Pokémon TCG: Sword and Shield—Brilliant Stars

RR Box ratio question

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New Member
So since RR prereleases are this week and next, I was wonderign if anyone has gotten an idea of the ratios of the Level X, Secret Rares, and Reprints. Is it the standard 2/1/1, or are the ratios more fitting of the set?

I figure since Stormfront had 5 Lv. X(2 per box), and Majestic Dawn had 4(1 per box), we'd see around an average of 3-4 Lv. X a box(RR has 9). there are twice the amount of secret rares(6, Rotoms+Charons Choice) so there should be two of those as with 3 there are per box. So the ratio should look something like 3 or 4/2/1


NOTE: I didn't mention the Pikachus as their number aren't any different from the past sets(3 Reprints)
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don't forget the pikachus.

9 lv xs, 3 Pikachus, 6 rotoms + Charons
there should be definitely 2-3 lv xs a box.
1 rotom and maybe 1 pikachu. Charons is probably going to be like Time Space Distortion 1 every 3 boxes or so.
well, i got 2 x's out of 14 packs, but its not the same as a whole box. out of 18 people at the PR i went to, there was 9+(im gonna say 10) X's pulled, 3+ Rotoms pulled, 0 Charons pulled, and 2+ Pikas pulled. so 8 packs per person, do da math.
It's 2/2/1. Judging a pre and handing out the six sets of packs to a groups of people and watching the first 12 pull this ratio. Obviously there is some degree of error as it is possible to get more or less as seen with prior sets.
The box I saw opened differed. I think the normal ratio is 2 Lv.X, 1 Rotom, 1 Pikachu.

Either way, 2 lv.x in a set that has 9 lv.xs, more than any set ever (and probably ever will) is just disappointing. I thought for once I might buy a box or two of a set. I guess that isn't going to be happening. Too bad nobody can buy the quicker cheaper solution (JPN cards) anymore. eBay here I come!

edit: Just because Pikachu and Rotom are out of set rares, doesn't mean they are worth anything. They will probably even out at around $5-10 a piece.
Yep. I've busted open my judge compensation box, and it is definitely 2 Lv. X, 2 Rotom, 1 Pikachu.

Ewwwww..... :frown:

That's awful. I am sorely disappointed. I was told that they try to keep the rarities the same. The only thing this does is make ever Lv. X worth much more. I would of expected 3 Lv. X, 1 Pikachu, and 1 or 2 Rotom Cards, but 2 Lv. X is a bit weird as all sets with 8, 9, or 10 have 3 per box.

I know that they try to keep the Lv. X/Ex Ratio at you getting 1 in every 3 boxes. There have been a few sets where it went to 4 boxes, but I am not sure other than UF if there has been a set that has gone to over 4 boxes to get all the Lv. X/Ex but UF also had 13 Ex's in the main set, so that is why. This set has 9, and takes 4 1/2 boxes to complete a Lv. X set which to me is a lot of boxes to get them. This will as stated increase the prices for the Lv. X's which is going to hurt the smaller players since they can't even use the Japanese cards anymore starting in September. :nonono:

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Wow, it sucks to here that the ratio is unchanged, especially with the increase in the "Rares"(Lv. X, Secret Rare, Reprints) in this set :/
I thought they would have helped out the player base some by going 3-4 lv.x's per box, especially with the recent decision to ban foreign-language cards in the near future. Guess not. Shouldn't have been surprised either.
May I mention some GOOD things I noticed at the pre-release?

More trainers all around. I saw a lot more trainers pulled from packs. Trainers make the world go round and are the #1 problem I see with non-competitive players' decks.

Fantastic uncommons. Infernape/Alakazam/Leafeon/etc are just fantastic uncommons that can be made into a decent deck if you have the lv.x to go with it. I haven't seen so many deck worthy uncommons in a long time.

Onto the main topic, I also thought there would be 3 lv.xs per box, but I kind of knew deep down that I was just getting my hopes up. Nintendo is a company which wants to make money. They don't print playable promos. They aren't worried about competitive players having to spend even more money now, actually they probably love it.

The only thing you can do if you disagree with their practice is to stop buying packs. Show them how you feel with your wallet, the only thing a company is going to understand.
May I mention some GOOD things I noticed at the pre-release?

More trainers all around. I saw a lot more trainers pulled from packs. Trainers make the world go round and are the #1 problem I see with non-competitive players' decks.

Fantastic uncommons. Infernape/Alakazam/Leafeon/etc are just fantastic uncommons that can be made into a decent deck if you have the lv.x to go with it. I haven't seen so many deck worthy uncommons in a long time.

Onto the main topic, I also thought there would be 3 lv.xs per box, but I kind of knew deep down that I was just getting my hopes up. Nintendo is a company which wants to make money. They don't print playable promos. They aren't worried about competitive players having to spend even more money now, actually they probably love it.

The only thing you can do if you disagree with their practice is to stop buying packs. Show them how you feel with your wallet, the only thing a company is going to understand.

Oh that's cool, so the things like SP Radar and such won't be as hard to get? That's pretty awesome. Yay for those being uncommons, I was under the impression that they'd be rares.
Yeah, 2/1/1 is kind of disappointing, but it's whatever. We'll manage like we always have. If nothing else, vote with your wallet.

Thanks for the information, everybody.
Just MHO, but the randomization of these boxes seems odd to me. I also saw a number of packs where at least one card in the pack was upside down. Seemed like at least 2-4 packs per box had that.
The 2/2/1 seemed right to me at my PR on Sunday. It might be possible that the distribution ratios were already in place before the JPN ruling was made, so we might not see a change in card ratio til the next set.
Why surprised about the sucky ratios? This was to be expected as they want us to keep spending money on hard to get cards. :nonono:
Yep, it's 2 Lv X, 2 Rotom, 1 Pikachu from my experience.

But as Prime said, the good news is that it isn't hard to get SP Radar, the Supporters, SP Energy, or Upper Energy.

The choice of Rare/Holo Rare/Uncommon does seem a bit weird. I mean, Infernape 4 is an uncommon and Floatzel GL (not the LV X) is a Holo Rare???
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