's game unique. I've had people stop me and admire the pokemon shirt I'm wearing. I'm hoping that the hundred or so times that's happened that I could be a good ambassador for the game, and pokemon in general. Case in point, I had the opportunity to chat with a new doctor the other day, and he noticed my Pokemon Professor jacket. He asked if it would be ok to take a picture with me, because he thought it would make his son's day that ... dad had met a real live pokemon professor! Apparently they had a real heart to heart conversation about delaying the boy's pokemon journey for a few more years until he's 11 or so, before he goes out to try to capture any pokemon. He figures he won't be ready to leave home until then. Amazing how much influence games have on the young.

I've also seen tons of kids with 3DS machines walking around and playing their games at doctors offices, and malls, and other stores and restaurants. It seems that a lot these days have Super Smash Bros. I ask them if they're gonna get the new pokemon game this month, and every one of them has said yes - many with excited expressions. Hey, even I'm excited. This is the first time ever for me that I've preordered (and totally paid for) both versions that are coming out, long before the game is going to be released. You can tell that even for me, certain video games hold a big place in my entertainment world. I gotta hand it to you TPCi, and Pokemon Labs. You certainly kept our attention over the years. I hope you're around for many more to come. Maybe it'll result in more hugs.

Do you have any stories to show the influence video games have on your life? By all means, let's hear them!