Pokémon TCG: Sword and Shield—Brilliant Stars

Proving that Stormfront made Blissey even more broken

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With the release of StormFront, Blissey has transformed into an even more destructive force. This is the proof of this... Lets show off the deck.

x2 Happiny(It's here for Blissey's Kind Egg so I don't need Claydol)
x4 Chancey
x4 Blissey

This is the simple strategy for any Blissey deck with the exception of Happiny... Which I've already classified why Happiny is in this deck. Now onto the Supporters.


x4 Buck's Training(2 Cards and +10 Damage is nice)
x3 Roseanne's Research(It's nice being able to get Basics or Energies if I need them.)
x3 Team Galatic's Mars(It's nice being able to get rid of one card from your opponent's hand)

Yes there is no Bebe's Searches in this deck because it doesn't need them. I use to run them but relized I never needed to use them. The trainer line makes up for this.


x4 Quick Ball(Does this need to be Justified?)
x4 Night Maintence(Of coarse this is an obvious one)
x4 PlusPower(Who doesn't like +10 damage)
x4 Poke Drawer+(These are AMAZING... and the chances of getting two in this deck are high)
x2 Great Ball(Good to get Happiny out fast)

Okay there's the trainer line. All four of these trainers are amazing in their own right... but I bet your wandering, What's the other four cards? I bet your trying to guess it.... Well THIS IS THE ONE THING FROM STORMFRONT THAT MAKES BLISSEY BROKEN BEYOND BELIEF...

Pokemon Tools(4)
x4 Energy Link

This trainer makes Blissey UNSTOPPABLE... Two Happiny'd Blissey's on the bench and one out and bounce energies back and forth using Kind Egg twice and then hitting them with attacks...

Now I want to make this EVEN faster, which I think is impossible as it is, becuase it is super fast as it is.

x2 Call Energy
x13 Basic Energies
I don't see anything stopping you from using another 2 Call... and playing one more Happiny could greatly increase your damage output...

I would reccomend removing the TGMs for them, but I've never played Blissey, so I wouldn't know if it's THAT good of an idea...
I'd axe two Night Maintenance for a Luxury Ball and a Felicity's Drawing. Also I'd axe two Basic Energy for two Call Energy.
Good luck...
-3 Basic Energies
-3 Team Galactic's Mars
-2 Night Maintenance
-4 Poke Drawer +
-1 Buck's Training

+1 Rayquaza
+4 Poke Healer +
+4 Bebe's Search
+2 Call
+1 Warp Point
+1 Luxury Ball

and for the Energies go with 5 :fire: and 5 :lightning
No need for Bebe's Eric.... And I don't have Healer's is why I'm not running them... I will use them once I get them. I don't see why to take out the Drawer+ though. Maybe 2 more calls is a good idea...

Eric what's with the Rayquaza? I mean it's good but I just don't see the point of using it in a Blissey deck?
Rayquaza gets OHKOs with ease whereas Blissey doesn't. It is also a great Energy Link partner-- get the energy with Blissey's attack, then switch to it when you need a OHKO. Or it can work the other way around, with Rayquaza fetching the energy with Speed Gain and feeding them to Blissey so it can do more damage.

This is what I'd run:

2 Happiny
4 Chansey
4 Blissey
1 Chatot (MD)
1 Rayquaza

4 Pokehealer (when you get them)
4 Quick Ball
4 Felicity's Drawing
4 PlusPower
4 Energy Link
3 Roseanne's Research
3 Bebe's Search
2 Warp Point
2 Night Maintenance
1 Time Space Distortion
1 Luxury Ball

4 Call
6 Fire
6 Lightning

Or something along those lines. Bebe's is still needed here IMO because you won't always be grabbing Blisseys from your Quick Balls and even with Felicity's/Kind Egg there is still no guarantee you'll be able to keep them coming without it. Mars is useless in a format with rampant Claydol and Buck's is not that great either. With Kind Egg you should definitely not need that many straight draw Supporters anyway.

Also, I hate to be a downer but Blissey does not fare well against Gengar, Dusknoir or Machamp, all of which will definitely be seeing play at Cities. The ghosts resist you and without a counter stadium line-up, Ectoplasm will eventually kill you before you can draw all 6 prizes. For that you should consider getting a Lunatone (which could also help you get energy in the discard when needed) in or something, or some generic Speed Stadiums. Gengar also gets to hit you for 60 with a single energy and will likely do a fair amount of damage when it chooses to Poltergeist considering how many trainers you run. Machamp simply has the type advantage and would likely rely on Hurricane Punch to wear you down although Regirock + Stark Mountain could lead to Rage coming into the equation sooner and that attack will OHKO you when Machamp has as few as 4 damage counters on it. The lv. X also allows Take Out to get a OHKO on you for a single energy.

How do you plan to deal with these threats?
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2 Happiny
4 Chansey
4 Blissey
1 Chatot (MD)
1 Rayquaza

4 Pokehealer+ (when you get them)
4 Pokedrawer+
4 Quick Ball
4 Felicity's Drawing
4 PlusPower
4 Energy Link
3 Roseanne's Research
2 Warp Point
2 Bebe's Search
2 Night Maintenance
1 Luxury Ball

4 Call
5 Fire
5 Lightning

my take, hope that helps
I ran a blissey deck for BRs. I'd like to say it did well and is broken but that would be lying about how good blissey actually is. My Blissey deck ran Weavile and Drakrai. Weavile for energy acceleration and darkrai for extra damage. While I think Blissey is now better because of energy link I also think that without the darkrai weavile combo, blissey needs too many energies to do a consistent amount of damage enough to win a game. as it is without plus power and buck's blissey does a base of 30 damage and then an extra 10 for each energy. so with 3 energy blissey does 60 damage which is not the ideal amount of damage.

on a side note if you are going to run a deck that is pure blissey i would agree that going with a rayquaza tech in is a great idea for those times where blissey just doesn't cut it an also you can recover faster with rayquaza by attaching an energy link to it and your new blissey that takes the place of the dead blissey.
For machamp, do your best to get OHKOs on their bench via warp/blower, or try to heal with healer or scoop up, or use rayquaza or something
Alright I guess teching in Quaza will be nice to use against Machamp & Gengar. And Fluffy yes my name is Dustin.. Thanks for the help you guys.
Doesn't devoluter not work on Lv. X's though? I mean I thought you couldn't target the Level X or the Evolution under it... Or at least that's what I was told.
So? TM TS-2 is beast against any deck that uses Rare Candy. And what do you mean Bebe's isn't needed? 3+ Bebe's is a staple in every deck.
Eric it takes up space that isn't needed... I use to run them and I never chose to play them... Bebe's ISN'T needed IMO.
Bebe's is for consistency. You can get away with not running the max 4, but I would still run 2-3. Again, Quick Ball is not always going to net you Blissey and neither is your draw power. Oftentimes it will, yes, but in the instances that it doesn't, you at least know you have Bebe's to fall back on. The fact that it can get any other Pokemon (Chansey and Rayquaza if you add it) is only a plus.
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