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Sarah Palin is a "pitbull" - My thoughts on Palin and why she should be ridiculed.

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... to me how God would be against freeing the Jews from Nazi Germany? Because the only way to do so was through war.

Let us not congratulate ourselves too much here. It is highly unlikely that we would have declared war on Nazi Germany to free the jews. We ended up in that war *ONLY* because the Japanese attacked us and they were allied with Germany.

Do you think any of the allied powers would have declared war on Germany if Hitler had simply decided to handle the jews before he went to war?
Let us not congratulate ourselves too much here. It is highly unlikely that we would have declared war on Nazi Germany to free the jews. We ended up in that war *ONLY* because the Japanese attacked us and they were allied with Germany.

Do you think any of the allied powers would have declared war on Germany if Hitler had simply decided to handle the jews before he went to war?

It's very interesting how that unfolded. The Roosevelt administration at the time felt very guilty that the country was doing nothing about Hitler and was probably looking for an excuse to enter World War Two. The the attack on Pearl Harbor finally convinced the isolationists to support the United State's entry. Arguably the United States actually knew that the Japanese would attack Pearl Harbor and that they let it happen so that they could enter the war.

It's not out of the realm of possibility. FDR was able to keep his polio secret, wasn't he?

I personally think it's part of a worldwide masonic conspiracy, but whatever.
It's very interesting how that unfolded. The Roosevelt administration at the time felt very guilty that the country was doing nothing about Hitler and was probably looking for an excuse to enter World War Two. The the attack on Pearl Harbor finally convinced the isolationists to support the United State's entry. Arguably the United States actually knew that the Japanese would attack Pearl Harbor and that they let it happen so that they could enter the war.

It's not out of the realm of possibility. FDR was able to keep his polio secret, wasn't he?

I personally think it's part of a worldwide masonic conspiracy, but whatever.
:nonono: someone's been watching too much National Treasure... :rolleyes:
You've opened a can of worms with this one...

1.) McCain only met Palin once before selecting her as his running mate.

Doesn't Matter, she was vetted, and she's currently causing Obama/Biden to quake in their boots. Why do you think the media is basically using Daily Kos diarist posts as news? They've got nothing.

2.) Palin's experience is being mayor of a town with only 9,000 people and being the Governor of one of the least densely populated states in the country.

Obama's experience is "organizing communities" that were just as poor and destitute when he stopped organizing them, voting "present" in the Illinois State Senate on everything except infanticide [mayors don't get to vote "present"], and spending his entire time in the US Senate running for President. In a small town, e.g. where most Americans live, everyone knows who you are and expects you to listen to them.

3.) The Republican Party tries to play this off as being a lot of experience.

It's more Executive (as in, Executive Branch, the Branch of the Presidency) experience than anyone else on the ticket, including McCain, who at least commanded the largest squadron in the Navy.

4.) Palin sites the fact that Harry Truman was "just a haberdasher" before becoming president. This is wrong. The man had been a Senator for Ten years.

Palin is using this to point to Truman's actually running something. The only thing Senator's run is their mouths. Haberdashery is a real job, not a series of committee meetings.

5.) Palin accuses Obama of flip-flopping, but she was videotaped flip-flopping on the bridge to nowhere in a debate.

She initially thought her constituents wanted it. Then they informed her they didn't and she switched accordingly. WHen you're a mayor, that is called doing your job, e.g. representing your constituents. Meanwhile, Obama flip-flopped on FISA, so apparently, if you are a Dem, his talk of opposing "domestic spying" was a lie.

6.) Palin (basically) said that John McCain was the only person in the election who had done anything to help the country, because obviously Joe Biden serving in the Senate for thirty-six years, which is longer than McCain's House and Senate terms combined, doesn't count for squat.

She was talking about military service. Everyone else in the country figured it out, how did you miss it?

7.) Palin argued that Barack Obama's past job of "community organizer" did not require any actual work in her speech. I decided to wiki the phrase. As it turns out, famous people like Martin Luther King and Jesse Jackson were also community organizers. I now know why Jesse Jackson was hospitalized today.

Martin Luther King was a Reverend by trade. Civil Rights was part of the deal. Obama's community organizing is that of Jackson and Sharpton, he is a grievance-monger and shakedown artist. Martin Luther King tried to lift people up, Obama only managed to make the Daley machine richer.

8.) Palin call's congress "do nothing," and blames the democrats, but it's quite obvious to anyone with an IQ above seven that this isn't because of the democrats, it's because of the divided government.

Then you don't have an IQ above seven, or you would know the Democrats control both the House and Senate, and still have not made good on a single promise they made in 2006. So far all they've done is made non-binding resolutions and refused to pass a responsible energy bill when gas prices were over $4/gallon. Reid and Pelosi are incompetents, that is why they share an approval rating that is 1/3-1/2 of President Bush.

9.) Palin acts like McCain is a guy that puts the country ahead of politics, even when he's spent the past few months (and I'd argue a huge chunk of his campaign money) launching a never-ending stream of attack ads directed at Obama.

And Obama is an innocent lamb? Please, Obama has been alleging McCain is a racist ever since he wrapped up the nomination.

10.) Palin says McCain is a maverick, even though he's basically sided with Republicans on the vast majority of issues. The only things that he disagrees with most republicans on are Global warming and drilling in Alaska.

And Amnesty. And McCain-Feingold. Don't get me started on my beefs with McCain.

11.) Palin wants to drill in the Alaskan wildlife refuge, which McCain doesn't want to do.

So they have a disagreement over a minor part of energy policy, big deal.

12.) People claim that Palin has foreign policy experience because Alaska is near Russia.

She has regular dealings with Canada, our largest trading partner, and is within missile range of Russia. This still isn't much foreign policy, which is McCain's strength anyway, but Obama has zip and Biden has a record of being wrong a lot.

13.) It is so obvious that McCain picked Palin as his running mate just to have a young woman on the ticket that can win over angry Clinton supporters that it is laughable.

And her reform stances by fighting her own corrupt party officials. Picking a VP is an inherently political calculation anyway, so "making fun" of this proves your ignorance of how the system works. Not everyone is stupid like Obama and reveals their VP pick at 3AM on a Saturday via text message.

14.) Palin basically said this.

Not anywhere I've seen.

15.) Palin and McCain both seem to think that this will work.

Yes, picking things that work is usually a smart thing to do when you want to win an election.

16.) Palin used to be (and arguably still is) attractive almost to the point of being John McCain fan service.

She's also incredibly smart, hard-working, reform-minded, and family-oriented. I imagine you wouldn't complain if Hillary were less ogre-ish.

17.) Palin has a child with Down's syndrome, which should raise the question of whether or not she'll be preoccupied with taking care of her son. Instead, everyone is just amazed she didn't get an abortion.

Nobody asks whether Barack will be able to take care of his 9 and 6 year old daughters, and unlike Hillary, Palin has a husband who isn't a philandering louse. Her kids will be fine. Besides, the VP mostly just goes to the functions the President doesn't want to.

18.) The camera kept showing one of her children licking her hand and playing with that child's hair.

AHA! A Seven year old showing affection for her 4-month old brother! You have them now!

19.) Palin has a son about to go into Iraq, but the look on her son's face when she announced this was perturbed almost to the point of being priceless. Until he snapped out of it an realized that he needed to stand and clap, of course.

What's next Mr. Psychoanalyser? It's not like her son can see what CSpan is doing through a Jumbotron. McCain also smiles a lot, this must mean he is secretly planning a diabolical world takeover, it's so obvious to the point of being priceless.

20.) Palin's pregnant daughter is an excellent example that abstinence-only education works.

By the same token, all pregnant teens whose birth control failed are all excellent examples that comprehensive-sex education works.

21.) Apparently the two are getting married, which is the obvious impulsive decision to make after making one that got you pregnant.

Or perhaps, Captain Clairvoyant, that was their plan all along, and you, although not knowing the first thing about these people, deign yourself to know their motives better for some reason.

22.) Five bucks says that the two won't go through with the marriage, or that they'll get divorced.

I'll put down twenty that says that given you don't know these people or their family, that you're wrong on this one.

23.)Palin's spokesman originally said that Palin's daughter was not pregnant.

I'm pretty sure the spokesman said Sarah Palin wasn't pregnant with Trig, since the Kos-inspired fabrication at the time was that Sarah was covering for her teen daughter.

24.) Apparently the McCain campaign knew about all of this when they offered her the place on the ticket.

So which is it, was she or wasn't she vetted. This clashes with your first assertion.

25.) Five bucks says that McCain didn't know about it.

This clashes with your above assertion.

26.) It took Palin six years to get a bachelor's degree, and she switched schools five times in the course of doing this.

She still got it, didn't she? So it hardly matters.

27.) Her major was Journalism.

Wouldn't matter if her major was Rocket Science. Given your post, you've taken the words of journalism majors that are obviously lying to you at face value. Apparently, Journalism isn't that unimportant a major.

28.) Claims to be the person for ethics reform, but is under investigation for firing the commissioner who refused to fire her sister's ex-husband.

It was probably the fact the trooper in question sent a death threat to her father, tasered his own 10 year old son, and had various other breaches of conduct. But I guess you didn't read that far in.

29.) If McCain gets Cancer for a fifth time and dies, Palin would be President.

That's generally how it works if the President croaks. If Biden has a third brain aneurysm, he might croak too, and Obama will be stuck without an experienced VP to guide him. Palin is still more qualified than Obama. Palin is a political neophyte one heartbeat away from the Presidency. Obama is the heartbeat. I'll take a mayor, governor, and mother of 5 over a terrorist-coddling, corruption-enabling lawyer any day. McCain's contingency is superior to Obama's Plan A.

30.) Palin is trying to sell herself as a maverick republican, but at the convention delivered one of the most bogus, polarizing speeches that the world has ever seen.

Compared to St. Barack? Do you not know what a political convention is about? The VP is supposed to serve as the attack dog for the top of the ticket in most general elections, and quite frankly, Obama deserved a good hazing after his goon squad in the media fabricated so many rumors about Palin. He had it coming to him. The Presidency is above Obama's paygrade.

31.) I can probably come up with more things to add to this list.

If they are as intelligent as your current list, I fear we may not get any value from them.
I don't want to delve into my opinions, but as of now I'm still supporting Obama, thought Biden was an awful VP pick. Going for "Change" with a Senator of 30 years. Give me a break. The VP shouldn't make or break an election, though.

Well some people believe in God First, Family second and job third. I am not against a woman president or VP but this woman has a family to raise. Many of them are young. Too young. The most important person in a child's life will be his /her mother. And now lets see what else there is . She has a teenage unwed daughter and she is the one that voted to cut funding for them. I could go on and on but not tonight. Got to go here some convention so I can make an informed decision.

Reiterating what Mr. Rudy Guliani said, has anyone ever asked this about a man running for Pres/VP?
Deck Knight: That was supposed to be a list of things that are funny about Sarah Palin, not reasons why you shouldn't vote for her. Hence, mentioning things like Palin's daughter licking her hand and wiping her little brother's head with it? I could come up with lists just as amusing about Obama, Biden, or McCain if you asked me to.

Although I can understand how you misinterpreted the purpose of the list.

Thanks a lot for getting me into this mess, jkwarrior. :rolleyes:
Deck Knight: That was supposed to be a list of things that are funny about Sarah Palin, not reasons why you shouldn't vote for her. Hence, mentioning things like Palin's daughter licking her hand and wiping her little brother's head with it? I could come up with lists just as amusing about Obama, Biden, or McCain if you asked me to.

Although I can understand how you misinterpreted the purpose of the list.

Thanks a lot for getting me into this mess, jkwarrior. :rolleyes:
I would love to hear them, but I have this feeling that mods might think they're spam. Palin and Biden were both bad VP choices though. Obama's all about 'change' so he picks a guy who's been in Washinton for over 30 years. They you have McCain who is percieved as too old, so he picks someone young.
obama's pick of biden was to counter the repubs claims of his 'inexperience' with foreign policy, imo. mccain's pick of palin was to pander to the fundamentalists: as soon as the pick was announced, focus on the family came out and endorsed mccain...=/

obama's pick of biden was to counter the repubs claims of his 'inexperience' with foreign policy, imo. mccain's pick of palin was to pander to the fundamentalists: as soon as the pick was announced, focus on the family came out and endorsed mccain...=/

He does bring experience, but Obama has been the 'change' candidate, so picking someone who has been in Washington so long goes completely against that.
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