Pokémon TCG: Sword and Shield—Brilliant Stars

Presidential Race Discussion (Romney NOOO!!!)

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I think if Obama takes the Democratic party nomination he will almost certainly win the general election. A lot of people just seem to be excited about him, regardless of whether they're familiar or agree with his policy. And they want change; yes we can.

If Hillary wins the nomination it will be a much closer presidential contest. A lot of religious and fiscally conservative Republicans aren't thrilled with McCain, but many of those same people will go out and vote for him just because they don't like Hillary Clinton, barring a legitimate third party alternative.

Either way, I think you'll see more of your paycheck vanishing for stuff other people decided to buy [using your money], for your own good.
Yes, strong people don't ever cry! Men don't cry! If you're a good government official, you don't cry!:rolleyes:

I think that's some bad reasoning. Of all things you could be talking about, you want to talk about crying? Are you just listening to all the stories the TV news media are spoon-feeding you? Do some research. What about her destructive policies? With all the policies she supports and you want to criticize her for crying? (for example) She supports conscription, which is just nice way of saying slavery, and you want to tell us she's a bad government official because she cried? You don't like her because she did something that ninety-nine point-something percent of people have done at some point in their life?

If you'd like some evidence that crying or lack of crying has nothing to do with how good a government official is, think about all the brutal totalitarian dictators throughout history, who were not known for crying in public.

EDIT: Keep in mind that a rule of thumb for presidential campaigns is "there is a camera watching you all the time". You have to assume it. And if there is a camera watching you all the time, you are liable to be seen scratching yourself, picking your nose, something you don't want on camera, etc.

Yes strong people don't cry, a least not in public, not when someone isn't dead, dieing, or maimed. And don't say she was crying about the troops or anything like that because she wasn't. It does show weekness in the inability to completely control ones emotion. You can say "she only human" but i don't want the leader of the free world to be "only human" they have to in essence be above normal human emotions. They have to be completely in control of themselves and realizes whats right and wrong with a completely level head. and the fact that she can't completely control her emotion makes be doubt that she can do this. And this statement generally applies to most women thus i find that the odds of finding a suitable woman president are slim to none. I would be equally opposed to obama if he did what she did too don't get me wrong.

I honestly could care less about their policies untill i find that they are as a person fit for leading. Then and only then do i start to compare there policies and positions( unless i feel there positions on different issues goes completly against what i want and believe. Like i would never vote for huckabee because he doesn't believe in evolution, or for Geival because he is pro ***marridge.)
dang i misspelled one word. It really does show weakness, i mean we all spell every thing right all the time when writing on message boards.
Oh, back on topic, Alan Keyes is coming to speak to my school's college republcians! Niceeeee.
@TheCaptain: I don't think you responded to the last thing I said in my last post. The camera is on you the whole time. Can you really expect a person to go more than a year without crying?

Think about all the times politicians have been caught cursing because they thought it was safe (but in fact, there was a camera or microphone around).
Yes strong people don't cry, a least not in public, not when someone isn't dead, dieing, or maimed. And don't say she was crying about the troops or anything like that because she wasn't. It does show weekness in the inability to completely control ones emotion. You can say "she only human" but i don't want the leader of the free world to be "only human" they have to in essence be above normal human emotions.
What are these emotions going to do that's so bad?

They have to be completely in control of themselves and realizes whats right and wrong with a completely level head.
Are having emotion and being in control of oneself two mutually exclusive phenomena?

i would never vote for huckabee because he doesn't believe in evolution
That's his opinion. And why should it matter? It's not the president's job to enforce his opinion on evolution on us.
Yah, but the president does set some policy, based on what he does and doesn't do. Remember how close that Intelligent Design group got to legalizing teaching basically creationist science (an oxymoron at best), in public schools. I doubt that they would have even tried if we had someone less conservative in office (if you can even call pushing your religion on someone conservative).
Yah, but the president does set some policy, based on what he does and doesn't do. Remember how close that Intelligent Design group got to legalizing teaching basically creationist science (an oxymoron at best), in public schools. I doubt that they would have even tried if we had someone less conservative in office (if you can even call pushing your religion on someone conservative).

Santa Claus brings you presents
The Tooth Fairy fetches your teeth
Republicans take your rights away
And Dems make your bank account weak!
Santa Claus brings you presents
The Tooth Fairy fetches your teeth
Republicans take your rights away
And Dems make your bank account weak!

These days, seems like Repubs and Dems BOTH want to take your rights away (just different ones, depending on the party), and BOTH make your bank account weak (just the Dems want to do it faster).

ninetales1234 said:
That's his opinion. And why should it matter? It's not the president's job to enforce his opinion on evolution on us.
The only people in any position to have an "opinion" about evolution are biologists. And even then, that word might be inappropriate.
@TheCaptain: I don't think you responded to the last thing I said in my last post. The camera is on you the whole time. Can you really expect a person to go more than a year without crying?

Think about all the times politicians have been caught cursing because they thought it was safe (but in fact, there was a camera or microphone around).

What are these emotions going to do that's so bad?

Are having emotion and being in control of oneself two mutually exclusive phenomena?

That's his opinion. And why should it matter? It's not the president's job to enforce his opinion on evolution on us.

Politicians don't have the carmeras on them at all times. Like not while the sleep or are in the bathroom they could deffinatly take a time out there for a quick tear.

Not the fact that she has emotion but the fact the she can't keet them to herself. I can say that beople tend to act more and more irrationally the emotion they feel.

And even though it's his opinion( though i, like most people, consider evolution to be a fact) i feel that it makes the country look weak if he has that opinion, which most people believe to be wrong.
The argument that showing emotion in public is a deterrant to one's ability to run for office is such a crock. Seriously, get over yourself, Captain Absolute.

I can't wait to start campaigning for McCain!
Yes strong people don't cry, a least not in public, not when someone isn't dead, dieing, or maimed. And don't say she was crying about the troops or anything like that because she wasn't. It does show weekness in the inability to completely control ones emotion. You can say "she only human" but i don't want the leader of the free world to be "only human" they have to in essence be above normal human emotions. They have to be completely in control of themselves and realizes whats right and wrong with a completely level head. and the fact that she can't completely control her emotion makes be doubt that she can do this. And this statement generally applies to most women thus i find that the odds of finding a suitable woman president are slim to none. I would be equally opposed to obama if he did what she did too don't get me wrong.

I honestly could care less about their policies untill i find that they are as a person fit for leading. Then and only then do i start to compare there policies and positions( unless i feel there positions on different issues goes completly against what i want and believe. Like i would never vote for huckabee because he doesn't believe in evolution, or for Geival because he is pro ***marridge.)

Okay, I don't remember seeing Hillary cry. Her eyes watered up and her voice got shaky... but there weren't any tears. Bush has gotten watery-eyed in public [and yes, on tv] but people say "oh, what a good president, he cares about us!!". When a woman in a position of power does anything slightly emotional she is considered weak and unfit to do anything that you strong, macho, super men and masters of the universe do! How about [hypothetically] there were two candidates and one was a good, honest person who teared up and the other one was a psycho who didn't show emotion? You would choose the psycho? lolz! You need to read the what I bolded again outloud and seriously think dude.

BTW people can't control emotions COMPLETELY like you're saying. When the tears come to your eyes, then that's when they come. What did you expect her to do? Run off stage to hide the tears so she doesn't cry in public?